Friday, May 31, 2019
William Ramsay Essay -- essays research papers fc
William RamsayWilliam Ramsay was born on the second of October, in the year 1852. William, and his parents, William and Catherine, lived in Glasgow, Scotland. William Ramsay performed his work in his native town, until 1870 when he went to Tbingen and earned his doctorate in 1872. When returned to Scotland later that year, he became an assistant chemist at the Anderson College in Glasgow. Eight years later, he was appointed principal and professor of chemistry at capital of the United Kingdom University, which held until his retirement in 1913.Ramsays earliest works were in the field of organic chemistry. In his early experiments he showed that the alkaloids are related to pyridine, which he synthesized in 1876 from acetylene and prussic acid. Some of his first work was related with the study of a new Bismuth mineral, which was only recognized as a metal until the eighteenth Century. William Ramsay also verified Roland Etvs law for the constancy of the rate of change of molecular su rface energy with temperature. Ramsay published his work in treaty to Dobbie, on the decomposition products of the quinine alkaloids. William was very successful and submitted many contributions to physical chemistry, being mostly on Stoichiometry and Thermodynamics. He also commenced the 1880s with his work with Sidney Young on evaporation and dissociation.In 1892, a British physicist named Lord Rayleigh asked chemists to explain the difference bet...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Sartre and the Meaning of Human Existence Essay -- Sartres Existentia
Where the Meaning of Human Existence is Located According to SartreThe word philosophy comes from Greek and literally means love of wisdom. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines philosophy as a critical study of fundamental beliefs and the grounds for them. Both explanations of philosophy are correct and cover. The meaning of human existence has no such concrete answer, but in this paper we will examine where Sartre believes it to be.Sartres existentialism is a philosophy, which deals with man. It responsibilitys that man is that which he makes of himself and that he has to make his make choices in a state of anguish. Man chooses in anguish, because he has no external guidelines to help him and must rely on his own morals and beliefs. Man chooses completely want he wants to do. His existence depends on this. And this is where I believe Sartre locates the meaning to mans existence. According to Sartre mans existence only takes on meaning through his constituteions.The Sar trian existentialist finds it extremely troubling that beau ideal does not exist because with Him vanishes all hope of finding values in an intelligible heaven. As Dostoevsky once said, If God did not exist, then everything would be permitted.(pg 22) Sartre claims this to be the existentialist starting point. This is the reason that Sartre talks about anguish, because one cannot find anything to depend upon either within or outside himself. It must necessarily appraise that man is to be forlorn he cant find anything to depend upon either internally or externally. He therefore lacks excuses. We cannot explain our actions in terms of or in reference to...given and specific human nature. (pg 23)This rules out of the possibility of predetermination. ... ...ialism is that one must first make a choice and then act upon the commitment, according to the formula that Sartre provides us with. For the existentialist, hope is a passion that gets him nowhere. He must face life in his abandone d state, with courage and self-affirmation.Sartres existentialism is whimsical in its individualistic outlook, its detachment, its lack of reliance of an outer code to manage behavior, and its emphasis on mans self-reliance. Existentialism, as exemplified in the work of Sartre, deals with fundamental issues of life and how he finds mans existence within the choices and actions that define him. Since Sartre believes that there is no transcendent this theory causes man to be alone. Man has only himself to fall back on. Man makes his own future through the actions that he makes. This is where man is defined, and his existence finds meaning.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Aspects and Impacts of Generational Diversity Essay -- Law Enforcement
Aspects and Impacts of timesal Diversity This paper examines several aspects of generational diversity and its impact on law enforcement organizations. As the law enforcement profession prepares to move into the emerging it must also make ready for a changing of the guard, which leave alone soon take place. The Traditionals and Boomers absorb been joined by two younger and vastly different generations of employees who bring new perspectives to law enforcement. This paper briefly discusses a few of the characteristics most commonly associated with each generation and how generational diversity will CREATE CHANGE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT ORGANIZATIONS. AFFECT RECRUITING ACTIVITIES. AFFECT HOW TRAINING IS VIEWED BY MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL. REQUIRE NEW SKILLS AND MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES TO MOTIVATE A respective(a) WORK FORCE. RESULT IN CHANGING THE DYNAMICS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT AND CULTURE. Managing generational diversity will be a challenge that wil l keep a tremendous impact on the future of law enforcement. Organizations will adapt out of necessity, to meet the challenge of successfully integrating four generations. decision maker SUMMARY generational diversity is an emerging issue for law enforcement. Todays workforce is different from any other in history at one time that four generations are working side-by-side. Law enforcement managers will have to learn to recognize the changing dynamics of personnel and develop strategic new approaches to gaga problems. Traditionals were simply grateful for jobs and focused on stability, they were not inclined to question authority. Boomers inherited the need for stability and wanted a better life galore(postnominal) focused so much energy on work that it became their identity. Generation X was the first group to question authority, they want to be involved in the decision making process and are unwilling to wait until retirement for their rewards. Generation Y also wants to be more involved in decisions, have more flexibility, and like Generation X see work as the means to support their lives, not as a basis for self-image as the Boomers did. seminal new recruitment and motivational techniques become critical as the number of applicants drop and the need for qualified personnel increases. Younger members of Generation X and Generation Y are becoming more and more val... ...or Smaller Police Departments. Goodrich, J. (2004, Summer). Making the Most of Generational Differences Electronic version. The Criminal Justice Institutes concern Quarterly. Hatfield, S.L. (2002, Jul/Aug). Understanding the Four Generations to Enhance Workplace Management Electronic version. AFP Exchange. 22, 72-74Homer. (800 B.C. V 700 B.C.) The Iliad. Epic Greek poem.Lancaster, L. & Stillman, D. (2002) When generations collide. New York Harper BusinessLeo, J. (2003, November 3). The good-news generation Electronic version. U.S. News & field Report. 135 (15) p60, 1p, 1c Segal. (2002, February). Providing public sector services in a time of change The total rewards perspective. Electronic version. Public Sector Letter. 2-4.Southard, G. & Lewis, J. (2004, April). Building a Workplace That Recognizes Generational Diversity. Public Management (PM) Magazine. 86 (3) Retrieved October 14, 2004 from http//, B (2002). Managing the generation mix, four generations in conflict excerpt video overview. RainmakerThinking, Inc. Retrieved October 22, 2004 from http//www
I am a rock :: essays research papers
I am a thrillWhen reading or listening to poetry, the master(prenominal) objective for me is to feel moved. Happiness, longing, sadness are some of the feelings that can be achieved just by listening to others words. It is within these words that creates another world, or separates us from our own. Words all have a certain kind of attachment to them, so if used properly an originator can stimulate a endorser beyond belief. Simon and Garfunkel were just those kinds of poets. Their words were able to stimulate an emotion with most of their readers. Simon and Garfunkel are one of my favorite artists, and in my opinion one of the most prestigious lyricist of their time. In their song, I am a rock, they are able to make you feel and straits for someone who avoiding emotional attachment, and instead of doubting what it might be like, using their words to but you in their place. From the first stanza of this song, you get put into a scene. You go almost straightaway that it is ab out someone, and it is the philia of December, but without stating the obvious, it paints a more illustrated picture for you. The first line states, A winters day, in a deep and ghastly December and I could almost immediately feel a cool breeze around me. When I normally think of a winters day, I think of people play in the snow, and having a good time. This may be because I grew up in Southern California where in that location has been a lack of snow, but in my head, that is what I imagine. Having them state, in a deep and dark December, turns my attitudes to the more pessimistic way of looking at things. The range of a function of children playing in the snow in my head has now turned to cold and dark emptiness. Reinstating my idea of emptiness, the next line follows with the simply statement, I am alone. Personally, I hate beingness alone. So to have the opening words place us in a deep and dark setting, and so state that you are alone, automatically puts me in a negative mindset. Then to further instate his isolation in the next stanza the storyteller admits to being the source of his seclusion. The narrator claims to put walls around him, but thus goes into it more to say, A fortress deep and mighty.I am a rock essays research papers I am a rockWhen reading or listening to poetry, the main objective for me is to feel moved. Happiness, longing, sadness are some of the feelings that can be achieved just by listening to others words. It is within these words that creates another world, or separates us from our own. Words all have a certain kind of attachment to them, so if used properly an author can stimulate a reader beyond belief. Simon and Garfunkel were just those kinds of poets. Their words were able to stimulate an emotion with most of their readers. Simon and Garfunkel are one of my favorite artists, and in my opinion one of the most influential lyricist of their time. In their song, I am a rock, they are able to make you feel and questio n for someone who avoiding emotional attachment, and instead of questioning what it might be like, using their words to but you in their place. From the first stanza of this song, you get put into a scene. You know almost immediately that it is about someone, and it is the middle of December, but without stating the obvious, it paints a more illustrated picture for you. The first line states, A winters day, in a deep and dark December and I could almost immediately feel a cool breeze around me. When I normally think of a winters day, I think of people playing in the snow, and having a good time. This may be because I grew up in Southern California where there has been a lack of snow, but in my head, that is what I imagine. Having them state, in a deep and dark December, turns my attitudes to the more pessimistic way of looking at things. The image of children playing in the snow in my head has now turned to cold and dark emptiness. Reinstating my idea of emptiness, the next line fol lows with the simply statement, I am alone. Personally, I hate being alone. So to have the opening words place us in a deep and dark setting, and then state that you are alone, automatically puts me in a negative mindset. Then to further instate his isolation in the next stanza the narrator admits to being the source of his seclusion. The narrator claims to put walls around him, but then goes into it more to say, A fortress deep and mighty.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Shakespeare’s Richard II Essay: Search for Identity in Richard II
Search for Identity in Richard II Shakespeares Richard II tells the story of Richards flow from power. Being dethroned by Bolingbroke forces Richard to confront the limitations and nature of his power as king. As audience members, we follow Richard on his journey of self-discovery, which enlightens him even as his life is tattered by Bolingbrokes revolt. Paradoxically, it is in utter defeat that Richard comes closest to understanding what it is to be human. Unfortunately he is unable to accept life as an ordinary shell after having tasted what it means to rule. For Gods sake, let us sit upon the ground, And tell sad stories of the death of kings- How some have been deposed, some slain in war, Some pursue by the ghosts they have deposed, Some poisoned by their wives, some sleeping killed, All murdered. For within the hollow crown That rounds the mortal temples of a king Keeps Death his motor hotel and there the antic sits, Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp, Allowing him a little breath, a little scene, To monarchize, be feared, and kill with looks, Infusing him with self and vain conceit, As if this flesh which walls about our life Were brass impregnable and humored thus, Comes at the last, and with a little pin Bores through his castle wall and farewell, king. Cover your heads, and mock not flesh and blood With solemn reverence. Through away respect, Tradition, form, and ceremonious duty, For you have but mistook me all this while. I live with bread, like you feel want, Taste grief, pauperization friends. Subjected thus, How fucking you say to me I am a king? (III.ii. 151-1173) The above speech expresses nicely Rich... ...n is, With nothing shall be pleased till he be eased With being nothing. (V.v.38-41) Richard can never bring himself to be eased with being ordinary, with being what he sees as nothing and so he can never live as a subject instead of a ruler. It is perhaps significant that when he dies he seeks to return to the only id entity he really knew, that of a ruler, and warns that Exeter, thy fierce hand / Hath with the Kings blood stained the Kings own land (V.v. 109-10). He has accepted intellectually the transient nature of kings power and understands he can no longer possess even that, yet in death he reaches for the only identity he ever really held, that of infrangible monarch. Works CitedShakespeare, William. The Tragedy of King Richard The Second. William Shakespeare The Complete Works. Ed. Alfred Harbage. Baltimore Penguin Books, 1969.
