Thursday, November 28, 2019
Walt Whitman Research Paper Example
Walt Whitman Paper Walt Whitman is most certainly the forefather of contemporary American prose and poetry. Whitman’s most celebrated work; Leaves of Grass has left a mark not only on American society but also on the work of Allen Ginsberg who is vastly reminiscent of Walt Whitman. I will begin this essay by paralleling the Leaves of Grass to Ginsberg’s Howl while incorporating the work and ideas of other contemporary Amesrican poets. To take one Allen Ginsberg poem as an example, we will be able to draw a corollary between Howl and the poetic style developed by Whitman: â€Å"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Whitman released himself from rhyme and measure and focused more fervently on identifying and naming the inhabitants of a specific world. Here we can see that Ginsberg is using the same poetic technique and often an idea is repetitively stressed in order to address the world in which he is speaking of. This idea of repetition is best seen in Whitman’s Song of Myself: We will write a custom essay sample on Walt Whitman specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Walt Whitman specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Walt Whitman specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It cannot fall the young man who died and was buried Nor the young woman who died and was put by his side, Nor the little child that peep’d in at the door, and then drew back and was never seen again, Nor the old man who has lived without purpose, and feels it with bitterness worse than gall, Nor him in the poor house tubercled by rum and bad disorder, Nor the numberless slaughter’d and wreck’d, nor the brutish kobo call’d the ordure of humanity†¦ The stylistic similarities between Ginsberg and Whitman are clearly evident upon the first reading. Walt Whitman was able to open American poetry to a much freer subject and form, this is something that Ginsberg strongly took hold of. Whitman was a radical writer during his time and Ginsberg took similar risks in expressing himself through poetic means. Throughout the course, there has been an underlying theme of attempting to describe the world in whole as well as the individual’s relationship to society. In American society today it feels as though we are pushing individuals to â€Å"walk the road less taken. Ginsberg and Whitman I feel are comparable not only through their stylistic similarities but also through their relationship with societal morals. Ginsberg in the 1950’s was an ultra radical; he essentially was the intellectual basis for the Jack Kerouac â€Å"Beat Generation. †Whitman also challenged the â€Å"order of humanity†and expressed ideas foreign to society at the time of his writing. Modern day America is much more open to individual ity and diversity than it was just forty to fifty years ago. The work of a writer will project much more in a society resistant to outside ideas than it will in a more accessible minded society. Allen Ginsberg’s poem A Supermarket in Heaven is a romantic homage to the change of ideas from the 1850’s to the 1950’s. Ginsberg has an almost mystical attachment to be incorporated into the moment of the world. Whitman had a passionate desire to love and be apart of the world despite the world at times being unlovable. Nick Flynn in The Captain Asks For a Show of Hands also points to the need for man to have openness towards the world. In the fist poem of the collection, haiku (failed) Flynn writes: The thin thread that hold us here, tethered/ or maybe tied, together, What/ do you call it –telephone? horizon? song? Listen/ to yourself sing, We are all god’s children / we are all gods, we walk the earth These opening lines establish a connection between humanity or the lack there of, whether it is a telephone wire or song. Flynn also writes in seven testimonies (redacted) about the horrors, which occurred between the guards and Abu Ghraib detainees. Here again we find that in order for the reader to walk away satisfied the author must take a risk. This specific incident was a moment of great turmoil for America, yet similar to Whitman Flynn still encourages to love and be apart of the world despite it at times being difficult to live with. This is seen in his poem Imagination where he writes, â€Å"†¦the earth/ is dirt, our bodies dirt you/ floating there a hand’s-/ width above me, just until/ things blow over, that/ war, say, Jesus/ did we really just make it all up? It is almost as if he is saying that regardless of evil all humanity is composed of the same materials therefore we are all connected. Differing from Whitman and Ginsberg who were aspiring to gain connection Flynn is writing to regain that sense of connection. The fractured nature of Flynn’s writing became the pressing subject and goal of the book as he begins to decipher the voices of the media, military and government. We live in a world so enveloped with technology that it is difficult to establish a sense of security and trust between another human. There once was a time where a handshake sealed the deal, that hand is no longer valid unless it is â€Å"googled†or sent to a laboratory to ensure its security. Ginsberg wrote during the height of American conformity, the 1950’s, a time when there was still much societal improvement to be made, especially concerning civil rights. There was indeed a necessity