Sunday, March 24, 2019
The Effects of Aristotelian Teleological Thought on Darwins Mechanisti
The Effects of Aristotelean Teleological Thought on Darwins Mechanistic Views of Evolution The need to take care organisms has been a much sought goal ofscience since its birth as biology. History shows Aristotle and Charles Darwinas two of the most powerful biologists of all time. Aristotles teleologicalmethod was supported widely for over 2,000 years. One scientist remarks thatthe Aristotelian teleology "has been the ghost, the undetermined mystery whichhas haunted biology through its whole history" (Ayala, 10). If Aristotles nest has frightened biology, then Darwin, who actually nicknamed himselfthe "Devils Chaplain," and his idea of natural selection has or so dissectedAristotles ghost. While Aristotle explained biology through a plan and apurpose, Darwin debated that randomness and chaos are responsible for theorganic world as we know it. Guiseppe Montalenti, an Italian geneticist andphilosopher of biology, wrote that Darwins ideas we re a rebellion againstthought in the Aristotelian-scholastic authority (Ayala, 4). In order tounderstand how Darwinism can be considered a repel against Aristotle, we mustfirst inspect Aristotles ideas and thoughts about biology.Aristotle used teleology to explain the concord and final results of theearth. Teleology is the study of the purpose of nature. Aristotle believedthat scientists should follow the plan adopted by mathematicians in theirdemonstrations of astronomy, and after weighing the phenomena presented byanimals, and their several parts, follow consequently to understand the causesand the end results. Using this method, Aristotle constructed causes for bodyparts and processes of the human body, such(prenominal) as sundry types of teeth.Aristotle elucidated on this topic "When we have ascertained the things cosmea we inquire as to its naturewhen we know the fact we ask the precedent"(Evans, 82). Despite Aristotles frequent teleological explanations, he did warnagainst teleology leading to misinterpretations of facts. In a short writing onthe reproduction of bees in times of Animals, Aristotle was troubled thatthere were insufficient observations on the subject, and warns that his theoryis dependent on facts supporting the theory. One twentieth century biologist... ... to describe evolutionteleologically. This proof, of course, is not possible, as evolution throughnatural selection cannot be set forth as goal-oriented since it happens due toprevious events or transformations, not in prognostication of coming events. If wewere goal-oriented, natural selection would not be supple luxuriant to be useful inrapidly changing environments (Mayr, 43).ReferencesAristotle. The Works of Aristotle, cyclopedia Britannica. New York, 1952Ayala, F.J. and Tobzharsky, T. Studies in the doctrine of Biology.University of California Press. Berkeley and Los Angeles. 1974.Burrow, John. Editor introduction to Charles Darwins rail l ine of the SpeciesPenguin books. England, 1968.Evans, G. The Physical Philosophy of Aristotle. University of New MexicoPress. Albuquerque, 1964.Kirk, G., Raven, J. and Schofield, M. The Presocratic Philosophers. CambridgeUniversity Press. Cambridge. 1983.Mayr, Ernst. Toward a New Philosophy of Biology. Harvard University Press.1988.Moore, Ruth. Evolution. Time-life books. Alexandria, Virginia. 1980.Simpson, George The Meaning of Evolution. Yale University Press. New Havenand London. 1949.
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