Shakespeare’s Richard II Essay: Search for Identity in Richard II
Search for Identity in Richard II Shakespeares Richard II tells the story of Richards fall from power. universe dethroned by Bolingbroke forces Richard to confront the limitations and nature of his power as king. As audience members, we follow Richard on his journey of self-discovery, which enlightens him even as his life is shattered by Bolingbrokes revolt. Paradoxically, it is in utter defeat that Richard comes closest to understanding what it is to be human. Unfortunately he is unable to accept life as an ordinary subject aft(prenominal) having tasted what it means to rule. For Gods sake, let us sit upon the ground, And tell sad stories of the death of kings- How some have been deposed, some slain in war, Some haunted by the ghosts they have deposed, Some poisoned by their wives, some sleeping killed, All murdered. For within the hollow crown That rounds the mortal temples of a king Keeps Death his court and on that point the antic sits, Scoffing his state and grinning at hi s pomp, Allowing him a little breath, a little scene, To monarchize, be feared, and kill with looks, Infusing him with self and vain conceit, As if this kind which walls about our life Were brass impregnable and humored thus, Comes at the last, and with a little pin Bores through his castle wall and farewell, king. Cover your heads, and mock not skeleton and blood With solemn reverence. Through away respect, Tradition, form, and ceremonious duty, For you have but mistook me all this while. I live with bread, like you feel want, Taste grief, need friends. Subjected thus, How rat you say to me I am a king? (III.ii. 151-1173) The above speech expresses nicely Rich... ...n is, With nothing shall be pl travel till he be eased With being nothing. (V.v.38-41) Richard provoke neer bring himself to be eased with being ordinary, with being what he sees as nothing and so he can never live as a subject instead of a ruler. It is perhaps significant that when he dies he seeks to return to the only identity he authentically knew, that of a ruler, and warns that Exeter, thy fierce hand / Hath with the Kings blood stained the Kings own land (V.v. 109-10). He has accepted intellectually the transient nature of kings power and understands he can no longer possess even that, yet in death he reaches for the only identity he ever really held, that of absolute monarch. working CitedShakespeare, William. The Tragedy of King Richard The Second. William Shakespeare The Complete Works. Ed. Alfred Harbage. Baltimore Penguin Books, 1969.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Lvmh Case Study
The key question in this case is can LVMH persist in to successfully manages of its different brands while making certain(predicate) they are all profitable. I like the focus that the company puts on its star brands. Focusing on the brands that continue to grow and bring in clams will help the company stay profitable. While focusing on the star brands is a good schema it is far from all that LVMH needs to do to be a successful entangled. It appears that in the fashion world human resources are the most valuable asset that a company can have, and LVMH needs to do a much better job treasuring these assets.The conglomerate damages its image and its profitability by mistreating its creative talent. The conglomerates image is damaged because key creative personnel, which in a sense are the face of the different brands, leave and publicize wherefore they left which tarnishes the conglomerates image thus making it harder to attract the best talent in the market. The conglomerates pr ofitability is jeopardized because they lose the designers that tally the products that make the companies profitable.LVMH could strengthen their relationships with the smaller companies by creating incentive programs that not only insure based on volume of sales but incentive programs that compensate based on sales growth and maintained profitability. With this new incentive program the company would have more than opportunity to recognize the Michael Kors of the company. LVMH should focus more on economies of scope. In some cases like advertising it appears the conglomerate uses its size and power to reduce the cost to the individual companies however I feel that the conglomerate could do much more to reduce costs and increase profits for the firms.They could be using their negotiating power to force suppliers into lower prices. They should encourage the individual companies to imprint together and provide ideas for each other this way they can strengthen relationships among t he companies and create a more unified feel for the conglomerate. Finally LVMH should make sure that they are avoiding managerialism. They need to make sure the companies that are acquired are actually valuable to the conglomerate as a whole and that they are not cannibalizing profits from one or more of the current companies.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
An Analysis of the Current Chinese Economy
Question 1 Was China victorful in implementing sparing municipalises?The Chinese economic Reform was no doubt a success as the economy of the republic continued to increase its Gross National Product annually in the past decade. The various phases that involved the economic clear up were in a circular course. It was composed of expansion, retraction and then consolidation after a campaign of political rectification had been undertaken (Hu). The drastic changes in the economic state of China can be attributed to certain reasons. But in a nut shell, the success of the economic reforms can be attributed to the Chinas policies which pushed the Chinese to bring out and optimize their abilities and resources. It is the Chinas willingness to accept foreign investors to have business in their country.Question 2 What are the factors that require the Chinese economic growth?The first specific reason would be the open door policy. The open door policy allowed and welcomed foreign investo rs and endorsed foreign investiture and trade. This same policy has provided skills training, capital, and latest technology, among others to the Chinese people. It also gave much employment opportunities for the Chinese (Finkelstein and Gunness). On the other hand, it also brought competition in the local market. Fortunately, these domestic competitions has caused the workers and local businessmen to become efficient and pushed to manufacture quality products and consumers.In addition, the Chinas decision to join the World Trade brass section provided wider opportunities for the Republic. The disconfirming effects of the foreign competition that could be brought to the countrys economy were controlled by imposing gradual reduction of import Tariffs. World Trade Organization or WTO is an international organization which plans and implements economic and trade policies among its member nations. Its main aim is to make sure that there will be a imperturbable flow of trade as freel y as it can be.Question 3 What is the role of the Chinese Communist Government in this economic reform?At present, China promotes superiority of local officials and even the plant managers, in the field of agriculture (Mann). That system allowed small businesses to have greater varieties of their products and even change magnitude the trade and investment from non-state members or foreigners.Since the economic reforms were implemented, the economy of China has drastically boomed. It has substantially grown faster as compared to the time when the reform was not withal implemented.For example, in 2004, there was an original measurement of 9.5 percent Gross Domestic Product Growth but revising the figure would mean 10.1 percent invest of the GDP. More so, the average yearly GDP of China has grown to 9.6 percent between 1979 and 2005.The statistics only implies that every year, China, has manifested growth in its economy. The production has increased which actor the national income w ould also bloat of its amount. The increase in GDP would also mean more employment opportunities among Chinese and more business ventures for the businessmen, even the pocket-size ones (Curley and Thomas).The rapid economic growth of China is worth note taking. The socialist market economy could be an answer to the long before economic problems of the third world countries. Who would have thought that the Chinese Economic Reform would drastically change the economy of China? The concept of economic development is not a utopian one. A country could always has its economic leap if it is open to the changes it entails, just like what China dideven by bit by bit. germCurley, Melissa, and Nicholas Thomas. Advancing East Asian Regionalism. Politics in Asia Series. London New York Routledge, 2007.Finkelstein, David Michael, and Kristen Gunness. Civil-Military Relations in Todays China Swimming in a New Sea. Armonk, N.Y. M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2007.Hu, Angang. Economic and Social Transformati on in China Challenges and Opportunities. London New York Routledge, 2007.Mann, Jim. The China Fantasy How Our Leaders Explain Away Chinese Repression. New York Viking, 2007.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Simulated business: JKL Industries Essay
Business and strategic planningMissionJKL Industries is an Australian owned company selling forklifts, small trucks and sp ar parts to intentness. We deliver prize to customers and investors with our highly trained, motivated, and expert workforce.VisionJKL Industries believes in developing and unlocking the potential of its people to allow the company to become the leading supplier of forklifts, small, medium and large trucks in Australia.Company valuesperformance excellenceValue for investors, customers and employeesPersonal and passe-partout developmentDiversitySustainability.Strategic planningGoalsStrategic objectivesOperational objectivesProvide value to investors and ownersIncrease overall profitability by 10% over next three yearsReduce costs by with(predicate) negotiations with suppliersReduce costs finished HR management efficienciesIncrease revenue through providing increased customer valueExit underperforming markets JKL provide withdraw from the rental market and close the rental division in spite of appearance the next 18 monthsHR partners with business to help business achieve financial goals HR completes scan of external conditions and market/industry forces impacting competitiveness and capability developmentProvide value to customersJKL will continue to sell and service forklifts and expand their market share by 7% inside the next 1218 months Provide quality customer serviceJKL will expand existing branches to include the sale of medium and large trucks within 18 monthsHR partners with business to help business come across customer postulate HR partners with front line managers to help them meet the needs of customers through motivated, competent and well- equipped staffDevelop human potentialProvide required trainingDeliver training to upskill rental employeesRecruitConduct skills audits and needs analysis for all roles to be filled by recruitment strategyBecome an employer of choiceProvide personal development plans for all emplo yeesProvide best(p) in industry programs incentives and HR servicesManage performance and adherence to organisational valuesComplete twice-yearly performance reviewsCommunicate organisational values and code of conduct forever improve operations and management efficiencyMonitor performance in all areas of strategy and practicable efficiencyMonitor management inputs such as completion of reporting and coaching requirementsMonitor stock turns of forklifts, trucks, etc.Monitor HR service delivery efficiencyOperational planJKL intends to implement operational plans to realise strategic objectives. Key aspects to operations include human resources, performance management, physical and financial resources and workflow. clement resourcesThe organisation is currently victimization a HR business partner model with a human resources officer aligned to each of the three key business areas Sales, fleet rentals, and service. JKL employees over 190 staff office in the following categories as d emonstrated in the organisation chart below.The Managing Director reports to a board of directors and is based in the Sydney corporate office, along with the operations Manager, HR Department and the Finance and Administration team. The HR Manager reports to the operations manager and heads up the HR centres of excellence that include recruitment, learning and development, and employee relations and services. In each of the state-based sites there is a branch office consisting of an office building, storage warehouse, service department and sales office. The Human Resources steadrs (Business Partners) report to both the HR Manager at Head Office and their respective managers in the branches. A summary of human resources at each location appears belowSydney head officePersonnel30 full-time and casual sales and customer service people (8 sales consultants 8 retail sales consultants 5 mechanics 3 apprentices, 3 HR officers 3 administrative assistantsAccounts Manager and 2 accountant ssenior management team (3) + one Branch Manager (Operations Manager, HR Manager, Finance and Administration Manager chief executive officer and managing directors.BranchesEach branch employs the following personnel30 full-time and casual sales and customer service people (8 sales consultants 8 retail sales consultants 5 mechanics 3 apprentices, 3 HR officers 3 administrative assistantsBranch Manager.Office requirementsSydney Head officeSize 15,000 square metres (70% lay available for sales and rentals 25 available for servicing) Large mezzanine office space (occupied by Senior Management Team). Loading bay with large capacity.Branches modal(a) Size 12,000 square metres (70% space available for sales and rentals 25 available for servicing) Large mezzanine open-plan office space with separate opening (was previously rented out to a telemarketing company)Loading bay with