to break barriers and restructure the way America viewed its ideal society. Now, as I think Flynn asserts, we have reached a position of heightened equality but our many options have confused the world as a whole and left it standing further disconnected. Ginsberg and Whitman’s theories on society were pragmatic while today the movement is driven much more out of emotion. Many of the contemporary American poets we have read struggle with either a parent, usually their father or a spouse. Nick Flynn himself lost his mother to suicide and met his father for the first time at the age of 27 while working at a homeless shelter. This may shine a brighter light on why he may be so driven towards gaining a greater connection with society. Terrance Hayes another contemporary writes from s similar place in his collection of poems entitled Lighthead. Hayes in Arbor for Butch depicts the cyclical nature of the world through the relationship with his father: I am with my newborn son and the man blood says is my father n a shit motel, and if each of us is, as I sometimes believe, the room we inhabit, he is a bed used until it is stained. Even if I knew this first meeting was our last, I would have nothing to offer beyond the life I have made without him. I think this is highly representative of an individual’s relationship to a society. Despite the speakers inability to establish a meaningful and significant relationship with his father his is still able to bring new life into the world. It goes to show that life is always in a constant state of motion, sometimes there are moments of connectedness and other times it seems to be a distant appeal. Again, we find an author who is not afraid to resist the norms of literary rule or society. Just as Whitman, Ginsberg and Flynn all break away from the standards of poetic writing so does Hayes. On the faculty page of Terrence Hayes at Carnegie Mellon University he writes that, â€Å"he aspires to a poetic style that resists style. †Speaking only in regards to the material read in this course it is evident that profound writing does not conform but rather challenges thought. These thoughts are also not always as refreshing as the wisdom written by Whitman, many times I was left with a bitter taste about America. Hayes writes in Support the Troops: I realize were it nor for the sacrifices of these young boys, America would no longer have its source of power. I have given considerable thought to your offer, but I simply am unable to offer my support. The nature of this poem is very ambiguous but it leaves me with the impression that he is unhappy with America and feels apart from it. Hayes stands himself apart from Ginsberg and Whitman here who acknowledge the negative aspects but still desire to be apart of the â€Å"ordure of (American) humanity. As I near conclusion I felt a need to include Wallace Stevens because he is able to establish a point of view that is still aside from the norm, but does it in a much more benign manner. In the Anecdote of the Jar he writes of a jar placed in the wilderness of Tennessee, â€Å"The wilderness rose up to it,/ and sprawled around no longer wild. / the jar was round upon the ground/ And tall and of a port in air. †This poem was written in 1919 a time when nature was being converted though industry in ways that never seemed possible. It points to the idea that the wild is tangible and as soon as humans incorporate the unnatural with the natural, the wild ceases to exist. This is an idea reminiscent of the modern environmentalist movement, but Stevens wrote this at the turn of the twentieth century. Wallace Stevens is also writing from the prospective of a capitalist, he was a lawyer and vice president of the Hartford insurance company. Americas current fragmentation seen through the work of Flynn, segments society in a way where it would seem impossible for a member of the capitalist elite to write profoundly on the imagination or wilderness as did Stevens. Through the works discussed in this essay there has developed a prevalent theme of connection not only to society but also to the world. Beginning with Whitman there has been a great deal of risk taken in order to get across an idea. Throughout the course of American society, the word risk has always had a prominent part from the revolution to where we stand today. All of the writes discussed are writing in hopes of a more open society, one that understands fragmentation is subsidiary to connectedness.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Serotiny and the Serotinous Cone
Serotiny and the Serotinous Cone Some tree species delay seed fall because their cones are dependent on a brief blast of heat to release seed. This dependency on heat during the seed production cycle is called serotiny and becomes a heat trigger for seed drop that may take decades to occur. Natural fire has to happen to complete the seed cycle. Although serotiny is primarily caused by fire, there are other seed release triggers that may work in tandem including periodic excess moisture, conditions of increased solar heat, atmospheric drying and parent plant death. Trees that have a serotinous tenancy in North America include some species of conifers including pine, spruce, cypress and sequoia. Serotinous trees in the southern hemisphere include some angiosperms like eucalyptus in fire-prone parts of Australia and South Africa. The Process