Saturday, August 31, 2019
Mcdonalds Cross Culture
As the world's population Increases and we become a Global society due to the increase In technology, more and more companies are doing business on a global scale. As business Increases Individuals Involved In cross border business alliances have had to have a greater understanding of other cultures to aid in the sustainability of business relationships.From the way business is conducted in other cultures to the way organizations are structured, an understanding of these cultures will inevitably help build businesses and provide positive aspects and a greater willingness to interact from the other ultras we aim to do business with. With the Increase In technology, global working and commuting, countries like England, which has a vast cosmopolitan society, has a greater awareness of other cultures.This Is due to the way we interact as friends, the sharing of other countries foods and the embracing of all that Is good In other cultures Is a rich source of the cross cultural awareness a nd understanding. We now look at the way McDonald's has managed to create a global empire that has taken into account other cultures and how this has aided the Corporation to become major global fast food retailer.Aims and Objectives * Identification of issues In Cross Cultural Organizations * Evaluation of diversity of workforce In various countries ; Analysis of the theories related to Cross Cultural Management * To take a look at the management skills required in a Cross Cultural Organization * To explore and identify the skills, attributes and knowledge needed to be a manager in a cross cultural environment * To look at management approaches for breaking emerging markets * Identify a Strategy for Cross Cultural Organizations Methodology me oenology uses Tort Investigating tons case study was purely researcher Vela secondary research.This included reading books, Journals and websites Culture What is Culture? ‘The sum total of knowledge, attitudes and habitual behavior patte rns shared and transmitted by the members of a particular society Ralph Linton 1940 There are various types of cultures in society, some are listed below: Corporate Culture This is the classed as organization culture or the way an organization does things and how they expect things to be carried out. Sub-culture This is a group having social, economic, ethnic, or other traits extinctive enough to distinguish it from others within the same culture or society.Multicultural This is classed as pertaining to, or representing several different cultures or cultural elements for example a multicultural society. Culture Shock This is the state of bewilderment experienced by an individual who is suddenly exposed to a new, strange, or foreign social and cultural environment. Cultured This is a person who has an awareness of other cultures and may have experienced diversification of cultures first hand. A person who is educated through life experiences rather than by studying academically.Use c ulture shock in a Sentence See images of culture shock Search culture shock on the Web Logistical and Managerial Issues for Cross Cultural Organizations Charles Handy in his book Understanding Organizations (1993) refers to organizational cultures as tribes saying: ‘The greater the size of an organization, the greater the amount of tribes. ‘ The primary problems that may be encountered when dealing with Logistical and Managerial issues within cross cultural organizations are: * Values * Norms * Ideas/Beliefs * Attitudes * Traditions Religion * Lifestyle * HistoryThe way one issue is handled in one country maybe handled totally differently in another country. There is a clear divide between both Western and Non-western ideas as well as society norms, values and religion. In McDonald's an awareness and understanding of other cultures has been a winning factor in the development and rise of the fast food chain. Understanding cultures of the Far East, Middle East and Europe have helped the organization develop as a leader in the field it operates within.Logistically the McDonald's have had to understand the values that are held in entries like India where it is a ‘crime' to kill and eat a cow as this is classed as a sacred and holy animal. So much so that the cow is worshipped as a provider of milk, not meat, which is quite different to the west who have beef as a staple part of a fast food menu in McDonald's and various other fast food chains. In India McDonald's employed Just one franchisee in the whole of a country that has a population that is touching the 1 Billion mark.This was due to the fact that the franchisee was a person who has lived and worked in India for over arrears and has a greater understanding f the culture than an outside westerner. This Cross Cultural awareness is what has made McDonald's such a popular brand in India since being introduced in the sass's. In addition to this the use of pork is forbad in India as the pig is c lassed as unclean or Harm by the Muslim population in India. Though only small in size, McDonald's saw this as an issue and removed pork from the menu that was due to be implemented in India.Managerial issues that are relevant in one country may not be relevant in another. For example, in England the Manager on the shop floor in McDonald's works closely tit the shop floor staff as they are seen by the Junior employees as part of a team and this is addressed in the Management training that is part of the induction as a manager. In India however the whole of society is based on a class system even though this has been outlawed since the last century. However the enforcement of this class system is self propagated and the divide between the upper and lower classes is substantial.The manager will tend to be based in an office on site and will expect his delegates to manage the day-to-day running of the franchise without the manager's continual input. This gives responsibility to the del egate but also makes them aware of the social place where they belong. The lower classes are rarely given senior Jobs despite education standards which maybe higher among individuals. The majority of lower classes will hold positions as cleaners or doormen.Cross cultural management issues don't seem to create issues logistically or managerially as the McDonald's corporation main business is not done across borders. The supply of the product is done within the franchise country where social status and norms are already understood and accepted by those being employed. Areas of Consideration Regarding Culture Douglas McGregor X & Y Theory Douglas McGregor suggests that there are two fundamental approaches to managing people: * Theory X * Theory Y The majority of managers tend towards Theory X, and generally get poor results.Lifted and more conscious managers use Theory Y, which produces better performance and results, and allows people to grow and develop. Theory X (Authoritarian Manag ement Style) * Most people dislike work and will avoid it they can. * As a consequence of the above statement most people must be forced with the wreath of punishment to work towards ‘organizational' goals and objectives. * Most people prefer to be directed and delegated. This will avoid personal responsibility and leaves the employee relatively ambitious, and most Just want security above anything else.Theory Y (Participative Management Style) * People will apply self-control and self-direction in the pursuit of organizational objectives, without external control or the threat of punishment. * Commitment to objectives is a function of rewards associated with their achievement. * People usually accept and often seek responsibility. The capacity to use a high degree of imagination, ingenuity and creativity in solving organizational problems is widely, not narrowly, distributed in the population The McDonald's organization has a modern approach to the theory and practice of mana gement.One of the primary aspects of its well balanced management style is the majority of the management that run franchises around the world are developed through the organization rather than outside management being brought in. This is largely due to Ray Crock's theory that a person needs to be able to see the placement possibilities that are available to them. Employment mobility is an important factor in the development of a person.They need a participative management style as defined in ‘Theory Y above to be of benefit to the company and themselves Alienation via authoritative management approaches can have a detrimental effect ions TTT moral as well as Atlanta gal. Tort ten Dustless Owe to lack AT reoccurring business as customers can pick up on a poorly run and unenthusiastic workforce. Abraham Mascots Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Mascots hierarchy of needs has been used as a basis by many academic scholars within the study of motivation.They are adaptations of Mascots t heory that include additional tiers within the model, however the original concept devised by Moscow is solely inclusive of the five tiers listed below, from top to bottom: * Self Actualization – Personal growth and fulfillment * Esteem Needs – Achievement, status, responsibility, reputation * Belongingness ; Love Needs – Family, affection, relationships, work group * Safety Needs – Protection, security, order, law, limits, stability * Biological and Physiological needs – Basic life needs, air, food, drink shelter, armor, sleep, sex etc Mascots theory sees the lower part of the needs, Biological and Physiological as needs that need to be satisfied first, once these have been satisfied only then can the needs further up the scale or pyramid be satisfied.Self actualization at the top can only be fulfilled if the lower parts of the scale are satisfied, if these aren't satisfied the satisfaction of the upper tier become irrelevant. Modern organization are now realizing that sustained success is achievable. Once it is realized that the unequivocal support giving to employees will help achieve the Eng term fulfillment, and will help them realism their own personal potential. Managers need to understand that the Biological & Physiological needs need to be fulfilled so that a person can start satisfying needs, the basics of life need stability for a person. Then moving up the pyramid only then can a person start thinking about their ‘Esteem and Self Actualization needs'.This however may vary in countries like India, Pakistan and other poorer countries, where all of the lower needs may not be fulfilled due to lack of finances and thus the Esteem & Self Actualization needs may be stronger through the adversity of being poor and wanting to succeed and develop. A manager for McDonald's need to have an understanding of his employees needs and empathic with their situation particularly in Asian countries where the divide in classes i s evident. The manager needs to motivate and manage even through everyday adversity to ensure that a person has a sense of belonging and that the TTY Is Torment Vela ten employment. On a more senior level regarding area management or even continent management a manager needs to understand that-?:Strategic Decisions are made for what is best for both the Customer and the Employee, and also the management style has to take into account and be consistent with a customer and employees diversity of cultures and values. They need to have a caring approach towards company as well as the employees. The senior manager needs to inspire trust among their workforce and have a greater understanding of the multicultural cosmopolitan world that we live in today. Strategic decisions need to be made by taking into account the recipient countries culture and the manager must use this to act and develop constructively when immunization across borders. The transferring of this knowledge needs to be use d when doing business in an organization that is building on a global scale and that crosses national borders and diversity of cultures.Challenges for Global Managers Stereotyping and Ethnocentrism ‘If individuals of a specific nationality are confronted with negative rather than positive