large capacity.Operating seat of government requirementsJKL requires approximately 13 million dollars in workin g capital to sustain the business and ensure it meets all opening and ongoing financial obligations.Operational expensesWages, salaries$6,000,000Consultancy fees$150,000Communication expenses$120,000Marketing$2,400,000Premises expenses$3,000,000Insurance$356,000Depreciation and amortisation$540,000Office supplies$180,000Training$180,000Total Expenses$12,926,000Insurance requirementsJKL will have to incur costs for business liability insurance. The estimated cost for this requirement is $356,000 per year. Operational workflowSales1. talk terms with suppliers.2. pay off and warehouse products.3. Provide service and information to customers.4. Receive payment.5. Arrange delivery of items (if required).Rentals1. Conduct market research to determine needs.2. Negotiate with suppliers.3. Receive and warehouse rental products.4. Provide service and information to rental customers.5. Receive payment.6. Arrange delivery of items (if required).Service1. Conduct market research to determine ne eds.2. Negotiate with suppliers.3. Receive and warehouse service supplies.4. Provide service and information to service customers.5. Receive payment.JKL accepts cash, EFTPOS and major credit cards. Credit terms are available for trades.Operating hoursJKL operates Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. JKL will be operational yearround except federal and state holidays (as they apply to each branch).JKL policies and proceduresJKL has a number of policies and procedures to fend its core values and to ensure compliance with legislative requirements.Code of conductJKL Industries acknowledges its role as a responsible corporate citizen. JKLs success will result not simply from satisfying specific equipment needs for a quality product at reasonable prices, but from conducting its business with integrity and in accordance with the core values of the organisation.Employees and officers of JKL are expected toRespect and support the core values of the organisationPerformance excellenceValue for investors, customers and employeesPersonal and professional developmentDiversitySustainabilityRespect others and treat others (colleagues, managers, reports, clients, customers and organisational stakeholders) with fairness suffice in accordance with germane(predicate) polity, steps and industry codes of practice Act honestly to protect the account of JKL avoid the fact or appearance of conflict of interest Protect the privacy of others in accordance with organisational privacy and recordkeeping policies.Legislative requirementsIt is company polity to agree in all respects with local/state/federal government legislation. The relevant legislation that needs to be complied with includes Competition and Consumer Act 2010Disability discrepancy Act 1992Equal Employment Opportunity for Women in the clipplace Act 1999 Fair Work Act 2009Freedom of Information Act 1982 covert Act 1988racial variety Act 1975Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988Sex Discrimination Act 1984 State and territory health and refuge legislationJKLs policy of compliance with legislation requires each employee to understand the legislation relevant to their position. Managers and employees of JKL are expected to conduct their operations in a manner tenacious with all relevant legislation. relevant legislation is available for reference through senior management, HR or via access to the internet. State legislation and summary notes are accessed on state government websites. A guide to accessing federal and state legislation, court decisions, key national and state bodies and research tools is available at parliament of Australia, Key internet links on Australian law, viewed January 2014, .Health, safety and rehabilitation policyThe purpose of this policy is to state the organisations committedness to reducing and managing health and safety risks, and delivering workers compensation and rehabilitation and first aid training. This policy applies to all officers, employees an d contractors of JKL.Applicable legislation includesSafety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cwlth)Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW)state health and safety Acts that apply to each branch (check your states legislation) Workers Compensation Act 1987 (NSW)Workplace hurt Management and Workers Compensation Act 1988 (NSW). The JKL health, safety and rehabilitation policy are displayed in all work locations. JKLs cargo to the work health and safety is further detailed as part of the JKL Work Health and Safety Management Standards.Workplace harassment, victimisation and bullying policyThe purpose of this policy is to underscore the organisations committedness to the elimination of all forms of bullying and harassment in the workplace. All employees have the right to conduct their work within a fair, supportive, high-performance surround. Harassment, victimisation and bullying in the workplace are illegal and such actions are not tolerated by JKL. Staff members found to be harassing or bullying other members of staff or customers will face disciplinary action ranging from counselling and performance management to summary dismissal. This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL. Relevant legislation whitethorn include, but is not limited toDisability Discrimination Act 1992Equal Employment Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 Racial Discrimination Act 1975Sex Discrimination Act 1984Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW).Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity policyThe purpose of this policy is to underscore the organisations commitment tothe fair interference of all personnel and customers. JKL Industries values the diversity of its team, clients and communities and respects the rights of individuals and groups to operate in an environment free of discrimination. Access and equity (diversity and anti-discrimination) is fundamental to the operations of JKL. It is embedded in policies, practices and forward planning. JK L recognises the importance of diversity in achieving our vision. JKL understands the business environment and actively assists customers to reach their optimal potential. Our primary objective is to be solution-oriented and concentrate on customer needs. JKL recognises that valuing diversity is pivotal to achieving its vision. A welcoming, supportive environment will be provided leading to positive learning and employment, and individuals having the opportunity to reach their optimum potential.At JKL, anyone engaged in employment or the provision or receipt of training and/or services has the right to operate in an environment that is free from discrimination on the grounds of age breastfeeding disability industrial activity lawful sexual activity marital status physical features governmental belief or activity pregnancy race religious belief or activity sex gender identity sexual orientation agnate or carer status employment activity or personal association with any individual s with these characteristics. Procedures are in place for handling any grievances including complaints of discrimination, unfair treatment or harassment. Complaints will be taken seriously and every effort will be made to resolve them quickly, impartially, empathically and with appropriate confidentiality. Victimisation of complainant/s and witness/es is illegal. Complaints whitethorn also be lodged with a relevant government agency or regulatory body. This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL. Relevant legislation may include, but is not limited toDisability Discrimination Act 1992Equal Employment Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 Racial Discrimination Act 1975Sex Discrimination Act 1984Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW).JKL is committed to upholding affirmative action, equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation. This legislation is detailed atLegislation, Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission, viewed January 2014, .Privacy policyThe purpose of this policy is to outline JKLs commitment to protecting the right to privacy of both employees and customers.Customer information is set under the following rules.1. CollectionOrganisations moldiness ensure that individuals are aware their personal information is being collected, why, who it might be passed on to and that they can engage the organisation what personal information it holds about them.2. UsePersonal information may not be collected unless it is necessary for an organisations activities and must only be used for the purpose it was collected.3. information qualityOrganisations must take steps to ensure that the personal information they collect is accurate, complete and up-to-date. 4. Data securityAn organisation must take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.5. nudenessAn organisation must have a policy document outlining its information handling practices and make this available to anyone who asks.6. Access and correctionGenerally, an organisation must natural spring an individual access to personal information it holds about the individual on request.7. IdentifiersGenerally, an organisation must not adopt, use or disclose an identifier that has been assigned by a Commonwealth government agency.8. AnonymityOrganisations must give people the option to interact anonymously whenever it is lawful and practicable to do so9. Transborder data flowsAn organisation can only transfer personal information to a recipient in a foreign country in circumstances where the information will have appropriate protection.10. Sensitive informationSensitive information (such as about someones health, political opinions or sexual preference), may only be collected with the consent of the individual (unless a public interest exception applies). JKL takes care to respectemployees to privacy and fully complies with our obligation s under relevant legislation. Employee records are exempt from the Privacy Act.Records includeemployee records and personnel filesreferee reportsworkplace surveillance and monitoring.Although such records are exempt from the Privacy Act, JKL commits to protecting the privacy of employees through providing access to own records where available or practicable for correction undertaking not to pass on data to others or external parties except for the stark purposes of undertaking JKL business or without express permission. This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL.Relevant legislation may include, but is not limited toPrivacy Act 1988Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000.Recordkeeping policyThe purpose of this policy is to outline the organisations approach to recordkeeping. At JKL, records management systems are based on developing and implementing recordkeeping policies, procedures, and practices to meet the operational needs of the organisation and that comply with externally imposed standards such as legislation. Implementation strategies for recordkeeping systems include ensuring the system to meets all of the operational and strategic needs of JKL documenting the system (see procedures)training personnel to create and store recordssetting standards for recordkeeping and monitoring the use of systems ensuring all legislative requirements are met, including for retention periods. JKL adheres to the Australian and international standard for recordkeeping, AS ISO 15489 2002 Records Management. This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL. Relevant legislation may include, but is not limited toPrivacy Act 1988anti-discrimination legislation.Recordkeeping proceduresFile managementCreate a personal subfolder within the server (using your name as the subfolder name) to hold your day-to-day working files. Do not store company data on your C drive (i.e. do not save work only to your computer, rather than to the network) unless absolutely necessary. Company data should be stored in the appropriate server drive. different the servers which are backed up automatically, data on your own computer is not backed up and your work may be lost if you go out a system crash. If you use a laptop and require access to files offsite, you will be set up with remote access to server files extraneous from the office. When documents are completed, they should be saved to the appropriate completed work folder in your department.FilenamesFilename should include authors last name, deed of report (or abbreviated title of report), and date of submission. Back-upsBack-up copies of all electronic files on the server are made twice weekly. If you spend an extended time away from the office network using a laptop, it is your responsibility to ensure local copies of company files are backed up. Vocational education and training, apprenticeships and traineeships policy The purpose of this policy is to underscor e JKLs commitment to developing workforce capability and developing its people. JKL is committed to providing young and new graduates in gaining employment in the industry. Apprentices and trainees are rostered on each shift with at least one vocationally competent person who supervises the apprentice/trainees work and performance of duties. JKL directs all clients to the relevant guide to apprenticeships and traineeships and the relevant government websites.This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL.Performance management policyThe purpose of this policy is to underscore JKLs commitment to monitoring performance, developing workforce capability and developing its people. Performance reviews should be held twice yearly by managers. Performanceshould be monitored against agreed KPIs and feedback provided on a regular basis. This policy applies to all officers, employees and contractors of JKL.Relevant legislation may include, but is not limited toPrivacy Ac t 1988anti-discrimination legislationequal employment opportunity legislation.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Should We Spend Time In The Sun?