of Serotiny Most trees drop their seeds during and just after the ripening period. Serotinous trees store their seeds in the canopy via cones or pods and wait for an environmental trigger. This is the process of serotiny. Desert shrubs and succulent plants depend on periodic rainfall for seed drop but the most common trigger for serotinous trees is periodic fire. Natural periodic fires occur globally, and on average, between 50 to 150 years. With naturally occurring periodic lightning fires over millions of years, trees evolved and developed the ability to resist high heat and eventually began using that heat in their reproduction cycle. The adaptation of thick and flame-resistant bark insulated the trees internal cells to direct flame and used the rising indirect heat from fire on cones to drop seed. In serotinous conifers, mature cone scales are naturally sealed shut with resin. Most (but not all) seeds stay in the canopy until the cones are heated to 122-140 degrees Fahrenheit (50 to 60 degrees Celsius). This heat melts the resin adhesive, the cone scales open to expose the seed that then drop or drift after several days to a burned but cool planting bed. These seeds actually do best on the burnt soil available to them. The site provides reduced competition, increased light, warmth and a short term increase of nutrients in the ash. The Canopy Advantage Seed storage in the canopy uses the advantage of height and breeze to distribute seed at the appropriate time onto a good, clear seedbed in satiating quantities enough for seed-eating critters. This masting effect increases the predator seed food supply to overabundance. With this abundance of newly added seed along with adequate germination rates, more seedlings than necessary will grow when moisture and temperature conditions are seasonally average or better. It is interesting to note that there are seeds that drop annually and are not a part of the heat-induced crop. This seed leakage seems to be a natural insurance policy against rare seed failures when conditions are adverse just after a burn and result in a full crop failure. What is Pyriscence? Pyriscence is often a word misused for serotiny. Pyriscence is not as much a heat-induced method for plant seed release, as it is an organisms adaptation to a fire-prone environment. It is the ecology of an environment where natural fires are common and where post-fire conditions offer the best seed germination and seedling survival rates for the adaptive species. A great example of pyriscence can be found in a southeastern United States longleaf pine forest ecosystem. This once large habitat is shrinking in size as fire is more and more excluded as land use patterns have changed. Although Pinus palustris is not a serotinous conifer, it has evolved to survive by producing seedlings that go through a protective grass stage. The initial shoot bursts in a brief bushy growth spurt and just as suddenly stops most top growth. Over the next few years, longleaf develops a significant tap root along with dense needle tufts. A compensating resumption of fast growth returns to the pine sapling around age seven.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Culture and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Culture and development - Essay Example In this case most governments in these regions of the world strive to empower cultural heritage tourism through funding the indigenous art and design industries. This is in order to encourage local communities to maintain their cultures as it can act as a form of social entrepreneurship. West Bengal in eastern India is one of the regions in the world which have embraced the notion of social entrepreneurship in building community wealth (Chaudhury 162). The region is rich in cultural and natural resources. The communities in this region are focused on creative industries which are based on art and culture2. The communities have developed Art Business Hubs which offer cultural products as well as services which basically correlate with their traditions and natural surroundings. Apart from industrial development, culture acts as a medium in the formation of social capital. Social capital helps in the development of local industries through local investment as it promotes communal reliability (Thyer 77). People tend to form communal organizations which fund and market their cultural products thus utilizing natural beauty and architectural heritage to increase revenue generation and employment3. Culture is a key entity in the fight against ethnicity. It promotes diversity thus leading to the formation of a global village which is a positive factor in business and economic development. Therefore, culture is essential in both local and international
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Thesis statement and Reaction Response Paper Essay