stereotypes of themselves by other nationalities these individuals will not recognize themselves in the profile made'. (Browsers ; Price 2008) Stereotyping is defined as making assumption of another culture or country through unrepresentative generalizations which have been associated with the culture and country as a whole. This can mean for instance that all Chinese eat rice and work in payday fields and that all Indians eat curry and live in big extended families. These statements are unrepresentative of the country and are classed as sweeping statements based on what a few people do.Ethnocentrism is classed as a belief in the intrinsic superiority of the nation, culture, or group to which one belongs, often accompanied by feelings of dislike for other groups Inevitability this will result in some form of prejudice and discrimination as a feeling f superiority is held by when a culture or country is Ethnocentrism. Misconstrued preconceptions and false stereotyping can have a profound effect on an individual by resulting in having a lower self esteem issue as talked about by Moscow and can result in alienation from a group. This is detrimental to both the well being of the individual as well as the wellbeing of the company. Errata Areas to De consoler By a Manager * Cross Cultural Awareness and Understanding * Knowledge of various cultures norms and beliefs * Eradication of stereotyping and addressing employee as an individual not a ultra bias * Elimination of Ethnocentrism as this can breed alienation and hatred * Development of own awareness and deletion of self prejudices Hypotheses Cultural Framework Greet Hefted is a Dutch social psychologist who carried out a pi oneering study of cultures across modern nations. This study was created in order for organizations to recognize and benefit from knowledge of how the various cultures around the world address issues and how interacting across nations with different cultures can be made easier by a greater understanding of these diverse cultures. Greet Hefted created a Framework or Dimension that helped compare the cultures from various nations and he used the below sections to help compare these nations using a Cultural Indices. â€Å"Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster. †Proof. Greet Hefted.Applying the Dimensions to Countries Around the World Confucian Dynamism Confucianism is not a religion it is a collection of pragmatic rules of daily life. â€Å"In practical terms Confucianism refers to a long-term versus a short-term orientation in life†Greet Hefted McDonald's (USA) versus Countries From around the World Austria Brazil Australia China Denmark Italy Poland As can be seen from the charts above there is a large contrast within the indices for various countries and cultures around the world when compared with the USA. Western countries like Australia show a correlation of cultures with the USA, whereas there is a large disparity between eastern and western cultures with countries like China and India.Strategies for Managers in Organizations With Cross Cultural Issues The main Strategy that should be employed to aid in organizations with Cross Cultural issues are: An introduction into ‘Equality and Diversity by ensuring that every employee has participated in a course covering this area. * Senior management should look at also how a course like the ones offered by Greet Hefted regarding his Cultural Framework can be used to help break new emerging markets. This will also help to gain a better understanding of existing established markets and how the services can be improved to gain effectiveness and efficiency. * Establish Corporate ‘Equality and Diversity Champions that will instill the values of fairness and understanding of other cultures that are part of the corporate business.Ensure that the recruitment of staff, particularly managers are done correctly and effectively by the Human Resource management department by placing an emphasis on Cultural Diversity as key criteria for selection. * Ensure that the retention of key staff is paramount for the business, particularly Equality and Diversity Champions as these are the propagators of the corporate aim to achieve cultural awareness. * Use Key indicators to help monitor the effectiveness of the Equality and Diversity course being implemented. Quantify this information to evaluate if improvements re required, whether all cultural interactions are represented by this course and monitor future and refresher courses.Conclusion when McDonald's was Torment In ten sass's an ten corporation relents were Drought out by the founder Ray Crock his main emphasis was to duplicate his franchise idea not only across the United States, but also across the world. How big this realization was at the time is quite modestly spoken about in Ray Crock's autobiography. The growth of McDonald's was done incrementally rather than a franchise explosion across the world and it was Ray Crock's values and visions that help get the brand name associated with quality. This was widely accepted as the norm in the USA and when a customer visited a McDonald's they knew what they were to receive on the menu.Breaking into the international market placed a greater emphasis of understanding cultural practices of the new franchise country, and what foods would be accepted as being part of the menu. In addition to this the senior management of McDonald's USA needed to gain a greater understanding of how the new culture they were to sell their food to would take to the menu. Adaptations had to made, and certain foods had to be removed from the menu in astern and far eastern countries. Worldwide McDonald's had a major diversification in their labor force. This diversity had to be represented in the training and practices that McDonald's employed in various countries and this was primary dealt with by continent managers of these areas e. G. Europe, Asia and South America.The staff who work in the franchises were trained according to regional customs and traditions and various foods available in the western world were seen as Harm for these countries, so adaptations had to be made. As the company grew incrementally these countries were fully researched so a ultra awareness was available to the corporation. Differences were recognized by the corporation so these had to addressed so that advertising and marketing was appropriate. Cultural sensitivity and elimination of stereotyping and prejudice had to be taken into account. Individuals from various cultures are motivated and concerned with various things that needed to be understood by the management of McDonald's to ensure that no alienation was created.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Oh Father, Where Art Thou? Thy Son Awaits
Troy Maxson, the main character in August Wilson's critically acclaimed play Fences, talks about his father who was never there for him when he was a kid. Born in the southern United States, where African- Americans were racially discriminated during the time, Troy's father was evil and tortured him. He feels that he has been really supportive for his kids and he is what his father had never been to him. Troy grew up with a father who thought putting food on the table and roof over the head was the only thing a father has to do for his family. Despite Troy's attempt to be unlike his father, his style of talking to the kids and ordering them to respect him makes him exactly like his father. Fences, is not necessarily about how history repeats itself, but also how a person's past influences their life and decisions. Troy's father didn't support the family like a normal father did. His father, Maxson Sr. was there only to support his family basic needs; food on the table and roof over their heads. His father was never there for him or his family. Troy talks about his father being evil because of which nobody could withstand him and also his mother leaving him when he was young because of his father's evilness. He says: My mama couldn't stand him. Couldn't stand that evilness. She ran off when I was eight. She sneaked off one night after he had gone to sleep. Told me she was coming back for me. I ain't never seen her no more. All his women run off and left him. He wasn't good for nobody. (1.4.109) His father was not good enough for everybody and whoever was with him they would only last for few days and after that they left because Troy thinks Maxson Sr. was evil which is also the main reason why Troy feels his mother left him and Troy when Troy was a young kid. Having a father who was unable to care for his son, Troy instantly realizes that he has to mature hurriedly so he can take care of himself. At a mere age of fourteen, Troy finds himself becoming a man from a child. He realizes he has metamorphosed into a man from a kid when he and Maxson Sr. get into a fight. When his father finds him flirting with a girl when he was supposed to be working, they have a real go at each other. Troy describes the moment as, He had them letter straps off the mule and commenced to whupping me like there was no tomorrow. I jumped up, mad and embarrassed. I was scared of my daddy. But I see where he was chasing me off so he could have the gal for himself†¦When I see what the matter of it was, I lost all fear of my daddy. Right there is where I become a man†¦at fourteen years of age. Now it was my turn to run him off†¦ I picked up them reins and commenced to whupping on him. (1.4.109) When Troy whips his father with the leather straps he realizes he has transformed into a man. He feels showing his father that he didn't fear him was good enough to survive in the world by own self. Since that incident with his father, Troy associates adulthood as being strong enough to stand up for own self. He feels he has learnt that fighting with his father was the only way to prove him that he had grown up and could take care of himself. Troy thinks that he has freed himself from his father evil influence, reviews his past and tries to learn from his father's mistake. Since his father was irresponsible for him, Troy is inclined to be a father unlike his father in each and every way possible but unfortunately that doesn't work out. He turns exactly like his father. He doesn't support his sons Lyons and Cory at all. He is vile to both of his sons but Cory, his youngest son whose dream is to become a football superstar, gets affected and pays the price badly when his father shatters his dream by not letting him play. Since he and Troy don't get along, Cory feels isolated. Even when he asks Troy why he didn't like him, Troy responds: Liked you? Who the hell say I got to like you? What law is there say I got to like you? Wanna stand up in my face and ask a damn fool-ass question like that. Talking about liking somebody†¦I go out of here every morning†¦bust my butt†¦putting up them crackers every day†¦ 'cause I like you?