Sunbathing and acquiring a solarise topaz is getting much and more popular nowadays. Researches show a trend of getting suntan, just for fashion and good-looking, as they consider suntans to be healthy and attractive. Especially in the strip of teenagers, no matter boys or girls, who mostly do this because of avocation their idols appearance or even as a habit or an obsession (Source 1 and 2). Because of this, more and more people tend to spend their holidays afield as to get a suntan by holidaying in hot countries and employ sunbed.Between 1971 and 2001, the number of trips had increased form 4. millions to 38. 7 millions, making a huge difference of over 9 times (Source 3). Also people atomic number 18 spending a lot of money to create fake tan and to use sunbed. Unfortunately, researches show that people who sunbathe show a higher risk of getting clamber tincer, and the earlier they start, the higher the risk (Source 2 and 4). From the researches, I can see that in recen t years, more and more people are willing to spend money on using sunbeds and creating fake tans (Source 2), so the income and popularity of these businesses increases.Also, a trend of holidaying in hot and sunny countries is shown (Source 3 and 4), creating more business opportunities for tourism in countries such as Italy and Spain. It is believed that spending time in the sun is the main cause of struggle cancer (Source 5 and 6). The energy from the sun contains Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and there are two types of rays that exist in it, which are Ultraviolet A (UVA) and Ultraviolet B (UVB). They impose on _or_ oppress DNA, the genetic material that makes up genes. Genes control the growth and overall health of skin cells.If the genetic damage is severe, a normal skin cell may grow abnormally in the way of cancer cells. UV can also cause sunburn, and opposite damage that makes the skin look prematurely old and wrinkled. That is why many protection attempts are taken, such as avoiding excessive exposure to the sun (Source 6), and using sunscreen to increase our protection, the higher the Sun Protection Factor (SPF), the higher the protection you get (Source 7 and 8) The chances of getting a suntan, sunburn or skin cancer depend on many agents.One of the main factors is your skin colour (Source 9 and 10), the darker your skin, the lower the chance of getting any of the above. The other factor is the Sun Protection Factor of the sunscreen you apply (Source 8). The more you apply and the higher the factor gives more protection, and this results in less solar energy absorption. other factor I found is the life expectation. Due in large part to advances in medical technology, life expectancy for newborns has increased continuously over the past 70 years, from 57. 1 years in 1929 to 77. years in 2004, and an increase of more than two years in the past decade. (Source 11)Life expectancy affects the amount of sun exposure in a lifetime, which causes a higher risk of getting skin cancer because of a longer time of sun exposure. On the other hand, moderate and sensible sunlight exposure can help prevent skin cancer and some other cancers. In the case of skin cancer, sunlight causes vitamin D to synthesize in the body, giving some protection from the risk. This production of vitamin D can act as an immunity retort from the body receiving Ultraviolet B rays from sunlight (Source 12, 13 and 14).Studies also show that people who get malignant melanoma but also have a high amount to daily sun exposure have a higher survival rate than people with less exposure. It is said that sunlight is more powerful than any drug, which is safe, effective and available free of charge (Source 12). I also found out that the amount of vitamin D our body need can be fulfilled by around thirty minutes in the sun each week (Source 15). Having some sunshine also affects our mood, as it stimulates the pineal gland to produce mood enhancing chemicals, called trytami nes in the brain (Source 14).The sun can also help you achieve a good look if you like a healthy suntan (Source 14). In my opinion, I think we should not spend time in the sun, because our health is very important, and we should never take the risk of having skin cancer, especially not because of the desire for a suntan and to sacrifice their health. I think it is a waste of money and time to sunbathe. As for the production of vitamin D in our skin, which can be easily fulfilled by a thirty minutes sun exposure each week, we can do that by just having a walk.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Different Ideas of Beauty
Exploring the different ideas of Beauty. Within a span of four months, we hold back searchd the idea of bang and the various definitions of it. We have learned that saucer shadower be interpreted in various way and found in anything. Like the saying goes beauty is the eye of the beholder, the notion of what is beautiful can be very subjective depending on the ones personal preferences at the same time we can have a collective evaluation and agree on something that every one considers to have some sense of artistic feel to it.In Edmund Burkes book the philosophical enquiry, he share his ideas on what is beautiful, when explaining the traits of the sublime. In his philosophical work on the sublime and the beautiful, he tries to explain the distinctive qualities of the two categories, thus giving a new idea of beauty to explore apart from the received kind. He explores the sense of beauty one finds in the vastness of things. Beauty in the fear of the unknown and greatness.Burkes p hilosophy shakes the conventional aesthetic attitudes of the people. For example, normally when we think of beauty, we associate it with things that provide us pleasure, however, burke forces us to get in touch with our other senses. He claims that the Awe moments created by things with great magnitudes and power, enforcing fear and excitement, the sense of an overwhelming feeling of astonishment can besides be considered to be beautiful.Additionally, studying the shock of the new, I personally have learned to appreciate and for a aesthetic attitude towards the visual art. Art is a means of communication for the artist to their audience. I learned that the notion of beauty can id different within this field as well, that not all art works are pleasing in to the eye.Apart from the collaboration of the colors, brush strokes, and frames, it is also the messages and the context the painting was created in that draws the people to it, regardless of if the painting is something anything that has a grotesque attribute. This leads to the poems of Mary Oliver, we read. Here she talks about beauty in nature, regular(a) in death, which is very peculiar. From this course, and the reading materials, I have learned that finding beauty in things, associating the term with anything is a difficult task.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Biological Psychology Essay
In take for one chapter 4, it is suggested that there is a special brain neck of the woods for the information seems, to what extend does the evidence in ledger 4,chapter 2 support this? Explain how the evidence shows that it would be an over simplification to assume that functional organisation of the brain is entirely genetically determined. In your assist state what other factor is more likely to be involved. (No more than 300words) Face actualization is an important specific function of human brain. Moreover, face recognition reflects the specialization nature of human brain. The efficient assisting of ocular stimuli finally leads to face recognition.Brain contains fast and dedicated circuits to perform relevant computations required for face recognition. Kanwisher and associates invented pointed face area (FFA) as potential brain centre for face recognition. The improved versions of the brain image scanning proved that FFA is solely answerable for face recognition. It extracts configural information about faces rather than processing spatial information on the sepa prise of faces. If the FFA is damaged due to injuries to the human brain, the affected patient cannot agnize the faces of even closest people or family members.However, most recent experiments suggest that FFA is also responsible for recognition of other body parts along with the face. As brain is powerful than a digital camera, at very high scanning resolution processed at this portion, the two separate sub parts will have specialized functions for recognition of face and other body parts. FFA is highly believed to be specialized region for face processing. This also reflects the fine scintilla structure of human brain and the relevance of recent digital scanning image techniques with high resolution power.Though the recent schools of thought came up with the linkage of several factors to the face recognition process, earlier there was a strong smell that it was solely decided by the genetic factors. The role of transduction i. e. the conversion of physiological stimuli to anxious actions and receptor potential and action potential is very significant in image processing and face recognition. The photoreceptors convert the light energy to neuronic images. In this way there was over simplification of genetic basis of functional organization of human brain. (293 words). B)To what extent does the evidence from studies of the FFA support the idea that neural correlate of visual mind can be related to the FFA? ( Answer no more than 220words) It is highly proved that the neural correlate of visual consciousness is primarily responsible for the fusiform face area and face recognition. The fine grain structure of the brain facilitates visual consciousness of several neurons. Face recognition comprises of three stages. These stages have linkage to specific regions of the brain. It was found that the inferior occipital gyrus was particularly sensitive to slight p hysical changes in faces.Similarly, the right fusiform gyrus (RFG), and the anterior temporal gyrus (ATC), are believed to have connection with th neural processing of visual consciousness and face recoggnition. The sequence of light of transmission from receptor potential to action potential also supports the link between neural correllate of visual consciousness and FFA. At the same time, the role of photoreceptors in conversion of light energyy to neural image and retinal processing in the form of retinal ganglion cells contribute for the neural correlate of the visual consciousness which in turn is related to the FFA.The retinal ganglion cells have steady firing rate when visual stimulation is absent where as they exhibit alterations in firing rate durig visual stimulation. This also plays significant role in link between FFA and neural correlate of visual consciousness. (201 words). Question 2 This question relates to the material in book 4 chapter 1,2 and 3 A) State four fact ors that contributes to the response time of neuronal pathways, giving an explanation for each factor. Give an example of how one of these factors affects animate of transmission in the visual system (Answer no more than 200 words)In cases of FOK i. e. feeling of knowing the people will have a feeling that they know about a particular face but their brain doesnt make them to recognise. It becomes very common with aging of human beings. The difference in response times of neronal pathways is affected by these factors. It was found that the medial prefrontal cortex exhibited activity during the FOK state, but not when the subjects either knew or did not know a face. Possibly this reflects a state in which subjects were evaluating the correctness of retrieved information.Additionally, the anterior cingulate area became activated both in the FOK state and when subjects successfully retrieved a foretell but with some effort. The anterior cingulate area is associated with cognitive conf lict processes which allow a person to detect errors in automatic behavior responses. During the recall of personalised episodic memories frontal lobes involved in self-awareness and visual memory are actvely engaged . (156 words). B) With the reference to book 4, p. 51 figure 2.2 identify a location and role for each following i) receptor potential ii)synaptic potential iii)action potential, giving the main characteristics of each (Answer no more than 250words). Neurons, in general, maintain an electrical potential difference across their external membrane. It is caused by a contrastiveial distribution of electric charges across the membrane of the cell, living the inside of the cell membrane negative in comparison to the outside. The value of the membrane potential in a given nerve cell may vary from -40 to -80 in different nerve cells. In this process, neurons and muscle cells, can serve as a signaling mechanism.This also results in an stimulant drug signal which is known as synaptic potential. Receptor potential is also synonymous with synaptic potential. The excitatory potential is known as receptor potential. Similarly, an integrative signal, occurs mainly at the initial incision of the axon and the axon hillock. A conductive signal is also known as action potential and an output signal is positioned at the synaptic terminal. During the process of stretching, the duration and amplitude of sensory stimulus decides the duration and stimulus of receptor potential. The receptor potential will get converted to action potential at the trigger zone.The amplitude and duration of receptor potential decides the number and frequency of action potential. Action potential is nothing but the output signal of the neuron. The frequency and pattern potential firing will have remarkable impact on quantity of neurotransmitter released at the action terminal points. (219 words). C) The retinal ganglion cells in book 4 figure 2. 2 p. 51 have input from different types of chemical synapse. One of these cells is depicted schematically in figure 2. 3a. Explain how the input differ in their effects and how these different effects are produced . ( Answer no more than 200 words).As depicted in Book 4 Figure 2. 2, the retinal ganglion cells of human eye receive different forms of chemical synapse. They receive input from photo receptor cells like rods and cones, outer plexiform layers, inner plexiform layers, amacrine cells, bipolar cells and horizontal cells. In Figure 2. 3 a, the role of photoreceptors in supplying chemical synapse to retinal ganglion cells is depicted well. Different types of retinal ganglion cells encode different visual stimuli. The difference in visual stimulus is resulted by the type of receptor from which chemical synapse is received and the way in which these inputs are wired together.In the region of lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of thalamus, these retinal ganglion cells synapse. There are six layers of neurons in LGN and t hey receive input from one eye only. They comprise of two ventral layers called magnocellular layers and four dorsal layers known as parvocellular layers receiving different inputs. The retinal ganglion cells form the optic nerve in human eye. (163 words). D) Outline two types of neural interlock that you might find in the visual system and state the advantage of each (Answer no more than 100words).Two prominent types of neural net workings present in human visual system are magnocellular neural pathway and parvocellular neural pathway. They are also known as M pass and P channels respectively. Magnocellular pathway takes care of ventral portion and parvocellular pathway covers the dorsal portion receiving different inputs resulting in different visual effects. They end in lateral geniculate nucleus, visual cortex and visual chiasma. The advantage of magnocellular pathway is that it connects the 1st and 2nd layers of LGN. Similarly, the parvocellular pathway connects 3rd, 4th , 5th , and 6th layers of LGN. (95 words).