Thesis statement and Reaction Response Paper - Essay Example In many ways Doyle’s friendship with nationalists and individuals interested in the self-determination of people groups caused him to be viewed by individuals within the United Kingdom’s power structure as something of an outsider or, even worse, as something of an enemy. However, regardless of his tacit support for Irish Independent and other issues of a more domestic nature, Doyle also spent a large majority of his life campaigning against the immorality and injustice that colonialism represented. Within his piece entitled â€Å"The Crime of the Congo†Doyle illustrates the way in which the colonial powers of Britain, as well as many other European powers, were negatively impacting upon the happiness, well-being, and self-determination of an otherwise industrious and proud people fully half a world away. As a function of detailing how exceptionally horrific colonialism was, specifically within the Congo, Doyle focuses upon issues relating to long hours, slavery, a focus on profit and production with a disregard for humanity, and the innate levels of cruelty, and other issues that most Europeans might not be familiar with. Accordingly, with respect to the long hours, Doyle related to the fact that even though slavery was outlawed within Europe, it was still readily practice within many of the colonies. For instance, the individuals that were responsible for primary production and transporting the goods from one place to another oftentimes woke up at 6 o’clock in the morning and worked until 8 in the evening (Doyle, 2011). Whereas this was uncommon to say the least within England, the nature of the work and the manner by which these individuals were treated was tantamount to nothing more than slavery. If profits are high, they push for even further profitability and even more production; something that the individuals that are virtually enslaved in this process cannot
Monday, November 18, 2019
Discussion About The Sex Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Discussion About The Sex Industry - Essay Example Criminalization of prostitution renders the women and girls who engage in the practice vulnerable. Legalizing prostitution would make it easier for prostitutes to report criminal acts against them- especially being sexually assaulted. Prostitutes seek assistance from pimps to make up for contractual and legal help, which is denied them; pimps protect them from their customers and police. Majority of prostitutes are constantly faced with the high threat of rape and violence. One research findings indicate that on average, a prostitute is raped an average of 31 times annually. Since prostitution is a criminal offense subject to arrest and prosecution, hardly any prostitute reports such violations perpetrated to them, and even when they do the authorities fail to take them seriously or to follow up and act on the case urgently and professionally as they would with other women not engaged in prostitution. For instance, reports indicate that only four percent of women prostitutes who are violated or assaulted ever report the crime. Legalization of prostitution would get rid of the pimps and others, such as clients and purveyors, who exploit and violate those in the prostitution enterprise.Legalization of prostitution would conversely mean government regulation, taxation and a number of laws to regulate the profession. Many prostitutes would not be supportive of this. Without the government control, most prostitutes enjoy a great deal of independence; a prospect that would be taken away by the legalization of prostitution.... Legalizing prostitution would make it easier for prostitutes to report criminal acts against them- especially being sexually assaulted. Prostitutes seek assistance from pimps to make up for contractual and legal help, which are denied them; pimps protect them from their customers and police. Majority of prostitutes are constantly faced with high threat of rape and violence. For instance, one research findings indicate that on average, a prostitute is raped an average of 31 times annually (Spector 17). Since prostitution is a criminal offence subject to arrest and prosecution, hardly any prostitute reports such violations perpetrated to them, and even when they do the authorities fail to take the seriously or to follow up and act on the case urgently and professionally as they would with other women not engaged in prostitution. For instance, reports indicate that only four percent of women prostitutes who are violated or assaulted ever report the crime (Spector 21). Legalization of pr ostitution would get rid of the pimps and others, such as clients and purveyors, who exploit and violate those in the prostitutionenterprise. Legalization of prostitution would conversely mean government regulation, taxation and a number of laws to regulate the profession. Many prostitutes would not be supportive of this. Without the government control, most prostitutes enjoy a great deal of independence; a prospect that would be taken away by legalization of prostitution.Legalization would mean fixed working areas- the so-called red-light districts, registration as prostitutes, taxes and other levies charged by the government or various authorities such as local municipalities. The registration could expose the woman and
Friday, November 15, 2019
Volkswagen International Strategy