†¦ It's my job. It's my responsibility! †¦ A man got to take care of his family†¦ ‘Cause it's my duty to take care of you. I owe a responsibility to you! (1.3.91 and 107) Troy lets Cory know that what it takes to become a â€Å"man†. The â€Å"man†Troy is referring to is himself and he explains Cory that in order to become the â€Å"man†one has to be responsible. That person has to be able to put food on the table for his family. He also lets Cory know that one doesn't have to love his family to take care of them. The duties and responsibilities bind a man and his family which keep them together. Duty to take care of the family was what Maxson Sr. did and Troy is following the exact footstep of his father. Troy, as a father, spent most of his time with Cory. He was in jail when his eldest son Lyons was born. The relationship between Cory and Troy seems to be futile; every time they are together they end up in an argument. Cory feels his father doesn't love him at all. His feeling about his father detesting him grows even stronger when his father doesn't let him play football. Cory, in order to achieve his dream, quits his job at A&P grocery store so that he can play football. He disobeys his father by quitting his job when Troy had strictly told him to quit playing football and look for a steady job. Troy was discriminated when he was young for playing baseball and thinks his son fate will also be the same like him. But he doesn't realize that times have changed and at the same time he is arrogant as well. Cory ends up not playing and as always has to obey his father's decision and forgets about his lifelong dream. Eventually one day, he gets tired of Troy and claims his dominance by standing up against his father and making him realize that he can take care and survive in the world on his own and leaves the house. Before leaving the house Troy talks to his son and says: You a man. Now, let's see you act like one. Turn your behind around and walk out this yard. And when you get out there in the alley†¦you can forget about this house. See? ‘Cause this is my house. You be a man and get your own house. (2.4.71) When Troy battles with Cory he feels his son is more than capable to take care of himself and kicks Cory out of the house. He feels Cory has become a man because he stood up for himself. Standing up for own self is the character Troy sees as being an adult. He also realizes that his son has shown enough evidence of maturity when he fights with him. This reminds Troy what he did years ago with his father which is also the reason why Cory is kicked out of the house. Wilson's Fences lets us know that no matter how one tries to forget his/her past, it will always haunt him/her and will also come to play a significant role in the future. Troy grew up with a father who hardly supported him and once beat him to death. Although he tries not being like him, he follows each and every step his father had taken and in the end becomes a mirror of his father. He demands respect, thinks about himself, is unkind and harsh to his sons. Cory pays for the arrogance that his father shows but ends up being just like his father by arguing with him and leaving the house because he thinks he has matured enough. Fences in the end, symbolizes the barriers Troy who has faced and his son Cory who is going to face in life. Wilson in the end gives the readers a hope that Cory will break the barrier and become a good father to his kids unlike his father and his grandfather.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Chrysler Corporation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Chrysler Corporation - Assignment Example It serves the market niche- i.e. high-end users that want luxurious cars. It ensures to produce superior products that are highly valued and technically advanced cars. It promises to produce the most fuel efficient, reliable, stylish and safe vehicles for consumers all over the world. Chrysler believes in innovation and creativity, and therefore comes up with new, innovative and technologically advanced vehicles. Chrysler is one of those companies who value their customers a great deal. The second great strength of the company is that it has started to focus greatly on customer care. It is the first auto company to have a Chief Customer Officer. This has generated significant improvement in its customer services and the company has achieved competitive advantage. Their biggest weakness is their poor relationship with their suppliers and dealers. For an organization like this, they strongly have to rely on their suppliers & dealers. They need to work on and build the good relationship with them to ensure a good supply chain. Chrysler’s overall market share is small and declining. According to the Wall Street Journal, 2010 the market share had dropped by 11% from a previous year in 2009 and is now 9.2%. In 2010 the market share was increased to 9.5% which was again not a very significant improvement. Consumers are more interested in fuel efficient, environmentally friendly and innovative automobiles. The demand for greener vehicles is increasing and consumers are becoming more conscious about the environment they live in. It is expected that the market for green cars is going to be 55% by the year 2015. Although Chrysler’s strong points are minivans and SUVs, a partnership with Fiat has created opportunities for the company to penetrate in South American and Asian markets by producing smaller cars.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Analysis of Federal Taxation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis of Federal Taxation - Assignment Example  With other deductions totaling $55,960, and real estate taxes being deducted separately at $2,200, their total deductions were $57,960. This led to Dan and Cheryl having a taxable income of $118,790 because the total deductions were deducted from their AGI. This meant that their total tax for 2010 would be $22,060. Payments and credits would equal $159. The tax estimated that Dan and Cheryl would actually have to pay would be $21,901, which would be 12.03% of the total income of $182,050. This puts Dan and Cheryl in the 25% tax bracket. Some detailed calculations had to be done before all of these figures were made. First of all, every wage and compensation of any kind was annotated, as well as federal tax withholding, OASDI, Medicare, and state taxes if they applied. For federal taxes, Cheryl only had $500 of withholding taken out of her $45,000-dollar salary, so it is natural that a majority of Dan and Cheryl’s taxes would probably come from her not having had federal withholding taken away from her salary. Additionally, Dan only had $20,000 dollars’ worth of federal withholding taken away from his salary, so he was probably due for paying at least some more federal tax that was not taken out in withholding. Dan was reimbursed for all but $20 worth of travel expenses, excluding the $9,600 dollars that were used for gas mileage, which was calculated by multiplying 30 cents per mile times the 32,000 miles used for business out of a total of 38,000 miles. Certain expenses of Dan’s couldn’t be reimbursedâ€â€for example, entertainment of customers. But all of Cheryl’s costs associated with her nursing profession were legitimate expensesâ€â€for professional dues, uniforms, and nursing journals related to her profession. Some other expenses that were tacked on to Dan’s business expense account could not be added on, such as utilities for the whole entire house.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
New Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
New Media - Essay Example With all the praises heaped on the ability of the Internet to empower people, the facts tell us a different story. In 1999, an investigation by the United Nations Development Program found that only 2.5% of the world’s population was connected to the Internet and approximately one quarter of the digitally connected in the world resided in one country – the United States. (cited in Buckingham & Willett 2006, p. 252) More recently, sobering global statistics report have been published by the International Telecommunications Union that of the 141 million Internet hosts across the globe, 106.2 are in the United States and a mere 0.274 million in Africa. (p. 252) Furthermore, while the new media, particularly in the area of information technology, provides us enabling benefits, it is important to underscore that technological developments are themselves shaped by socially bound perceptions of the needs, interests, and purposes that technology serves. According to Judy Wajcman, â€Å"technology is always a form of social knowledge, practices and products. It is the result of conflicts and compromises, the outcomes of which depend primarily on the distribution of power and resources between different groups in society. (cited in Goggin & Newell 2003, p. 3) The growing primacy of commercial motivations for the Internet over access is a case in point. The information superhighway, write James Everett Katz and Ronald E. Rice, is little more than a new medium for corporate American to control and profit from. They argued that the principle behind the national information infrastructure was grounded in privatization and commercialization. (p. 24) Here, access to information is no longer a central presumption of human needs essential to citizenship; rather, consumer interests have become the fundamental requirement in order for the evaluation of the performance of social systems. The technologies that are tagged with
Monday, August 26, 2019
Media Relations Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Media Relations - Research Proposal Example The Program will provide an adequate environment for a healthy upbringing of the orphans. It will also develop an emotional bond between the kid and the adoptive parents. Volunteer couples are invited in this program to satisfy the emotional needs of the orphans. Money is not the only requirement of orphans. The volunteers will have to donate their time and emotions for the children. Each volunteer couple will perform the role of parents in the Virtual Family Program and pay regular visits on a weekly basis, according to their own convenience, to their proposed child, for his care and emotional satisfaction. After the completion of 09 months of regular visits the couple will be eligible to take the kid for any recreational visit they like for mutual acquaintance. The program will generate events to develop social interaction with the kid, like birthday celebrations etc. The Virtual Family Program will prove a social incubator to produce normal and civilized member of our society. The volunteer couples can adopt the child if he accepts them as parents. To become the adoptive parent they will have to satisfy the psychiatrist. The adoptive kids may continue their stay at the Sweet Home Orphanage as boarder as long as they wish. Volunteer couple s will be tested for interpersonal and parenting skills. In this regard, the first interview session is being conducted on February 21, 2012 between 09:00 hrs to 15:00 hrs at â€Å"Hotel Stanford, 43 West 32nd Street, New York City, NY 10001†. For further inquiry and information: Email:, Telephone: Toll Free (800)
Sunday, August 25, 2019
From the decade of 1990s Nike Inc is facing criticisms from different Essay
From the decade of 1990s Nike Inc is facing criticisms from different human rights organizations and government bodies - Essay Example Nike management is using the sweatshops for manufacturing of the products where the labor law is violated. The manufacturing units of Nike are mainly in the Asian countries like China, Vietnam, Indonesia etc where they can get labor in a relatively lower cost, also they are getting free trade zones there. The minimum wages law is violated there as well as the working conditions are poor there. Some media have also proved that the working conditions are not standard in Nike factories. Also there were claims that Nike is using child labors. Nike is using forced labor as reported by different media. Recently in July, 2011 an article claimed that Nike the employees of Nike factory abused by the supervisors constantly. So the main problem is that Nike management has failed to ensure a standard human resource policy in the company. Problem Symptoms The problem symptoms are as follows: Certain reports are claiming that Nike is not sticking to a standard human resource policy from the 1990s. Some customers are avoiding Nike on morale ground as they are violating the labor law continuously. Problem Statement As in the manufacturing Factories Nike Inc is violated the labor laws, the human resource organizations and the government bodies are protesting this in different countries as well as some customer started to avoid the products in a morale ground. Part B The Problem Nike Inc, a major manufacturer of apparel and sports equipment is violating the labor laws in its manufacturing factories which are situated mainly in the Asian countries. As the labors are not treated well in the factories so the international media is continuously focusing on this matter. They have collected some proves which made clear the fact that Nike is violating the labor laws really. Several issues are against the company, because of which some consumers also avoid using the products of Nike on the moral ground. Fishbone Diagram Key Findings From the fishbone diagram it has been found that sever al factors are there and because of all these Nike was able to violate the labor laws from the 1990s. The main factor is the management. The human resource policy of the management is below standard, which causes the problem mainly. Moreover the long term strategy of the company is not good at all. If the company continues this type of labor policy then the company can’t make profit in the long term. The government of the respective countries is also responsible for this situation. Nike is continuing this practice from the 1990s, but the respective governments have not taken such hard step so that the company will think about the matter seriously. The government has made the trade free zones for the foreign companies, and it is attractable for the companies as they can do business in low cost. They can also get low cost