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Montagnais Tribe Essay
The Montagnais Tribe Summary and Analysis a. The myth comes from the the Montagnais tribe (also known as the Naskapi Indians), who are now called Innus (they have a lot of names) b. The location of the tribe during the pre-columbian era was in eastern Canada, in what is now Quebec. When the Europeans began dominating the Montagnais tribal lands, the Montagnais recognized that the Europeans could be of some use to them. They became quick allies with the french, and made a compromise with them to handle all of the tribes fur clientele in turn for protecting them against their enemy tribe, the Mohawks. c. Main characters Atachecam creator of the earth, the Montagnais dont know much about him Messou flooded the entire earth and rebuilt it, loves his lynxes musquash Brought back the piece of land that Messou uses to reconstruct the earth The Lynxes Messous beloved pets, dumb enough to get stuck in a lake d. The Montagnais tribe believed that the world was created by a powerful god named Atachecam. However, they dont know how he created the earth, nor do they know much about him.One day, Messou was hunting with his lynxes when the lynxes got trapped in a lake. Messou looked all over for them, but could not find them, until a bird came by and said that he had seen the lynxes going into the lake and that they were stuck there. Messou tried to go into the lake to turn in the lynxes, but he overflowed the lake and flooded the entire earth. Messou tried to send a raven to retrieve a piece of ground that he could use to rebuild the earth, but the raven was unsuccessful. Then he sent an otter to retrieve some ground, with the same results. Finally, Messou sent a muskrat to get land, and the muskrat returned successfully with a piece of ground. Messou rebuilt the earth, exacted revenge on whatever had been holding his lynxes, and married the muskrat to repopulate the earth.e. The Montagnais believed that the earth, or their land as they knew it, was an island tha t had been created by Messou when he flooded the earth, and that all of the materialization between the muskrat and Messou became ancestors of all of the current creatures of the earth (including humans.) In other words, the Montagnais believe that they were the original people on this land. f. The myth sounds vaguely familiar to the account statement of Noahs Ark in occurrence, in an altered version of the Innus creation myth, the Montagnais God commanded a man to build a large commodeoe, and then flooded the earth. In comparison (with the first story), Messou can be machine-accessible to Noah, although Noah was not the cause of the flood that God created.The fact that Messou married the muskrat to repopulate the earth could be connected to how, in saving all of the animals, Noah was fit to repopulate the earth after the flood. In this myth, there is nothing that would necessarily support the theory of the crossing of the Bering Strait, aside from the fact that there was a flo od, which very well may have occurred after the Ice Age in the Younger Dryas era, but the myth can definitely support the idea that the Montagnais were an original people. It certainly can be inferred that the creation myth could hold to some level of truth, (symbolically, of course.) g. What we can learn from verbal history, especially this myth in particular, is whether or not certain tribes are an original people or sub-cultures of other tribes. We may also be able to tentatively trace the immigration of these tribes back as far as the Ice Age or possibly even before. h. Bibliography Indians and Colonists, Inc. 2012. Web.Montagnais. Atlantapedia, Inc. 2012. Web. Montgnais Religion. Article Archives. 2012. Web.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Rawls Theory Essay
A contemporary philosopher, John Rawls (1921-2002), is noned for his contributions to semi policy-making and moral philosophy. In particular, Rawls discussion about ripeice introduced five important concepts into discourse, including the two rationales of justice, the accredited property and suppress of ignorance, reflective equilibrium, overlapping consensus, and public reason. What is interesting about these five contributions is how Rawls speculative thought has been apply by scholars across disciplinary lines, influencing such divers(prenominal) academic disciplines as scotchs, law, political science, sociology, and theology. A guess of justiceRawls to the highest pointedness famous march, A Theory of justness (1971), provides an introduction to this body of thought as considerably as slightly of its implications for moral philosophy. Like m each philosophers before him, Rawls foc utilize upon justice because of its substantive importance for organizing and gov erning rules of wander. The problem, however, involves defining what that term means theoretically (i.e., speculatively about organizing and governing participation) and practically (i.e., the consequences for pack and their lives). Generally, speaking, justice washbasin be defined in aneness of two ways. One definition emphasizes an privates merit or lack of it. According to this definition, each undivided must(prenominal) be inured exactly as one deserves. This merit possible action of justice, reflecting utilitarian ethics, uses merit to determine just how private appendages of association leave lowlife be rewarded or punished based solely upon whether ones endure is useful or harmful to society.The read theory of justice, which assumes that individual genus Phalluss of society should help those other members who ar most in need so as to redress their disadvantages, reflects the influence of natural law theory and Kants matt imperative. In this view, doing go od dictates that all member of society recognize that need entitles the most disadvantaged to some sort of special consideration and that the more advantaged must compensate the disadvantaged with the tendency of bringing them up to an acceptable level of advantage. Attempting to balance the demands posed by these rival theories, Rawls maintained that inequalities in society can lone(prenominal) be justified if they produce increased proceedss for the entire society and simply if those previously the most disadvantaged members of society argon no worse off as a result of any variation.An inequality, then, is justified if it contributes to well-disposed utility, as the merit theory asserts. But, at the same time, Rawls argued, antecedence must be given to the needs of the to the lowest degree(prenominal) advantaged, as the needs theory asserts. Thus, differential rewards ar allowed to the advantaged members of society but not because of any merit on their part. No, these rewards are tolerated because they provide an incentive for the advantaged which in conclusion leave alone prove beneficial to society (e.g., taxing the advantaged with the goal of redistributing the wealth to provide for the least advantaged). The original correctUsing a thought experiment Rawls called the original position from which agents behind a greater omentum of ignorance contain principles of justice to govern society, Rawls argued that two principles serve to organize society, the liberty principle and the difference principle. He rooted the original position in and extended the concept of social learn previously espoused by Hobbes, Rousseau, and Locke which made the principles of justice the object of the contract binding members of society together. In addition, Rawls advocacy of treating people only as ends and never as means rooted his philosophical speculations in and extended Kants categorical imperative. According to Rawls, a society is a cooperative venture b etween free and equal persons for the nominate of mutual advantage. Cooperation among members makes life better because cooperation increases the stock of what it is acute for members of society to desire irrespective of whatever else its members may want.Rawls calls these desires primary goods which include among others health, rights, income, and the social bases of self-respect. The problem every society must confront, Rawls noted, is that the members will oftentimes discord about what constitutes the good and how the benefits and burdens within society will be distributed among its members. Some believe, for prototype, that the good consists in blameless conduct which perfects the commonweal patch others believe that the good is discovered in the pursuit of individual happiness, at least in so far as the members of society define these terms. Some members believe that an individuals merit should determine how one will participate in societys benefits while others believe that society must provide the least advantaged extra assistance so that they will be able to share equally in societys benefits. If society is to exist and to endure in spite of these and other such differences, its members must derive a consensus regarding what minimally constitutes the good. What consensus requires in essential practice is that the members of society agree upon the rules which will govern them as a society and that these rules will be applied consistently. But, Rawls asked, just how would a society and its members go to sleep what constitutes a fair principle? And, how would it be possible to determine what is level-headed for every member to agree with?Thompson cites the example of welfare to make this point The growth of the welfare state of matter has often been explained and defended as a progressive recognition that government should provide certain benefits (positive rights) in order to prevent certain harms to citizens (negative rights). Yet its oppone nts claim that the welfare state violates the negative rights of other citizens (property owners, for example). (1987, p. 104) Rawls responded to this challenge by invoking the original position, in which representative members of a society would determine the answers to these difficult questions. That is, absent any government, the representatives would rationally discuss what sort of government will be supported by a social contract which will achieve justice among all members of society. The purpose for this discourse would not be to justify governmental authority but to identify the basic principles that would govern society when government is established. The chief task of these representatives would not be to protect individual rights but to promote the welfare of society (1971, p. 199).To this end, the representatives do not knoware veiled fromwhich place in society they will occupy. In addition, every factor which talent bias a finality (e.g., ones tastes, preferences, tal ents, handicaps, conception of the good) is kept from the representatives. They do, however, experience knowledge of those factors which will not bias ones decision (e.g., social knowledge, scientific knowledge, knowledge identifying what human organisms need to live). From this original position and shrouded by a veil of ignorance about their place in society, Rawls argued the representatives ultimately would select the principle of justice rather than other principles (e.g., axiological virtues, natural law, utilitarian principles) to organize and govern society. darn individual members of society oftentimes do act in their self-interest, this does not mean that they cannot be rational about their self-interests.Rawls argued that this is precisely what would occur in the original position when the representatives operated from behind the veil of ignorance. Freed from focusing upon ones self-interest to the exclusion of others self-interests, the society which the representatives would use determines what will happen to its members and how important social matters want education, health care, welfare, and job opportunities will be distributed throughout society. The imagination is that the representatives operating from behind the veil of ignorance would design a society that is fair for all of its members because no individual member would be involuntary to encounter ending up in an intolerable position that one had created for others but had no intention of being in oneself. Why is this so?Rawls claimed that the representatives to the original position would invoke the principle of rational choice, the so-called maximin decision rule. This rule states that an agent, when confronted with a choice between alternative states of the world with each state containing a hustle of possible outcomes, would choose the state of affairs where the whisk outcome is that state of affairs which is better than the worst outcome presented by any other alternative. Ra wls example of two persons sharing a piece of coat demonstrates how the maximin decision rule works in substantial practice. Suppose there is one piece of legal profession that two persons want to eat. They equally desire to eat the cake and each wants the biggest piece possible. To deal with this dilemma, twain agree that one will cut the cake while the other will choose one of the two pieces. The consensus derived checks that the cake will be shared fairly, equating justice with fairness. The two principles of justiceBy equating the principle of justice with fairness, the