Volkswagen International Strategy INTERNATIONAL MARKETING STRETEGY Companys Snapshot. Volkswagen AG. is a German automaker that operates in the global automotive industry as a manufacturer and distributor. Volkswagen of America is one of its subsidiaries that is based in the United States. The Groups principal activities are to design, manufacture and distribution of cars and other vehicles worldwide. The Groups activities are carried out through two divisions: Automobile and Financial services. The Automobile division comprises the development of vehicles and engines, as well as the production and sale of passenger cars, commercial vehicles, trucks and buses. The Financial Services includes dealer and customer financing and leasing, banking and insurance activities, vehicle rentals and the fleet management business. Overview of Volkswagen Group of Companies. It is Europes no one car maker. The Groups main product lines include the Volkswagen Passenger, Audi, SEAT, Skoda, Lamborghini, Bugatti and Bentley ranges of vehicles. Volkswagen aims to increase its focus on core business, reduce production costs, and enhance profitability. To achieve these goals, the company is considering various strategic and business development initiatives such as divesture of the non core business segments, adapting modular strategy in production process, restructuring, and introduction of new models. Company at a Glance. Major Industry: Automotive Industry. Sub Industry: Diversified Automotive Mfrs. 2008 Sales: 113,808,000,000 (Year Ending Jan 2009). Employees: 357,207. Market Cap: 30,656,317,749. Share Type: Stammaktie. Stock Data: Current Price (12/30/2009): 76.58 In Euro. Revenue generated in the year 2008:113.808 BLN EUR. History. It was in 1930 when Ferdinand Porsche had just set up an automotive design company, which became known as the Porsche Buro in Germany. In the early 1930s the German car industrys made mostly luxury cars. In those days it was not possible for everyone to afford a car. An average German could afford nothing more than a motorcycle. In 1934, Ferdinand Porsche was commissioned to build a small inexpensive car at the request of Adolph Hitler. Hitler required a basic vehicle capable of transporting two adults and three children at 100km/h (62mph). And this car would be available at the price of a motorcycle. By then an already famed engineer, Porsche was the designer of the Mercedes 170H, and worked at Steyr for quite some time in the late 1920s. He landed two separate Auto fà ¼r Jedermann (car for everybody) projects with NSU and Zà ¼ndapp, both motorcycle manufacturers. Neither project come to fruition, stalling at prototype phase, but the basic concept remained in Porsches mind time enough, so on 22 June 1934, Dr. Ferdinand Porsche agreed to create the Peoples Car for Hitler. Changes included better fuel efficiency, reliability, ease of use, and economically efficient repairs and parts. The intention was that ordinary Europeans would buy the car by means of a savings scheme, which around 336,000 people eventually paid into. Volkswagen honoured its savings agreements in West Germany after World War II. Prototypes of the car called the KdF-Wagen appeared from 1936 onwards. The car already had its distinctive round shape and air-cooled, flat-four, rear-mounted engine. The VW car was just one of many KdF programs which included things such as tours and outings. The prefix Volks- (Peoples) was not just applied to cars, but also to other products in Europe; the Volksempfà ¤nger radio receiver for instance. On 28 May 1937, the Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung des Deutschen Volkswagens mbH was established by the Deutsche Arbeitsfront. It was later renamed Volkswagenwerk GmbH on 16 September 1938. Erwin Komenda, the longstanding Auto Union chief designer, developed the car body of the prototype, which was recognizably the Beetle known today. This let to the production of the car Beetle. Only a handful of cars had been produced before the 2nd WW started in 1939. Post war existence owed to a British major Ivan Hirst who took control of the bomb chattered factory. Hirst intended to dismantle the factory and ship it to Britain. No British car manufacturer was interested in the factory as it lacked the fundamental technical requirements of a motor car. The company survived by producing cars for the British army. Volkswagens were first exhibited and sold in the United States in 1949, but only sold two units in America that first year. On its entry to the, the VW was briefly sold as a Victory Wagon. Volkswagen of America was formed in April 1955 to standardize sales and service in the United States. Volkswagen advertisements became as popular as the car, using crisp layouts and witty copy to lure the younger, sophisticated consumers with whom the car became associated. Even though it was almost universally known as the Beetle (or the Bug), it was never officially labeled as such by the manufacturer, instead referred to as the Type 1. The first reference to the name Beetle occurred in U.S. advertising in 1968. Although the car was becoming outdated, during the 1960s and early 1970s, American exports, innovative advertising, and a growing reputation for reliability helped production figures surpass the levels of the previous record holder, the Ford Model T. On February 17, 1972 the 15,007,034th Beetle was sold. Volkswagen could now claim the world production record for the most-produced, single make of car in history. By 1973, total production was over 16 million. VW expanded its product line in 1961 with the introduction of several Type 3 models, which were essentially body style variations based on Type 1 mechanical underpinnings, and again in 1969 with the larger Type 4. These differed substantially from previous vehicles, with the notable introduction of monocoque/unibody construction, the option of a fully automatic transmission, electronic