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Crimminal justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Crimminal justice - Essay Example And, Article III ensures both federalism and separation of powers by providing a mechanism for the Supreme Court to put forward guidelines for the lower courts. It is pointed out that â€Å"the Constitution clearly does limit in important ways congressional power to shift ultimate judicial power from federal to state courts†(Amar 271). Additionally, there are mechanisms such as â€Å"the case or controversy requirement, also called the â€Å"justiciability†doctrine, includes more specialised notions of ripeness, mooteness, and standing to sue, and prohibits consideration of constitutional issues except as a necessary incident to the resolution of a concrete â€Å"case†or â€Å"controversy†(Brilmayer 297). Also, judicial precedent is one of the constitutional provisions for ensuring coherence in the praxis of criminal justice in the United States. The doctrine of judicial precedent in America is closely linked to other constitutional provisions such as the hierarchy of courts, separation of powers, judicial supremacy and the ideology of judicial adjudication. The interpretative nature of judica precedent is based on the fact that â€Å"judicial outcomes are fundamentally indeterminate†(Shapiro and Sweet 122). However, judicial precedent functions in all direction as all courts have to refer at each other decisions on criminal justice of similar type irrespective of the court hierarchy. It means that judicial precedents, in practice, â€Å"help judicial law-making -an intrinsically decentralized mode of governance- achieve a semblance of centralization and systematic coherence†(Shapiro and Sweet 121). American federalism is deep and substantial as it allows an inherently heterogeneous legal system wherein state laws exist in competition with what is legal in the federal realm and other states. American criminal justice system too is highly influenced by the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Communication - Essay Example It is therefore important to effectively correspond to all stakeholders on appropriate strategies and objectives for calamity control procedures. This paper describes the five critical assumptions of an effective disaster communication strategy. To understand the five critical assumptions of an effective disaster communication strategy, it is important to posit that these strategies are based on the divergent stages of an effective calamity management procedure. Disaster management is categorized into various stages i.e. mitigation, preparedness, responses, and recovery stages. Consequently, a useful calamity communication plan of action has five basic postulations. According to Haddow, Bullock and Coppola, these include â€Å"customer focus, leadership commitment, inclusion of communication in planning and operations, good information, and media partnership†(134). Customer focus Studies done in the past have elucidated the fact that an effective disaster control structure is ought to focus on the consumer. In other words, the first priority should be to benefit the consumer. According to Haddow, Bullock and Coppola, an efficient disaster control structure considers the requirements and desires of the consumer and necessitates all stakeholders to be alert, quick to respond, and instructive. It is of significance to consider the fact that the consumers of a disaster control procedure are varied and may comprise workers or employees from international organizations, national institutions, governments, as well as a number of additional stakeholders associated with calamity control. It may also comprise o local individuals. Available sources posit that information relayed to each of the consumers affected must be on the basis of individual or institutional requirements (135). Leadership commitment According to Haddow, Bullock and Coppola, the initial stages a successful disaster control plan of action is established or instituted in participation and involv ement of the individuals involved in decision making within the body or institution involved in the process. Decision makers in the body conducting the operation must be loyal in terms of giving out and publicizing facts associated with the impending calamity. It is also important to involve decision makers in other related bodies and stakeholders as well as the local leaders in propagating all the facts of the calamity. This is attributed to the fact that articulate discharge of the relevant and useful facts regarding an impending calamity is important and hence individuals with necessary communication skills such as local leaders of the involved body are ought to be involved (135). Decision makers in a calamity situation are also ought to candidly encourage, approve, and support effective sharing and exchange of facts and information among all the stakeholders. Preparation and implementation It is also of importance to posit that dedication and loyalty of decision makers in disast er correspondence in relation to forecasting, preparation, and necessary procedures is critical. An expert in correspondence matters should therefore be involved and be incorporated or integrated in the decision-making group. Discharge of relevant information and facts of an impending calamity as well as other plans of actions geared towards mitigations procedures has been made less complicated by the use
Workforce Diversity at IBM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Workforce Diversity at IBM - Essay Example IBM had already implemented Workforce diversity as early as 1953 while this only became a requirement over ten years later under the Civil Rights Act of the US in 1964. This shows that IBM has always been committed to implementing workforce diversity unlike other firms who do it because it has to be done. IBM had already realized the importance of diversifying the workforce for the sake of the firm in order to not only increase productivity but also to increase their strategic advantage. The fact that IBM had already embraced the idea of workforce diversity as early as the 1950s is very important in considerations that the globalisation of trade had not begun. Globalisation, which was very fundamental in forcing organisations into embracing workplace diversity, only came much later in the 1980s and it is at this time that most international firms realised they had to diversify their workforce in order to ensure that they are globally competitive and that they can meet the challenges of a global market (Strachan, French and Burgess 4). In this regard, IBM can be regarded as the pioneer of the principle of workforce diversity. Looking at the information provided about IBM workforce diversity in this section, it becomes clear that the person is increasingly clear that implementing workforce diversity should not be driven by the affirmative action of the Civil Rights Act of the US in 1964. ... a modern world, any firm, especially those operating in the global environment should be able to make sure that their work is as diversified as much as possible. A diversified workforce is not only more likely to give the firm more innovations but is also able to meet the needs of the diverse market. IBM was the first to realize that diversifying the workforce would help the reorganisations to be able to be competitive in a global market. In fact, according to Richard (477), modern organisations are realizing that diversifying the workforce is not just the right thing to do, but a requirement for the organisation in order to acquire competitive advantage in the market. This probably explains the reason why IBM went on to become one of the most successful companies in the world. The other issue which comes out from the topic is the fact that implementing workforce diversity is not an easy task and it is a task which must be looked at in a very serious manner. Firms should be able to u nderstand workforce diversity is not just about hiring individuals from all categories of people such as from different races, different abilities etc. Workforce diversity however is being able to look for talents from all walks of life. IBM was the first firms to break the ice at a time when segregation in the workplace was very high. Many firms misunderstand workforce diversity and implement it in the wrong way. Not only do firm misunderstand diversity, but also the legislations which have been made such as the Civil Rights Act of the US in 1964 have the wrong view of what diversity should be. Diversity should not be inspired by giving the minority groups an added advantage over the majority. Equal opportunity employment should be inspired by the need to have all people of all sorts of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Practical Play Analysis Essay Example for Free
Practical Play Analysis Essay Theme/Vision Guan Hanqing’s Snow in Midsummer centers on the idea of social injustice and human suffering particularly the unfair treatment of poor people during the Chinese Golden Era. The play must transcend a great sense of oppression as intended by its playwrights to reflect the dark side of the society they were in, as the main character (Dou E) leaves a horrifying curse as her unjust death served as a living proof of how under-class people like her are taken for granted and are short-lived despite living a virtuous life while the evil ones prevailed. This issue still continues in the modern world so it is important that the story lives up to its purpose of making the audience reflect on the existence of tyranny in the society and what should be done in order to put an end to it. Every main character’s role should be well emphasized in order to make the message of the story more understandable. The characters must be very much convincing to the extent that they are almost taking the audience back to Yuan Dynasty. An article made by Huo Jianyi, Yuan Dynasty Zaju, tells about how Guan Hanqing himself gave up his profession of being a doctor and chose to serve the public by writing plays that exposed the dark side of the society, particularly the indulgence in wine and women as a way of life especially for the Yuan rulers. He and his fellow playwrights used their talents and knowledge in exposing tyranny and through their theatrical creations, spoke on behalf of the suffering masses despite the Yuan rulers forbidding it. The success of this play will be achieved if the same fiery passion is justified by the characters. Stage Type and Settings The play is artistic therefore it would be ideal to use a proscenium or picture frame stage. It is not necessary to use a traditional proscenium stage with its common features like a large archway near the stage front or a curtain in order to close it during act or scene breaks. It is enough that the stage is raised several feet enough for the audience to see the view of the play while directly facing it (â€Å"Stage:†Wikipedia). As the Snow in Midsummer is a classic play based on a Han Dynasty folk tale (although popularized in the Yuan Dynasty), the prevailing theme should be based on the said period. The backdrop must contain both unique and artistic images depicting a usual old Chinese scenario like that of a painting. Images of courtyard houses should be used. These residences would represent the different social status that coexisted in that period. Based on Spiro Kostof’s A History of Architecture, traditional Chinese courtyard houses (such as the siheyuan) is composed of several individual houses around a square, where each house is owned by a different member of the family. Aside from this, more houses can also be constructed for additional family members that need to be accommodated. There must be a strong sense of tranquility and privacy which should prevail and be maintained despite strong and loud scenes in the play. Garden and water is also a usual feature with these residences. The outermost part of these residences is where strangers are entertained while the innermost one is set apart for intimate friends and family members of the owner. Since the title of the play contains the word snow, then winter is another requirement for the play, in fact for almost the entirety of the play. This should allow an atmosphere of gloominess to dominate the stage, making the literal coldness of winter almost felt and intensified by the cold hearts of the villains in the play. The snow plays a critical part in this and it should fall dramatically on stage with the proper sad music background going with it.            