representatives in the original position and operating from behind the veil of ignorance would elect to organize society around the liberty principle and the difference principle. The liberty principle requires dictates that each member of society has an equal right to the most extensive scheme of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of equal liberty for all. Accordingly, each member of soc iety should receive an equal guarantee to as many different libertiesand as much of those libertiesas can be guaranteed to every member of society. The liberties Rawls discussed include political liberty (the right to vote and to be eligible for public office) freedom of patois and assembly liberty of conscience and freedom of thought freedom of the person along with the right to wet-nurse personal property and, freedom from arbitrary arrest and seizure. In contrast to some libertarian interpretations of utilitarianism, Rawls did not assist absolute or complete liberty which would allow members of society to have or to keep abruptly anything.The difference principle requires that all economic inequalities be arranged so that they are both a) to the benefit of the least advantaged and b) attached to offices and positions open to all members under conditions of fair equality of chance. If this is to occur, Rawls argued, each generation should proceed the gains of culture and civ ilization, and maintain intact those just institutions that have been established in addition to putting digression in each period of time a suitable amount of real capital accumulation. (1971, p. 285) Rawls is willing to tolerate inequalities in society but only if they are arranged so that any inequality rattling assists the least advantaged members of society and that the inequalities are connected to positions, offices, or jobs that each member has an equal fortune to attain. In the United States, this scheme is oftentimes called equal opportunity. The inequalities Rawls discussed include inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth as well as inequalities imposed by institutions that use differences in authority and responsibility or duress of command. The reason the representatives in the original position and operating from behind the veil of ignorance would agree upon the difference principle is not due to the existence of a social contract but to ethics.That is, members of society do not deserve either their natural abilities or their place in a social hierarchy. Where and when one was natural and the privileges and assets afforded by ones birth is a matter of sheer luck. It would be unfair, Rawls contended, were those born into the least advantaged of society to remain in that place if all members of society could do better by abandoning (or redistributing) sign differences. According to Rawls, this is what ethicsaccording to the standard of justicedemands and, in the United States, this is the basis of what is oftentimes called favourable action. The representatives would agree. The liberty principle must always take precession to the difference principle so that every member of society is assured of equal basic liberties.Similarly, the second part of the difference principle cited preceding(prenominal) (b) must take priority to the first part (a) so that the conditions of fair equality of opportunity are also guaranteed for everyon e (1971, p. 162). Thus, the two principles of justice, the liberty principle and the difference principle, are ordered because society cannot justify a decrease in liberty by increasing any members social and economic advantage. Reflecting Rawls interest in political philosophy, the liberty and principle and the difference principle apply to the basic social system of society (what might be called a macro view)societys fundamental political and economic arrangementsrather than to particular conduct by governmental officials or individual laws (what might be called a micro view).The liberty principle requires society to provide each citizen with a to the full adequate scheme of basic liberties (e.g., freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, and due extremity of law). The difference principle requires that inequalities in wealth and social position be arranged so as to benefit societys most disadvantaged group. In cases where the two principles conflict, Rawls argues the liber ty principle must always take precedence over the difference principle. One example that applies Rawls theory of justice involves how one would become a attorney in the society designed by the representatives in the original position and operating from behind the veil of ignorance. This example also indicates how and why inequalities would exist in that society. In the original position and operating from behind the veil of ignorance, representatives organize society to be governed according to the liberty principle and the difference principle. In that society, any member of society can become a lawyer if one possesses the talent. So, a young cleaning woman discovers that she possesses the talent and interest to become a lawyer and decides that this is what she wants to do in her life. But, to get the education she actually needs to become a lawyer requires an inequality.That is, less fortunate people must help gestate for her education at the public universitys law school with their taxes. In return, however, this young woman will perform some very important functions for other peopleincluding the less fortunateonce she becomes a lawyer. At the same time, however, the lawyer will make a lot of money. But, she is free to keep it because she has realise it. At the same time, she will also pay taxes to the government which, in turn, will be used to provide needed programs for the least advantaged members of society. The issue of equitable pay also provides a practical example that clarifies how Rawls theory of justice can be applied (Maclagan, 1998, pp. 96-97). Noting that the principle equal pay for equal work is eminently fair in concept, Maclagan notes that not all work is equal. What is really needed in society is some rational basis to compare what sometimes are very different occupations and jobs, especially when this involves comparison mens work and womens work. Typically, the criteria used to compare dissimilar jobs quantifies work requirements as well as the investment individuals must make to attain these positions.In addition, the amount of skill and training required, the capability for danger and threat to ones life, the disagreeableness involved in the work, as well as the degree of responsibility associated with a job all figure prominently when making such calculations. In actual practice, however, making comparisons between dissimilar jobs is an immensely difficult undertaking, as Maclagan notes, citing as an example the difficulties management and agitate both confront in the process of collective bargain. Collective bargaining involves ethics because each troupe declares what the other ought to do. When these differences are resolved through a consensus, a contract provides the basic structure by which the members of that society (called the corporation) will organize and govern themselves for a specific period of time.Coming to compact upon a contractlike Rawls concept of reflective equilibriumrequires both parties to the collective bargaining process to align their principles and intuitions through the process of considered dialogue and mutual judgment. Furthermore, the contractlike Rawls difference principletolerates inequalities in pay but only as long as the least advantaged enjoy equal opportunity and their situation is protected if not improved. What is noteworthy about Maclagans example is that the parties are not in the original position nor do they operate from behind a veil of ignorance. Instead, they have to move toward those positions if they are to adjudicate their differences amicably and for the benefit of both. The criticsSince its first publication in 1971, Rawls work has received some begrudging if not respectful criticism. Some have asked which members of society constitute the least advantaged? For his part, Rawls identified these people generally as unskilled workers and those whose average income is less than the median income. What Rawls failed to address, howeve r, is the plight of those who may be the truly least advantaged members of society, namely, those citizens of some permanently unemployed underclass, who depend entirely upon government largesse to subsist (e.g., welfare), or whose racial or ethnic origins condemn them to permanent disadvantage. The critics ask Should not their plight be considered more important than those who possess more of societys benefits? Furthermore, in so far as Rawls states the difference principle, it appears that inequalities are allowable but only if they better the lot of the least advantaged members of society. However, critics note, that position is inconsistent with Rawls claim that the representatives to the original position must not take an interest in anyones particular interests.The logic fails if preference must be given by those in the original position to the least advantaged. Lastly, Rawls critique of utilitarianism, his embrace of egalitarianism, and the actual effects of the difference pr inciple combine in such a way that his philosophy can be construed to advocate political agenda with Marxist overtones. That is, in actual practice Rawls theory would redistribute societys benefits away from the haves to the have nots with little or no concomitant bearing of societys burdens. Economists, for example, note that Rawls has neglected to consider the market forces unleashed in a capitalist society where quest ones self-interest is arguably the primary motivating principle. These critics argue that even the least advantaged, if they so choose, can take advantage of the minimal benefits society offers them by virtue of citizenship. Through education, persistence, and hard work, the least advantaged (or, their children in the next generation) will be able to participate more fully in enjoying the benefits as well as in bearing the burdens of membership in society.The critics ask Is this not what has happened to waves of immigrants to the United States during the last(pren ominal) two hundred years? In light of these criticisms, Rawls modified the principles of liberty and difference. Pondering the question of social stability, Rawls considered how a society ordered by the two principles of liberty and difference might endure. In semipolitical Liberalism (1996), Rawls introduced the idea that stability can be found in an overlapping consensus between citizens who hold diverse religious and philosophical views or conceptions about what constitutes the good to be sought. As with Maclagans (1998) collective bargaining example, this overlapping consensus is found in their agreement that justice is best defined as fairness. In umpire as Fairness (2001), Rawls introduced the idea of public reason, that is, the reason possessed by all citizens which contributes to social stability, a notion he first detailed in The Law of Peoples with The Idea of Public Reason Revisited (1999).ReferencesAristotle. (1958). Nicomachean ethics (W. D. Ross, Trans.) In J. D. Ka plan (Ed.), The pocket Aristotle (pp. 158-274). New York Washington Square Press. Maclagan, P. (1998). Management & morality. Thousand Oaks, IL Sage Press. Rawls, J. (2001). Justice as fairness A restatement. Cambridge, MA Belknap Press. Rawls, J. (1999a). A theory of justice (rev. ed.). Cambridge, MA Belknap Press. Rawls, J. (1999b). The law of peoples with the idea of public reason revisited. Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press. Rawls, J. (1996). political liberalism. New York Columbia University Press. Rawls, J. (1971). A theory of justice. Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press. Thompson, D. F. (1990). Political ethics and public office. Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Barilla Spa Case Study Essay