fuel injection, and a sturdier powerplant. In 1964, Volkswagen succeeded in purchasing Auto Union, and in 1969, NSU Motorenwerke AG (NSU). The former company owned the historic Audi brand, which had disappeared after the Second World War. VW ultimately merged Auto Union and NSU to create the modern day Audi company, and would go on to develop it as its luxury vehicle marque. However, the purchase of Auto Union and NSU proved to be a pivotal point in Volkswagens history, as both companies yielded the technological expertise that proved necessary for VW to survive when demand for its air-cooled models we nt into terminal decline as the 1970s dawned. Volkswagen was in serious trouble by 1973. The Type 3 and Type 4 models had sold in much smaller numbers than the Beetle and the NSU-based K70 also failed to woo buyers. Beetle sales had started to decline rapidly in European and North American markets. The company knew that Beetle production had to end one day, but the conundrum of replacing it had been a never-ending nightmare. VWs ownership of Audi / Auto Union proved to be the key to the problem with its expertise in front-wheel drive, and water-cooled engines which Volkswagen so desperately needed to produce a credible Beetle successor. Audi influences paved the way for this new generation of Volkswagens, known as the Polo, Golf and Passat. Companys mission statement. Provide a quality product. Create a safe environment. Enhance productivity. Eco Friendliness. Volkswagen projects. Engineers at Volkswagen are constantly working to produce cars that offer great performance with better fuel economy and fewer harmful emissions. It is involved in developing Resource efficient vehicles such as its BlueMotion models, researching into alternative powertrain technologies and in supporting projects for environmentally sound driving. Golf BlueMotion SE for example, is currently one of the most fuel efficient cars of it class, with CO2 emissions of just 107g/km. Volkswagen was one of the first companies to become a member of the Business and Biodiversity Initiative in February. They use recycled and recyclable materials where possible and the most environmentally friendly construction techniques. They are constantly working on developing fuel efficient vehicles which have minimum impact on the environment. The company engages in a multitude of projects relating to biotopes, the environment and protection of the species, and supports research programs. Marketing Strategy. Volkswagen uses double marketing to position its brand. Double Marketing is NOT stuffing multiple messages into one campaign. Its running multiple campaigns on different messages concurrently.Coke was the only company that typically tried this, because of their huge marketing budget by engaging different ad agencies and pitting them against each other. Many times they would run different ad campaigns at exactly the same time. This is close to Double Marketing, but the campaigns didnt really work together. In the span of the last few months, they have launched the edgy Unpimp my ride campaign about design, control and the obeying your fast for the GTI as well as the safe happens jarring TV ad spots for the Jetta. Companys major emphasis is on easier availability of its products. And to make that possible it has 44 production sites all over the world. Its major marketing strategy is branding its products into different segments of production lines. Its brands go from Skoda (economically priced family vehicles) to Rolls Royce. Use of Latest Technology. Blueprinting is the latest technology used by Volkswagen. Blueprinting is the exact science of engine rebuilding. The careful measuring, fitting, and balancing done during the blueprinting process creates an engine that returns improved performance, fuel economy, and dependability. The engine becomes, in essence, brand new. Engine blueprinting is the process of setting every tolerance in the engine to its optimum value. Volkswagen also uses recycled and recyclable materials where possible and the most environmentally friendly construction techniques. Volkswagens Competitors. Ford, Toyota, Mercedes and General Motors are the major competitors. Out of which Volkswagen claims that Toyota is its major competitors. Company Sales Revenue(Year 2008) Loss (%) General Motors $148,979Billion 8% Ford $146277Billion 11% Mercedes $23.8Billion 7% Toyota $204352Billion 8% Volkswagen made a profit of about 1.2 Billion in the year 2008. Their sales revenue was 113.808 BLN EUR. SWOT Analysis. Volkswagen AG Strengths Strong Market Share Strong RD Activities Strong Brand Equity Geographic Diversification Strong Growth Prospects Volkswagen AG Weakness Limited Liquidity Position Declining Market Share in Sector Volkswagen AG Opportunities Strategic Alliances Demand for Fuel Efficient and Hybrid Vehicles Growth Opportunities in Emerging Markets Volkswagen AG Threats Intense Competition Global Economic Slow Down Stricter Emission Standards Conclusion. Volkswagen is successful mainly because of manufacturing automobile parts, rather than waiting for the manufacture of a new car and launching it. Most of the major brands that they own were purchased by them. People were to some extent aware of those brands. But they did not hold much bigger market value. REFERENCES: Volkswagen Chronicle Volkswagen Beetle History 1938 to 2003 Volkswagens American assembly plant Corporate information snapshots IBISWorld . Institute for Sustainability and Technology Polic