Last but not the least, there must be flowers included. They should either be illustrated in the backdrop as part of the stage props. Flowers have been a great part of Chinese art just like the dragon and bird illustrations they use in their antique porcelains. As a whole, the entire stage must become a big canvass of living Chinese art. Stage Directions            The director is responsible for bringing out the good quality of the characters’ acting and the stage production. Therefore he must be focused and fully aware of the background of the play so as to properly angle it. Directions are made up of details being heard and seen by the audience. These should be explained well in the script so as not to confuse the director, the actors or even the designers. The three kinds of stage directions must be considered, namely: (1) scene directions, (2) staging directions, and (3) character stage directions. In the script, scene directions are indented at a measurement of 3.5 inches from the left side of the margin and 1 inch from the right. This indicates the fundamental place and time of the scene with details of the events on stage as the lights come up or become dim (â€Å"How to Format a Stage Play†). Let us take scene one, act one of the play Snow in Midsummer as indicated in the script:                                                                                    SCENE ONE (The period was between 1279-1368 A.D. In a typical Chinese village lives MISTRESS CAI, a widow, who appears on stage with a sign of great anticipation on her face. She paces at the center of the stage in her long, loose gown with wide sleeves and narrow cuffs. Then she faces the audience with the same facial expression.) Second is the staging directions. This contains the description of a certain scene such as the entrance, exit, and struggles of characters on stage, as well as the changes in lighting effects or musical background. MRS. CAI: Where? (The Doctor strangles the widow with the rope. Enter Old Zhang and his son Donkey. As they rush forward the Doctor takes to his heels. Old Zhang revives Mistress Cai.) DONKEY: Its an old woman, dad, nearly strangled to death. Last would be the character stage directions. These are short descriptive lines in parenthetical form sometimes placed under the name of the character. This shows the appropriate body language while delivering a certain line (â€Å"How to Format a Stage Play†). This particular direction puts more identity on acting. Here is another example. MRS. CAI (crying): Ah, poor child! How am I going to break this to you? Make up The characters’ makeup for the Snow in Midsummer need not look like that from a Chinese opera although it may be elaborated to reflect its rich culture. It must enhance their acting and facial expression. A kabuki effect is suggested if the production team would like to add a little animation to it and lessening its tragic base. Dou E and Mistress Cai’s makeup may use thick foundation with a rosy base to show femininity. However the application must be heavier on Mistress Cai to distinguish her age along with some fake wrinkles. The eyebrows must be enhanced with a thick black color while the lips are pouty and deep red. As for the elder male actors (Doctor Lu, Dou Tianzhang, and Old Chang), a yellow base makeup can be used contrasted with a thick pink blush on. The eyebrows may also be enhanced however for the male antagonist (Donkey Chang), eye brows should be enhanced with an upward effect at both ends. Once again the appearance of wrinkles should distinguish ages. Basic Pointers for applying stage makeup According to Kate Hillard on her article Application of Stage Makeup, makeup is often applied on thick layers. Unlike the movies where the camera can focus on the actor’s face, audiences cannot afford to this kind of facility on stage plays. The makeup used for the Snow in Midsummer should be elaborate and bright especially with characters representing the high-class society. There may also be gradual moderation of the makeup for the middle and lower class members but the artist must make sure that it is enough in maximizing the actor’s emotions on stage. Sometimes even the dark layers of makeup disappear on the glaring lights. A thick, heavy cream foundation should be applied first which be a little bit darker than the skin tone. The placing of foundation should be started on the forehead and blended well up to the hairline after which the remaining of the face is covered together with the ears, eyelids, and neck as if this is the actors’ true complexion. The neck application should also be blended well so as not to create a mask-like appearance. When it comes to male actors, foundation is applied on the entire neck and back sometimes but this can appear messy. Following the general foundation, a lighter color is placed over the shadows under the nose and on the chin. When the foundation is done, the blush would follow. A rosy color is used for the female actresses but this should be applied on a lesser degree with male actors. It is spread over the cheekbone and about halfway down the cheek mixing it with a down and up motion. A naturally rosy tone is needed for male actors while it should be darker for the females enough to maintain its visibility on stage especially under the hot lights. Blush must also be placed over the nose and forehead where it is very slightly blended. The most difficult part would be the eye makeup. A very white â€Å"highlighter†is first placed along the brow bone (right underneath the eyebrow) and under the eye. The makeup artist should make sure to give the surrounding eye areas a lightened appearance without leaving white smears. Following this, an eye makeup should be placed just above the eyelid, below the brow bone, and also beneath the eye which should be a little darker than skin tone. This should be topped with an even darker color along the eyelid top through a downward blending which can also be used as an eyeliner especially with male actors. For women, an even darker and rosier tone that gives the appearance of a natural eye shadow should be placed over. It should however be more recognizable on stage and should be placed a little above the eyebrow. A less rosy color is recommended for male actors though not required. Furthermore, a dark brown or similar-colored eye lining is placed. Black color is to be used for dramatic roles that need wild makeup. Lastly, mascara is placed on top of the lashes. In order to avoid or lessen the errors of putting mascaras, it is suggested to make the actor blink after putting the wand on his/her lashes. Following the eye makeup is the simpler part of putting on the lipstick. A color that is a little darker than the usual lip color is used for male actors and should be matched with a lip liner. Either can go first depending on the actor’s or makeup artist’s preference. The liner should be placed on the outside of the lips and not on the natural line otherwise this will obviously look fake. It can also be applied all over the lips to make it last better and longer. A dark lipstick should be applied enough to be seen from the stage even if it looks like a Halloween makeup up close. It goes otherwise with male actors who should slightly be more natural even on stage. Last but not the least would be the loose powder. Before it is applied over the face, dip a large brush unto a powder container then shake it to get most of the powder off in order to avoid leaving white smears over the makeup and therefore ruining it. Loose powder is for holding the actor’s make up even when they are sweating. Costumes Costumes are very important. They help audiences identify and understand the actor’s character and social rank as well as his traits and gender. The style and color would greatly suggest the occasion happening on stage. Colorful clothes and elaborate makeup may bring more life to Snow in Midsummer as this pertains to rich Chinese culture. The main character, Dou E, may use the traditional Ruqun which is used by ordinary women during the Yuan Dynasty. This is made up of an upper jacket and lower skirt. The jacket is made of a red marten or sheepskin garment with loose sleeves and gray collars and cuffs. This is tucked below a maroon skirt with a gray sash accent to maintain its simplicity. The same type of robe costume may be used by the widow, Mistress Cai as they do not necessarily belong with the Mongolian Aristocrats who wore cur coats and fur caps. Their costumes must reflect their lifestyle and their role enough to bring out the emotion from the audience, however they should not look like paupers but more like average Chinese people however obviously struggling to maintain their dignity. However, after her execution, Dou E’s costume must change to loose, ghostly white robe with its light fabric. The red smear of blood from the execution must appear on the cloth as well. The male actors may use the Yiseyi or Zhisunfu garments where upper and lower short garments were put together while adding folds to the waistline. Furthermore, big beads were hung on shoulders and the back. The garments can either be course or of fine quality depending on the social rank the actor is representing (â€Å"Costume in the Yuan Dynasty†). Donkey Chang and Old Chang may use costumes may use colors that shows a status that is more advantages compared to Dou E and Mistress Cai, however not as luxurious as an upper aristocrat. Donkey Chang’s costume must be provoking and reflective of his selfish being. Of course the apparent hairdo must not be forgotten. For male actors, it should be the traditional snail-head, seated Buddha feature. As for females actors (Dou E and Mistress Cai), the hair must be long with the upper portion tied and placed with some simple white floral accents. Mrs. Cai’s hair must be all brushed up however with a bulky onion bulb appearance. Lighting This is perhaps the counterpart of camera trick. One of the things that make stage plays breath-taking is the lighting effect. In fact thanks to modern-day stage lighting, audiences now are able to afford richer visibility of the entire play, thus connecting more with the intense emotions of the actors. A careful outline of Bill William’s Stage Lighting Design shows four important objectives of stage lighting: (1) Visibility, which helps the audience understand the play. It is influenced by contrast, size, color and movement. (2) Naturalism (and Motivation), where a sense of time and place is indicated. (3) Composition, the overall image of the stage. Lighting must reveal actors, objects and scenery depending on their importance. (4) Mood (and Atmosphere), which is the psychological reaction of the audience is influenced by lighting effects that gives the stage a sense of happiness, sadness or even boredom. Dou E’s execution would be a perfect example where lighting is â€Å"highlighted†as this scene indicates a transition from a normal way of life to a cursed one. In this case, the lighting effects must create a great sense of grief , heaviness, and fear among the audience. Casting            A play cannot be a play without the cast. As the front liners of the production, they are mainly responsible for leaving an impression for the play since they are the ones who have direct contact with the audiences. Casts are like the main course of a meal. Prof. Audrey Stanley from the University of California at Santa Cruz presents at least eight points to consider when casting a play: (1) Interpretation of character type and function; (2) Type-casting; (3) Casting against type; (4) Cross-gender casting; (5) Gender- or race-neutral casting. (6) Generational relationships and differences between characters (for instance, how old are Lears daughters?); (7) Physical and vocal requirements of different roles; (8) Audience associations and expectations of individual actors.            