1. Diagnose the fundamental causes of the difficulties that the JITD syllabus was created to solve. What are the benefits and drawbacks of this program? One of the underlying causes of the difficulties that the JITD program was created to solve was the effects of inconsistent admit that came from glassworts distributors. The extreme consider variation strained Barillas manufacturing and logistics, and made very hard for Barilla to meet that demand.For example, as noted on the case the specific sequence of pasta takings necessitated by the tight heat and humidity specifications in the tunnel kiln made it difficult to quickly nominate a particular pasta that had been sold out due to unexpectedly high demand (Barilla SpA). One of the benefits of implementing the JITD is to come down the manufacturing cost. As Brando Vitali then Barillas director of logistics explained we could try to snub our own distribution costs, farm animal levels, and ultimately our manufacturing costs if we didnt have to respond to the volatile demand patterns of the distributors this meant JITD lead attend reduce the costs associated with distribution channels, likewise distributors would not pick out to stock inventory that exceeds their real demand, and intern help them reduce their cost. about opposite benefit is that JITD will help improve Barillas visibility with craftsmanship and make the distributors more dependent on Barillas. As Vitali said I think JITD should be considered a selling tool, rather than a threat to sales. Were offering the customer additional service at no extra cost. In addition, the program will improve Barillas visibility with the change and make distributors more dependent on us-it should improve the relationships mingled with Barilla and the distributors rather than harm them. though this would require everyday sales data input from distributers on products they shipped out from their warehouse to retailers during previous solar day and their current stock level, this would help barillas own forecast and would be just one step tush the retailers sell-through information.JITD might also help the relationship between Barilla and its distributors, since Barilla wont need to use pressure on distributors to hold more finished products than necessary. While the JITD program has many unspoilt it also has its drawbacks. One of them is the perception that the power will be transferred to Barilla, as one of the distributors was quoted we would be give Barilla the power to push product into our warehouses just so Barilla screwing reduce its costs. Another drawback is that some of the distributors are not comfortable or willing to fortune their warehouse data, which is a alert piece in order for JITD program to work. Furthermore, it might be hard for some retailers to report daily sales simply because they might not have the point-of-sale technology at their retentivitys.2. What conflicts or intragroup barriers to Barilla ha s JITD created? What causes these conflicts? How would you deal with them? JITD created lot of internal barriers to Barilla while some of the concerns are easy to deluge others would need more convincing. For example, the sales department, sales representatives receive more on their compensation through billing from their sales. JITD would cut or reduce to zero most of sales people responsibilities, which in turn will squeeze their commission, as one sale man said Our sales levels would flatten if we put this program in place.As noted in the case most of the sales come from the promotions or incentives that marketing department advertises or promotes, JITD program would heavily affect the marketing department, and would make their job nearly an obsolete. As one marketing representative quoted we wouldnt be able to run trade promotions with JITD, how can we get the trade to push Barilla product to retailers if we dont offer some secernate of incentive? These conflicts are mostly caused by fear of losing jobs. Since these are legitimate concerns and a very possible outcome if JITD is implemented, from my opinion there are only two options either retrain all the employees that would be affected in a different positions or get rid of the JITD program all unitedly and if it was up to me I would scrub the whole program all together.3. As one of Barillas customers, what would your response to JIDT be? This would depend on whether I am a big retail store or a distributer. As a Barillas Distributor, my response to JIDT would be, why would I share my sales data to a supplier who also supplies the same products to my competitors? In addition, what makes Barillas anxiety think that they can do superior job by making a better demand forecast then I do. I would think that Barillas is only looking after their interest by trying to reduce their inventory cost and as result dumping their product on me. On the other hand if am a big retailer the JITD program would help me reduce my bang that comes from keeping a weeks of supply from Barilla in my store, and if there are any magazine gaps between when product is out and when new comes in I can use the shelf to move other quick turnaround products.4. How would you proceed?I would cancel the whole JITD program all together. Although the program has some benefits, its draw back and difficulties to implement out weight more than the benefits. The main problem that Barilla has is there average lead time which is 10 days and their distributors would prefer three days lead time this was caused mainly by Barillas production line and machines as noted previously in the case, the specifications of each pasta and the time it takes in the tunnel kiln made it hard for Barilla to quickly produce and keep up with the demand. Barilla should look ways to improve the production line, whether by adding more lines to the production or building a smaller factories allocated strategically in the country, since, most of the Barillas products is consumed with in Italy, and depending on the region north or south, each consumes more type of Barilla product than the other.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Adolescents and Cyberspace Essay
AbstractThe Internet has a big deal of benefit in our lives. It is the window that opens onto the conception and shows us everything that is happening around us. Although it is meant to help and actualise our needs, enrich our social lives and expand our civic connections, it has non been going so far in this sort. A lot of research is showing that the heavy commit of mesh is isolating volume form the world around them. Knowing that adolescents argon throw offing a great deal of their time in cyberspace, this denomination will examine the things they miss when they atomic number 18 left to turn over up in it.Leaving Adolescents change by reversal Up in CyberspaceThe dubiousness on whether leaving adolescents grow up in cyberspace is beneficial or non has long been controversial. When a lot agree that cyberspace has made their demeanor easier, umteen others believe the opposite. Everything has side effects, which baron stick out great impact on its user if not hand led properly. It seems that adolescents, out of altogether other people, all missing a lot when their parents are letting them grow up in cyberspace.Everything in this advanced world is possible these days, thats why we find students who think on the Internet in hybrid or online courses. Traditionally, learning has been assumed to take place in a classroom or face-to-face environment where the instructor and students are physically together, but not all students learn the same charge and in that locationfore the traditional approach is not ideal for all students (Young, 2007). This is true, but a lot of students are finding it difficult to cope with the new-fashioned and modern way of learning, where the instructor lectures them online.Some students say-Instructor feedback tend to be slow-I didnt timbre as part of the class-You cant verbalize your thoughts and let others hear your ideas-Too many technical problems-Unreliable Internet connections from my Internet service provid er-You also lose the personal teacher student relationship-No way to read body language-With on-line classes, it is hard to be able to get the whole personal thing-You dont get to see the prof or class members face-to-face-It takes more time to e-mail or post a question on the discussion board and wait for a response (Students Positive and Negative Experience in Hybrid and Online Classes, 2007, page). Moreover, Irvine(2004) states Assignments are dispersed online. Students are much more likely to do research online than use a library. And even class handouts have gone the way of the Web, posted on electronic bulletin boards for d causeloading after class(p.31A).So, if the Internet connection went off, students wouldnt be able to continue their work. When the computer waiter in Emory University went down for a few hours one evening, a lot of people were at let out ends, they couldnt to their homework (Sridharan, 2004). This is how adolescents are missing the more active and efficie nt way of learning because of cyberspace, and then suffering from a lot of educational and studying problems they are better off without.Looking at the world today would make us realize how much we miss security. And since adolescents are widely use cyberspace, they are the most likely to get affected by what it generates. A lot of teenagers have no problem in making friends, of whom theyve neer seen. In fact, they see that it is one of the purposes of using the Internet. But they never realize how dangerous it could be to meet someone you havent actually seen. The Internet allows people to communicate with people who are different from them, people in another country or kids at school they dont talk to. This access of information is so easy, but of course there is a dark side to having such broad access it gives identity thieves and sexual predators a new place to look for victims (Stern, 2004). Also, the Internet has shaped the way adolescents work, live, and relax.It has even created new ways for them to express themselves which might be liberating and fun but can also be keep an eye on a forum for of pettiness and immoral exploitation (Irvine, 2004). Furthermore, Ian and Walder (2005) say As we have become dependent on the Internet, as the network of networks, so we have become vulnerable to criminal and terrorist networks that use cyberspace as a means to disobey and circumvent state control.Protecting against those that wish to attackthe integrity, confidentiality and availability of systems and data they process, is primarily an issue of implementing attach security measures. (page) The main purpose for this worry is because adolescents are unaware of what criminals might do to take utility of people who want to be friendly, allowing them to threaten the countrys and societys safety. In this way letting them spend too much time in cyberspace is making them loose a lot of security which puts them in dangerous problems later on.We must not forget t he most of the essence(p) consequence of evolution up in cyberspace lack of social life and relationships. Sitting in front of the monitor for several continuous hours, without even noticing how time flies by quickly, makes us never want to get off the chair. As many adolescents are living in virtual communities, their and concern is making friends online. Ten years ago, social theorists were suggesting that the Internet would revolutionize social relationships (Carter & Denise M., 2004). Now, the Internet has come a far distance that kids and teens cant live without it people can find a job without leaving their desks, shop online without going to the mall and communicate with others without meeting face-to-face by e-mails, online lecture rooms and instant messages.So, all the activities that were done with family and friends, are be done alone on the Internet. As a result, such activities have proved to be more isolating than watching television, which friends and family ofte n do in groups, and the time spent with them is decreasing a lot in the presence of the Web. In addition, teens are preferring not to go out for walks or hang out with friends because they are busy in their own larger world. Know it or not, youngsters who are allowing time online to replace face-to-face interaction are being isolated from the real world and are being trapped in the virtual world (Staples, 2004).Seemingly, Teenagers who spend much of their lives hunched over computer screens miss the socializing, the real world experience that would allow them to furnish adolescence behind and grow into adulthood. These vital experiences, like much else, are simply not available in a virtual form (Staples, 2004, p.A29). All of this is breaking the social relationships and is bringing up adults that dont know how to deal with others because they never had the chance to sit and talk face-to-face.A lot of people caution of not being able to go with the flow who ever doesnt have access to cyberspace doesnt have a life. But this isnt proved to be completely true since its not being used in the best and efficient way. Of course its the parents job to hint them to the right track they should always keep them under high supervision. To be more specific, parents should encourage them to have a real life, make real friends, go to real places and spend quality time with family. This doesnt mean getting rid of this great technology but not letting it control them. Indeed, adolescents are missing a lot of the real world and its content, and arent aware of the circumstances and the costs of growing up in cyberspace.ReferencesCarter & Denise, M.(2004, December).Living in Virtual Communities Making Friends Online.Journal of Urban Technology 11(3), 109-125.Retrieved March 19, 2008, from EBSCO Host database.El Mansour, B. & Mupinga, D.M.(2007, March).Students Positive and Negative Experiences in Hybrid and Online Classes.College Student Journal 41(1), 242-248.Retrieved March 19, 2008, from EBSCO Host database.Ian & Walder.(2005, April).Crime and Security in Cyberspace.Cambridge Review of International Affairs 11(3), 109-125.Retrieved March 19, 2008, from EBSCO Host database.Irvine, M.(2004, December 5).Youths Adopt, Drive Technology Advances.Fort Worth Star-Telegram, p.31A.Staples, B.(2004, may 29).What Adolescents Miss When We Let Them Grow Up in Cyberspace.New York Times, p.A24.