Dou E’s character must be portrayed by someone who can show her virtuosity but at the same time must have the ability to transform into a vengeful character. Her father, Dou Tianzhang, must be played as someone who is old of course but has enough strength to do some laborious works. Mistress Cai must reflect the same humility as Dou E’s character but of course with a motherly touch. A trace of burden must be shown on her face from life’s realities as well as how youth has been taken from her. Donkey Chang need not be good-looking however appropriately dressed. But his dignified appearance must not conceal his disgusting character. Rehearsals Based on Simon Dunmores Advice on How to Approach Rehearsals for a Play, rehearsing is composed of thought, discussion, and doing. It is an important part of the play where the whole team gets to figure out what will work or not. That is why it is important to discipline oneself especially when it comes to the script. Even before the rehearsals, the actor must read it several times so he/she will get to be familiar with the character that he is playing. He should carry it one hand somewhere at his side and put emotion to the delivery of the line while looking at the script at a side glance. He must be patient and must take his time in memorizing his line. In case of long speeches, they should be delivered with much care and thought as single or short lines for it is usually a case where a certain idea starts and is connected throughout the story of the play. Stage directions on the other hand, must be read as possible pointers only. If they came from how the play was originally done, take into consideration that the present production might be different with the casts and circumstances being new. Pause and silence is a kind of stage direction that must also be given proper timing and must have appropriate place in the play just like long and short lines. Also in case of abbreviations, the intention of the playwright must be observed so the essence of the communication will not be lost. Writing down notes either from the director or from oneself will be helpful in remembering how to delivery one’s line properly. Notes need not be long. Directors may not be right all the time with regards to the character role. His long experience in theater acting may not give him enough knowledge or understanding of a certain character the way an actor does. Therefore, a careful and rational discussion must always be made between the two. Set and costume designs are also very important. They affect the way an actor moves about the stage. These objects must work harmoniously with the people of the play and not become a hinder.            Rehearsals do not stop within the rehearsal room. Proper focus can be achieved with proper practicing though it should not necessarily occupy one’s private time. Rehearsal for Snow in Midsummer Below is a sample table for the Snow in Midsummer’s rehearsal schedule. It is usually done with six to eight weeks but the production team may change it depending on their needs (Sample Rehearsal Schedule). Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Auditions Auditions Call-Backs Post Castlist First Read-Thru Off Construction Crew Meets Block scenes with leads Block scenes with Full Cast Block scenes with leads Begin Set Construction Block scenes with Full Cast Off Work on Set Construction Work scenes with Full Cast Work scenes with leads Work scenes with leads Work on Set Construction Work scenes with Full Cast Work on Set Construction Hang Lights and Set Construction Work through Act I off book Work through Act II off book Work on trouble spots leads only Finish Hang and Rough Focus Act I Run-thru Work on Set Construction Full Cast Paint and Work Day Act II Run-thru Act I Run-thru Act II Run-thru Work on Set Construction First Full Run-thru Complete Set Construction Final Setup Tech and Lights First Tech Rehearsal with Cast Run-thru Full Tech Run-thru Full Tech Costume check Tech Crew Trouble Shooting Run-thru Full Tech Finishing Touches On Set Work on problem areas Full Dress Rehearsal Full Dress Rehearsal Full Dress Rehearsal Full Dress Rehearsal No Makeup Performance Performance Performance The Vision’s Effects on the Audience            The Snow in Midsummer is a play about tragedy and drama. However, the whole production team must keep in mind that as the story is based on real struggles of poor people in the past, it might leave a great sense of grievance to the audience. This is good but only to the extent that it will stimulate their sense of awareness since basically, though the storyline dates back to old times, it is very symbolic of the abuse and tyranny that still exist even in our time. Therefore, there must be a balance by creating a great sense of hope especially during the scenes where a retrial for Dou E’s case was conducted up to the play’s ending. The play must establish to the audience that life goes on and there is hope and justice even in the hardest of situations. Steve Campsall wrote in Write a Successful Play that plays must create a lasting appeal to the audience. Every words delivered by a stage performer should send out both meaning and feeling. That is why it is important to understand the writer’s intention behind the text he has created.  Common methods such as vivid metaphor, powerful imagery, alliteration, use of rhyme or rhythm, etc, are said to be used often by writers (Write a Successful Play: Effects on the Audience). Behind the scene interactions will help bring one’s natural acting and transcend the same energy and passion. The audience must be convinced with everything, from the stage settings to the acting. Not doing so will be crucial and may create passiveness. Conclusion            Behind a play’s success could be in anything that is a part of it. From the director’s vision to the actor’s execution, everyone should make sure that everything works harmoniously so that the flow of the play will be well polished on the grand day itself. It is both inspiring and fun to see actors on stage behaving like they are not actors but rather they own the stage and they are the characters that they are playing.            Lastly, behind the inspiring acts, elaborate costumes, and colorful props, the message of the story must be retained.  This is one important part that can be shared with the audience. The lesson that they can learn from watching a play can help them personally. Once the audience is touched by a play’s story or vision, he/she can use the message or apply it once he goes back to real life. Work Cited â€Å"Stage.†Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 5 February 2008. 9 February 2008. Kostof, S. 1995. A History of Architecture. The Oxford Press. 8 February 2008.   Jianyi, H. 2003. Yuan Dynasty Zaju.  8 February 2008.   â€Å"How to Format a Stage Play.†Script Frenzy Young Writers Program. 2007. 9 February 2008. Hillard, K. 2002. Application of Stage Make Up. 9 February 2008. â€Å"Costume in the Yuan Dynasty.† 10 February 2008. 10 February 2008. Williams, B. 1997-1999. Stage Lighting Design. Objectives of stage lighting. 11 February 2008 Stanley, A. 1995-1996. Shakespeare Examined through Performance. 11 February 2008 Dunmore, S. 25 August 1999. Simon Dunmores Advice on How to Approach Rehearsals for a Play. 11 February 2008 Campsall, S. 2008. Write a Successful Play: Effects on the Audience. 12 February 2008 Sample Rehearsal Schedule. Tupelo Community Theatre. 13 February 2008.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Factors Affecting Firm Size
Factors Affecting Firm Size Before explaining the factors that exert limits on the size of firms, it is very important to understand what a firm is and how do we measure its size. Lets start with a basic definition of a firm. In simple terms, a firm is a legally recognized organization designed to provide goods, services or both to consumers or tertiary business in exchange for money( Sullivan Arthur; Steven M. Sheffrin (2003). Now that we have an idea of what a firm is lets move on to the ways in which we can measure its size. A lot of ways can be used to measure the size of a firm. One can measure its size by the total revenue it generates, but this does not tell us anything about the scope of a firms underlying activity. Another way is value added( i.e.the sum of factor inputs). This gives us a precise measure of activity in the firm , but this data is generally not available from the company. Lastly, there is the number of employees working in the firm, which is the most widely used measure with more than 80 percent of the studies using it (Kimberley(1976, 587). The size of a firm has been measured as per the number of employees working in a firm in this essay. Before we embark on the long list of factors that exert limits on a firms size, lets just see if these limits are just theoretical aspects or do they actually exist. Have you ever wondered why do big companies like Toyota only limit their area of operations to a few sectors like automobiles? Why dont these companies expand in different directions and produce a wide array of products like food products, milk, laptops etc.? Everyone talks about how important size is, but if size was such a great advantage, the smaller companies would have soon disappeared. But as we see around us, this is not happening. If there had been no limits to the size of a firm then there would have been an inexorable concentration of industries and economies until there was only one global firm left. Since this is not happening, this proves that there do exist certain factors that exert certain limits on the size of a firm. Lets study these factors in detail: FACTORS LIMITING FIRM SIZE Diseconomies of scale It is a well documented fact that higher levels of production permit the use of more efficient techniques. They vindicate the investment in cost reducing technologies and allow workers to be more specialized. But however persuasive they may be, returns to scale have their limits. Machines related to two production units can be advantageously pulled together only if they are not employed to their capacities, similarly the law of large numbers becomes smaller and smaller as the firm grows, ultimately leading to increasing cost of production of goods and services for the larger firms leading to diseconomies of scale. Williamson(1975) identified four main categories of diseconomies of scale Communications Failure due to bounded rationality It is impossible to expand a firm without adding hierarchical layers. As information is passed between layers their is a high probability that it gets distorted, reducing the ability of high level managers to make decisions based on facts and leads to declining return to entrepreneurial function. Bureaucratic insularity Williamson argued that as firms increase in size the senior managers are less accountable to the lower ranks of the organization and to the shareholders. They thus become insulated and will strive to maximize their personal benefits rather than the profits of the firm. The consequences are that large firms tend to more easily accept organizational slack and resources are misallocated Employee alienation As firms expand there will be increased specialization, but also less moral involvement of the employees, according to Williamson (1975, 128-129). The decline in moral involvement is due to the difficulty for the employee to understand the purpose of activities as well as the small contribution each employee makes to the totality. Thus, alienation is more likely to occur in large firms. Misalignment of incentives Firms can not compensate their employees perfectly due to a number of limitations according to Williamson (1975, 129-130). First, large bonus payments may threaten senior managers. Second, performance related bonuses might affect the employment contract so that less than optimal behavior is encouraged. The outcome is that large firms tend to pay based on tenure and position rather than on merit. This is especially important in product and process development where the large firms are at a disadvantage to smaller enterprises. Availability of Finance/Capital Every firm at some point or the other needs to employ some external capital to grow. There is a strong and positive relationship between the amount of finance that a firm can raise and the managerial ability and entrepreneurial capital that the firm has, i.e. higher the entrepreneurial capital higher the amount that the firm can borrow. Also, given the existence of capital market imperfections, it would be unwise to assume that finance is never a real problem. It has been generally observed that the average size of firms is larger in countries with better financial markets, suggesting that financial constraints keep firms small. An example in this regard can be of Finland, where the size of the firms are large, despite the countrys small size, as compared to say Spain or Italy because it has a very efficient financial system, as measured by its accounting standards. Role of Government/Judicial Factors Government also plays a crucial role in determining the freedom that the firm enjoys in performing its operations with full capacity. Governments often employ certain regulations which put a limit on the size of the firm. Many costly regulations apply to larger firms (for example the obligation to provide health insurance in the US or Union Laws in Italy). This tilts the playing field towards small firms. Other regulations, such as strong product liability laws, favor the creation of separate legal entities that can avail the protection afforded by limited liability. This further leads to smaller firms. High corporate taxes could also drive many economic activities into the informal sector, and reduce reduce the incentive to create larger firms, this is probably why Italy has so many small firms. It has been observed in certain countries, that the government in order to protect the local market sometimes puts restrictions on the import of certain raw materials or machinery. This puts the firms in such countries at handicap when competing with foreign firm and in turn puts a limit on the size of the firm, as their area of operation remains limited to the local market. An efficient government and legal system on the other hand eases managements ability to use critical resources other thaan physical assets as source power, which leads to establishment of firms of larger size(Rajan and Zingales(1998c)). It also protects outside investors better and allows larger firms to be financed . Finally, an efficient government and legal system reduces coordination costs and allows larger organisations(Becker and Murphy(1992)). Limitations of the market Another major factor that limits the size of the firm is the limitations posed by the market, the expansion of which would require unprofitable price reductions or increase in selling cost. Adam Smith(1776) had suggested that the extent of specialization was limited by the size of the market. If a worker needs to acquire task specific human capital, there is a set-up cost incurred every time the worker is assigned a new task. It is, therefore reasonable to expect workers to perform specialized tasks and to expect a firm to hire more workers when its production process becomes more specialized. Therefore, one would expect not only the extent of specialization but also the size of the firms to be limited by the size of the market that is being served. Security There are always considerations of security to take into account- both security against bankruptcy and security against a takeover bid. The faster a firm attempts to expand, the more it will be driven to accept high-risk investments and the more it may have to rely on fixed interest debt. Both endanger the future of the firm. The failure of a major investment or the high level of fixed charges that a firm is obliged to meet when trade is depressed may bring it to its knees. Too rapid a rate of growth may also expose the firm to the danger of a takeover bid. This may occur if rapid expansion depresses the firms profitability or if it results in high retention of profits and low dividend payments to shareholders.Too low a rate on the other hand, may also attract a takeover bid. A profitable firm with a high conservative management may have a high level of liquidity. A prospective acquirer may feel confident that the funds can be put to more profitable use. Thus, this fear of security m ay also limit the size of the firm in that the firm may not be inclined to accept high risk investments in view of the fixed costs they have to pay off, thus limiting growth. Fear of expropriation Fear of expropriation is also a key factor that limits the size of the firm. This fear has been appropriately analyzed by Rajan and Zingales(1998c) with the help of a stylized model where an entrepreneur has a critical resource with which he wants to produce. In order to produce he has to offer employees access to the resource and its mode of employ. There are constant returns to scale in production but increasing returns to scale in marketing so that a larger firm captures a disproportionate share of the market. The problem is that the property rights of the entrepreneur are not fully secure. As a result he has to limit the number of employees who have access to the resource. The reason is that while he has a noyeaux dur of employees who have specialized to the firms business, have high switching costs, and are therefor loyal, new unspecialized employees on the other hand have low switching costs. If there are sufficient number of them, they will know they can capture a large market share if they band together and make away with a copy of the critical resource. thus, the entrepreneur can employ only a few employees, and has to wait until they specialize and become loyal before admitting new ones. It turns out that not only does this fear of expropriation limit the rate of growth of the number of employees in the firm, it also limits its eventual size. An example in this regard can be taken of the Venezuelan steel company Sidetur, which was recently expropriated by the government. Availability of Technology Sometimes the availability of a particular technology also limits the size of the firm. For example a person may have patented a particular technology and might be the only one who can use it for some time to come. In that scenario a firm producing the same product is handicapped as they do not have the access to the same technology that its competitor has and thus cannot increase its size and becomes stagnant. Another example in this regard can be a strict government policy which does not allow the firms in a particular country to import a particular technology, thereby limiting the size of the firm by not allowing the firm to compete in the global market. Uncertainty Uncertainty plays a crucial role in limiting the size of the firm. It is clear that the seriousness of this problem can be reduced, but only at the cost of additional management effort, which may affect the pattern as well as the rate of growth. This can be illustrated by considering some of the ways in which a firm might respond to uncertainty. One possible response is to increase the variety of goods produced . This would clearly affect the pattern of growth and might increase the managerial resources needed to coordinate the firms activities. Indeed, management problems in a diversified firm might be so acute that they lead either to voluntary disinvestments(can be expanded ;), or to exposure of the firm to a takeover bid.Part of the attraction of a takeover for the predator might also be the profitable sale of subsidiaries of the acquired company to more specialist producers. Another response may be to emphasize short-term projects to the neglect of the long term ones, which agai n would affect the pattern of growth as well as the long term growth rate. Yet another response is to take longer in arriving at investment decisions : for instance, by carrying out more market research before deciding to launch a new product. In this respect different attributes would have a crucial impact on business performance, for the firm that is perfectly risk averse may find that it delays for so long before making a decision that it loses a potential position of market leadership to a competitor. Given the managerial resources available, uncertainty will place a limit on the rate of expansion or size by affecting the volume of managerial services required for a given amount of expansion.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Effect of Technology on Social Interaction
Effect of Technology on Social Interaction INTRODUCTION: Since the presence of technology, humans have ignored themselves and each other. Technology, organized with commerce, which has slowly raided humans and their natural abilities and removed their capabilities. Today, many of us bargain with ourselves in depressed, alienated, drug addicts, stressed out, exhausted, poor health, isolated, alcoholics, and overweight and overworked. We are spending a lesser amount of time together in active face-to-face interaction and conversation with our families, neighbors, colleagues and friends, and more time at working, driving cars, drinking, eating, being online on the computer, sending text messages and emails consuming, eating, watching TV. We have endorsed this situation to change and have not been capable, to find the strength to repel. We have given up so much in conversation for the magnificence and never-ending progress of science, commerce and technology. But we have slight or no time for an insufficient kind statement with a friend or a n eighbor or simply another human being whose conduit we cross throughout our busy days. This condition is in extensive need of our genuine wisdom and attention in order to find elucidations for more congruence, health for human beings everywhere and wellness, and also to establish a balance among our habit of technology and the time we employ in social interaction and conversation with others. CURRENT SITUATION: It is an undeniable fact that the contemporary technologies, particularly the invention of the internet, has transfigured the way people live, work,, entertain and, communicate. To twitch with, the online messages and communication tools such as emails, MSN messenger and teleconference software have enabled the contacts of mutually the loved ones in distant place and associates working in another region. However, it is not unusual to see that news reporting constantly reports on the disadvantageous effect of these fluctuations in telecommunication. Firstly, misusing internet and ignoring the real communication can lead to social separation and segregation. Researches disclose that people, who spend their too much time at the computer cafes, tend to have complications when communicating and interacting with people in the actual world. Furthermore, many family actions which normally help fortify the family bonds cannot be merely replaced by online conversation. Generally, I personally believe that scientific and technological development has transformed our mode of communication in an optimistic and encouraging way, in terms of the expediency, time-efficiency and convenient. However, taken all the above stated negative inspirations into contemplation, we do need to keep poise