Friday, May 17, 2019
New Heritage Doll Company: Business Overview
Index Executive aestival. 1 Introduction. 2 Case analytic thinking Match My Doll habiliment.. . . . . 2 public figure Your Own Doll.. 3 Comparison. .. . 4 Additional Questions. 5 Recommendations.. 5 adjunct Appendix 1 calculation formulas, definitions and assumptions. 6 Appendix 2 Exhibit 1 & 2. 9Appendix 3 The NPV visibleness 11 Executive Summary The production division at new-fashioned Heritage Doll smart set is considering between two business proposals to recommend at the firms up approach path capital figure meeting in October. In order to prioritize between the two digests, we needed to analyze some(prenominal) companies, quantitatively and qualitatively, to determine which proposal better suits NHDCs goals. Using a qualitative analysis, we analyzed both Match My Doll enclothe drag and comp atomic subdue 18d it to the Design Your Own Doll proposal.We found, after comparing the strengths and weaknesses of both proposals, that MMDCs business case is more compelling. We then analyzed the financial aspect of both projects using the financial information given in the exhibit. In order to complete this analysis we began with a positivity analysis. First we com edited the NPV, IRR and the profitability king in order to determine which of the projects would be more profitable. We found that although DYODs NPV was meagrely gameer, MMDCs ratios seemed more compelling. We then moved on to a hazard analysis, in order to comp be the run a riskiness of the two projects.We found that not only is MMDCs risk lower than that of DYOD, but its profitback period was approximately 30% lower as well. base on these analyses, we recommend that the company should choose the Match My Doll change state extraction expansion proposal. Introduction In this case study, two business proposals from the Production division of the New Heritage Doll Company (NHDC) atomic number 18 being considered for submission at the capital budgeting committee meeting which repai rs decisions at the corpo footstep level for all large spending proposals.The first proposal is to extend the companys Match My Doll Clothing line, and the second is to develop a spick-and-span Design Your Own Doll product. Emily Harris, vice president of NHDCs production division, is weighing the two proposals. Due to constraints on financial and managerial resources, it is possible that the committee get out decline to approve both projects as other divisions of the company such as licensing and retail are too presenting projects that may prove more attractive to the committee. Harris has to be prepared to recommend only unrivalled of the projects.In order to evaluate which of the projects Emily should promote, we look at the criteria of the committee. They give examine the proposed project for consistency with the companys overall business strategy and they will see if the project balances the needs and priorities of each division against the practical, financial, and org anizational constraints of the company. The committee will evaluate whether the proposed project will strengthen the entire company, not just the circumstance division. We would try to evaluate which of the proposals based on the projects qualitative and quantitative analysis.We have used in our analysis both the figures that were supplied by the line managers, and further information that seem relevant from online researches we had conducted. Match My Doll Clothing This coronation proposal is the expansion of the Match My Doll Clothing line (MMDC), an existing clothing line of matching doll and child clothing and accessories. The original line was a success, due to the strong credit that girls feel with their NH dolls. Due to the growing popularity of the line the lines manager believe that the timing is slump for expansion.The original line selected several items of New Heritage dolls fashions and produced identical items in girls sizes. However, the number of items was limite d. The proposed expansion would occasion an All Seasons Collection of apparel and gear covering all four while of the year. It would expand the number of matching doll and girl clothing items available One of the benefits of expanding the MMDC line is that the line has already demonstrated the commercial viability of the matching doll and child clothing model. The concept has a prove track record and now the company has only to further build on this successful model.Furthermore, the juvenile positive publicity engendered by the celebrity sightings, will create an even greater demand for the product, and will allow for the maintenance of premium pricing. We believe that the expanded line will be at least as profitable as the existing line. Another strength this project possesses is the projects subside risk , which is almost identical to that of MMDCs existing business line. One of our concerns regarding the expansion of MMDCs clothing line is the companys inexperience within th e clothing industry. NHDC will have to compete external its modern niche of dolls and accessories.The fickle nature of childrens fashion trends requires that the management keep up with current market trends, in order to call for note its premium pricing. Another concern we think is important to do by is the expected life clip of the project. Based on the risk that the company would not be able to taking into custody up to date with the current trends and fashion we think that the life span of the projected CF may be somewhat optimistic, and might not reflect correctly the characters of this project. However, we do believe that for the sake of comparing this projection should be kept.Another concern that arises from the unexpectedness of childrens fashion trends is that the company may be face with a very limited time frame in which it can make profitable investment decisions. One of the opportunities that arise with the current proposal is the reduction in the seasonality o f the companys sales and earnings. The youthful line created an additional benefit of supplying clothing all year round, which in turn could tender the firm with a more stable revenue stream. By taking advantage of the off handbill discount offered by some suppliers and anufacturers, the line manager expected to reduce the companys seasonality which would create a more stable revenue stream for the firm. A threat which attributed to this proposal is its reliance on supposed discounts offered by suppliers and manufacturers. The failure of obtaining these discounts can cause an increase in costs, resulting in lower profitability. upper-case letter expenditures in 2010 are predicted to be spirited since the project is during its first year of operation . In the quest year they are cool it relatively steep, but this can quieten be explained by it still being the beginning long time of operation. 012-2013 have the lowest Capital expenditure of all projected years this could be e xplained by the high growth in revenues . It is important to note that these years are considered solar day atomic number 53- since the product is new in the market, the market should embrace the product first and the depreciation is still on the lower numbers. From 2014 and onward, we see an increase in the firms Capital expenditure bring together with a constant growth . This might be due to maintaining the operation scope and compensating for the growth in depreciation (During year 2015 and onward). Design Your Own DollThe Design Your Own Doll (DYOD) project sets out to make dolls products more personal to customers, by creating dolls that can be designed to look like their owners. The new project was targeted to both new customers and loyal customers, who may already own a number of dolls, but are looking to add a unique addition to their collection. The strategy behind the project is that by graceful an active part of the creation of the dolls the customers will become more loyal customers. The whole creation and familiarity will obtain part in a new section of New Heritages website.We believes that because of all the new features, the experience and the uniqueness in this product, the customers would be willing to pay premium price. The fact that this project is web-based also enlarge the accessibility for customers, and by that enabling people that have hard time to approach an tangible store to still purchase the companys product. On the other hand, at that place is a risk that the premium price, as discussed earlier, might narrow the audience since it approach high socio economic level people. Due to the projects unique the initial investing costs are higher, but so does the expected return .As a product which is one of a kind (OOAK), the production costs are going to be higher than usual (in position fixed costs on a per unit basis, which come from low production runs and volume ), sum that the payback period would be high. In addition, th ere are untested elements that need to be put into the manufacturing process, a risk that might cause future unexpected expenses. This project is considered to be a high risk project, due to the fact that it is completely new and contains (as mentioned) high costs of production.The initial equipment costs high (comparing to MMDC and) the time for it to be ready for production is going to be two years instead of 1 year in the MMDC proposal. Moreover, there is more equipment that shall be installed by the end of 2014 and thats why in the forecasts of DYOD (exhibit 2) there is a very high spike in the capital expenditures line. The good thing in buying this kind equipment is the option to pay custom equipment quarterly, so New Heritage can decide to pay everything in front, so it can get a sustainable discount.The projections for this project are based upon a near-flaw slight operation. Since this project was not tested and there is no experience with it, this may add to the riskiness of the project. New Heritages website should be developed with the new software, which will take a year to write and test before starting with the sales. This is an explanation for the high initial R&D costs . Financial Comparison lolly Present Value In order to evaluate both of the projects, we used the projections for MMDC and DYOD and calculated MMDCs NPV to be slightly lower than that of DYOD.Our projections show that MMDCs NPV is $7,150,070 , while DYODs is $7,298,100 . Due to the relatively small distinction between the NPVs we found, we believe that we should consider putting more emphasis on alternative factors when coming to a final decision. IRR Although we observed rather similar NPVs, the two projects IRR are very different. Despite the slightly lower NPV, MMDC has an IRR of approximately 24%, compared to the 18% IRR of DYOD. This substantial difference weve found can be explained by the significantly lower initial spending on capital by MMDC . advantageousness index Using the Profitability index (PI) allows us to quantify the amount of value each project makes for every dollar invested. We calculated the Profitability ratios for both projects and found MMDC PI to be 2. 367, compared to 1. 17 of DYOD. After analyzing these results, it would seem that MMDC would generate a higher return on their investment. Risk analysis For MMDC, we took on the recommended moderate risk rate of 8. 4%. Based it is an already existing line that has no need for consumer acceptance, in addition to its proven ability to maintain premium prices, we decided that it was a logical assumption.For the DYOD, we assumed a high risk rate of 9%. After considering multiple factors, such as DYODs lengthy payback period , relatively high fixed costs and the use of new untested elements in the manufacturing process, a high discount rate is appropriate. Given these assumptions, we can see that MMDC is less risky than DYOD. Furthermore, we analyzed the NPV Profile and found that MMD Cs NPV is less sensitive to increases in the discount rate than DYOD. Another relevant figure we examined is the projects payback periods, which calculates the amount of time until a projects initial investment is returned.According to our calculations, MMDCs payback period is lower than that of DYOD . bandage MMDC will recuperate their initial investment in slightly over 7 years, it will take DYOD over 10 years to return their initial investment. Since the Payback period we calculated doesnt take into account the time value of money, we calculated the Discounted Payback Period, and confirmed that here too, MMDC is faster at recuperating its initial investment . Profit Margin The average profit margin for the MMDC is 14. 9%, while for the DYOD it is 12. 55%. This suggests that MMDC is a more profitable company, and may have better control over its costs than DYOD. Acid adjudicate The result for the MMDC is 2. 43, while the result for DYOD is 2. 72. The significant of this is relat ing to the worst case scenario what if the project would fail and the firm will need to get rid of it. Internal growth rate Even though we dont know how frequently of New Heritages NI goes to dividends, we know that in both of the cases it will be the same and it would be
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