between the period we employ on line and in actual and real world. DECLINE OF FACE TO FACE CONVERSATION: We are now in the middle of another daunting revolution, which is the Technological Revolution, having a very prodigious effect on the oral word and on societies and their relatives with each other. Only 50 years ago, the computer seemed on the scene. Its arrival and development is instigating the Technological Revolution to interchange ahead at supersonic speed and rapidity as we move profounder into the 21st century. We are forfeiting a very high value to have all these machineries and technologies at our disposal. It is crucial that we evaluate and analyze this situation. Multi-tasking is instigating us to be easily abstracted and diverted. Despite all the machines and technologies for easy interaction and communication with each other, we often sense socially isolated and lonely because most of our acquaintances and contacts are by machines and technology, not close sincere living human acquaintances. SOLUTION TO THIS HORRIBLE SITUATION: In order for us to move forward to the future, it is necessary and essential to go back to the past and history, because we have elapsed, left behind, and unrestricted an essential component that we want so that we can aware about our lives more effusively and with more sympathy. That component is our humanity. We need to get up and observe first what has transpired to us and then to guise deep into past to see what ensued to our ancestors, who, over the millenniums, had to undergo the slow procedure of losing their capabilities and of seeing the deterioration of living face-to-face social interactions and conversation as technology has developed, appeared and developed. All of us have been detached of many of our inherited abilities and of other capabilities that we have assimilated during our lives. The television, media and particularly advertising have influenced us that electronic or written communication is someway better and more precise than our own living spoken statement. W e have been persuaded that somehow inspecting life on a screen is more exciting and interesting than incarnate our own lives. We have become observers, immobile, consumers and seated, who always observers of what we need somewhat separate from ourselves. We have vanished confidence in our institutions, feelings, and abilities, and in our amusing inner resources that we barely know to find or how to exist. It is untainted that we need to re-become contestants in life and not just spectators and observers. By concerning with each other, we could be able to comprehend this goal. There are elucidations to ease up this condition, which we need to contemplate seriously. Many observers and philosophers of life have given us significant messages as to how to achieve this assignment. Communicating with each other can mean bartering concepts about positive and creative action we can take in mandate to resist this modern imperative that is determining us into spectators, users of machines, consumers and non-stop workers. Today, many of us devote a marvelous amount of our time placed in front of a TV or Computer screen or sending messages and emails to each other. It is unblemished that we need to be in touch with everyone, but most of the period our acquaintances are by machine and technologies not by actual life living face-to-face interaction. Before all the technology and machines evolved, people certainly used to employ more time together and as a consequence they were happier and social relations were flatter and more harmonious. IMPORTANCE OF INTER-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION: Today, we come into interaction regularly with other people not only from our own society and country but from all over the sphere and of all eternities and from altered walks of life, political, and religious opinions. This condition requires great sympathy, tolerance, sensitivity and understanding. Intercultural communication assistances can help us to communicate more harmoniously and smoothly with people on a face-to-face root with ease and without arguments or misunderstanding. We need to seek a profounder and more sympathetic understanding of the human knowledge of living a life on this earth and in our world. It can be very obliging to cultivate more familiarity of the many cultures and societies of our world, their past and histories, their characteristics and geographies, and their current states. ENCOURAGING HOSPITALITY INSTEAD OF HOSTALITY: People will communicate with others if they pass smiles and have a friendly expression and appearance. A cold, inimical facial appearance does not offer conversation communication or social interface. Therefore another elucidation to keeping face-to-face conversation and sociability thriving is to encourage and however friendly, pleasant and gracious relations, understanding, kindness, politeness, tolerance, and respect between human beings, irrespective of their age, race, nationality, social backgrounds, and the way of life, the language they express, their facial appearances, religious beliefs and dogmas, or other points of view. If we exercise this mode of behavior, others will follow. In normal conditions, friendly association should find between and among human. After all, we have a great transaction in common with everyone. For instance, we all have two arms, two legs, a head, and a body, and we all breathe, sleep, eat, and have a heart that is continuously beating. We all share the knowledge and information that we are not on this world forever and that we will consent here with nonentity in our hands. So it would seem impeccably reasonable for us to contemplate talking, conversing, communicating and interacting with our corresponding human beings more often and in a friendly and warm manner whenever the occasion presents itself while spending, at work, at shopping, at school, in a bus or road, at the airport, anywhere and everywhere, we often we ignore and avoid each other. So many chances to meet motivating people are conceded by. CONCLUSION: Since, thanks to the growth of e-commerce, people can accomplish a variety of actions, such as booking flights and accommodations, purchasing material ranging from cars to clothing, or even dating a foreigner, without treading out own house. Most prominently, the social links such as the Facebook has even fabricated an entire cybernetic world for us.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Literature - Postmodern Literary Criticism :: Literature Essays Literary Criticism
Postmodern Literary Criticism  Postmodernism attempts to call into question or challenge the notion of a single absolute unified master narrative without simply replacing it with another. It is a paradoxical, recursive, and problematic method of critique.  It encourages transcendence through or in spite of limitation, while simultaneously decentering the concept of absolute transcendence. To this end, it encourages the development of a heightened sense of self in relation to itself and the world around it.             Postmodernism assumes an ontology of fragmented being. Where modernism asserts the primacy of the subject in revealing universal truth, postmodernism challenges the authority of the subject and, thus, universal truth based on it. Modernism and postmodernism, however, draw upon distinctly different epistemological modes: critical and dogmatic.             Modernism posits itself as a source of dogmatic knowledge. Dogmatic knowledge is an unchanging, absolute ideology. It has found the Truth or believes it is possible to acquire it. Knowledge is objective, tangible and quantifiable. The dogmatic mode attempts to subordinate further critical thinking in order to spread knowledge of Truth.             Postmodernism, on the other hand, aspires to reflect the critical. Critical knowledge is a process, rather than product. Absolute knowledge is unattainable, conditional, and provisional at best. Any unequivocal sense of the real is rendered superfluous. Truth, therefore, remains elusive, relativistic, partial, and always incomplete; it cannot be learned in totality. "Truth itself is a contingent affair and assumes a different shape in the light of differing local urgencies and convictions associated with them" (Fish 207). Critical knowledge has no choice but to exercise complicity with the cultural historical context in which it is hopelessly mired. As Lee Patterson states, "Even scholars who are dealing with chronologically and geographically distant materials are in fact examining a cultural matrix within which they themselves stand, and the understandings at which they arrive are influenced not simply by contemporary interests but by th e shaping past that they are engaged in recovering" (259).             Postmodern literary criticism asserts that art, author, and audience can only be approached through a series of mediating contexts. "Novels, poems, and plays are neither timeless nor transcendent" (Jehlen 264). Even questions of canon must be considered within a such contexts. "Literature is not only a question of what we read but of who reads and who writes, and in what social circumstances...The canon itself is an historical event; it belongs to the history of the school" (Guillory 238,44). Literature - Postmodern Literary Criticism :: Literature Essays Literary Criticism Postmodern Literary Criticism  Postmodernism attempts to call into question or challenge the notion of a single absolute unified master narrative without simply replacing it with another. It is a paradoxical, recursive, and problematic method of critique.  It encourages transcendence through or in spite of limitation, while simultaneously decentering the concept of absolute transcendence. To this end, it encourages the development of a heightened sense of self in relation to itself and the world around it.             Postmodernism assumes an ontology of fragmented being. Where modernism asserts the primacy of the subject in revealing universal truth, postmodernism challenges the authority of the subject and, thus, universal truth based on it. Modernism and postmodernism, however, draw upon distinctly different epistemological modes: critical and dogmatic.             Modernism posits itself as a source of dogmatic knowledge. Dogmatic knowledge is an unchanging, absolute ideology. It has found the Truth or believes it is possible to acquire it. Knowledge is objective, tangible and quantifiable. The dogmatic mode attempts to subordinate further critical thinking in order to spread knowledge of Truth.             Postmodernism, on the other hand, aspires to reflect the critical. Critical knowledge is a process, rather than product. Absolute knowledge is unattainable, conditional, and provisional at best. Any unequivocal sense of the real is rendered superfluous. Truth, therefore, remains elusive, relativistic, partial, and always incomplete; it cannot be learned in totality. "Truth itself is a contingent affair and assumes a different shape in the light of differing local urgencies and convictions associated with them" (Fish 207). Critical knowledge has no choice but to exercise complicity with the cultural historical context in which it is hopelessly mired. As Lee Patterson states, "Even scholars who are dealing with chronologically and geographically distant materials are in fact examining a cultural matrix within which they themselves stand, and the understandings at which they arrive are influenced not simply by contemporary interests but by th e shaping past that they are engaged in recovering" (259).             Postmodern literary criticism asserts that art, author, and audience can only be approached through a series of mediating contexts. "Novels, poems, and plays are neither timeless nor transcendent" (Jehlen 264). Even questions of canon must be considered within a such contexts. "Literature is not only a question of what we read but of who reads and who writes, and in what social circumstances...The canon itself is an historical event; it belongs to the history of the school" (Guillory 238,44).
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