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Mediatization of Politics in Western Democracies Essay example --
This growing influence of the mass media and changes in communication has led to the subordination of the power of other influential institutions in society. â€Å"This process is referred to as â€Å"mediatisation†and as a result of mediatisation institutions in society and society as a whole is shaped by and ultimately dependent on the mass media†(Mazzoleni and Schulz 1999: 247 – 261). This ultimately means a â€Å"media logic†has formed. In relation to politics the theory of mediatisation is extremely relevant as it is argued that the media shapes political campaigns and political figures. However others argue that the theory of mediatisation and the media has no influence over politics nor does it shape politics. Also that politics remains in control of political processes and functions. In this essay I plan to delve into these arguments to then come up with a conclusion to answer the question of whether there has actually been a â€Å"mediatisatio n†of politics. The first aspect of the mediatisation of politics is the degree to which the media constitutes to be the dominant source of information and channel of political information. This raises the question on whether the media is the main source of information for politics in society. The mass media in politics plays an important role in campaign strategies, communications and opinion polling. An election campaign involves many activities such as speeches, rallies, and press conferences and so on. It is the media which covers these activities and ultimately which political party is winning. This constant coverage of political affairs in the media shows that the media is the main source of communication for politicians in order for the public to find out what is happening in relation to po... ...rketing of Politics Oxford: Blackwells (Chapter 10) Lilleker, D., 2008, Key Concepts in Political Communications. SAGE London Negrine, R. (1996) Communication in the Future of Democracy, Cambridge: University Press Neil T Gavin (2009) Addressing climate change: a media perspective Environmental Politics, 18(5), 765-780 Plasser, F. And Plasser, G. (2002) Global political campaigning: a worldwide analysis of campaigning professionals and their practices_ Praeger Scammel, M. (1995) Designer Politics Basing stoke: Macmillian. (Chapter 8) Web referencing Gordon Brown: I will continue to use YouTube: PM says he will continue using YouTube because it is 'one of the most important mediums' after Tory MP Bill Cash congratulates Brown on his 'comedy turn' accessed 21 Nov. 2012 at:
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Jersey Boys Musical Review Essay
Jersey Boys is about the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons (Four Seasons) made extraordinary music under the genre of rock and pop. The story took place back in the 1950’s when the Four Seasons were just starting up. Location of the tale is in New Jersey. The purpose of Jersey boys is to tell a tale about the hardships that Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons went through to make their music and also other personal and emotional feelings that were endured by the band. I enjoyed the play because the story and music is very interesting, unique and entertaining. I have seen the play before in Las Vegas and I must say that the cast in Las Vegas was much better than the one I saw on Thursday night. The reason is because it went more in-depth with the story and also played every single hit that the band had made. Also, the singers in Las Vegas were much more professional and sounded better because the actor portraying Frankie Valli did not have such a high pitched voice as the one in Curran Theatre. My favorite composition from the band was Beggin because the tempo and beat was so fast-paced and it was impressive how the band had bright stage lights and fascinating dance moves. The music contained catchy rhythms and beats. Some notes would stretch out to make a nice vocal sound and some were just quick beats from the drums. The staging was very flashy because they had different stage lights with different colors for each part of the story. The costumes were very well suited. They actors wore fancy suits and some had a fancy top hot to match their costume. I thought the the whole play went fairly well and the audience seemed to really enjoy it. The music was pleasant and relaxing, the actors were spot on with no mistakes during the show and the crowd was very enthusiastic. The only part I had a slight problem about was the singer. His voice was way too high pitched and it didn’t go well as a cover for the original compositions. My overall opinion would be a 4 out of 5 (4/5) because some of the compositions were not performed well and the music wasn’t as smooth as the original compositions. The melody was virtuous which made the texture just as good. The rhythm was excellent along with the harmony but there were a few not so good structure of the music so to speak. Overall I enjoyed the music and performance. The great things about the music were stated in the paragraph above but there are a few negatives to the cast’s performance. Although they used the same ternary and binary forms for the pieces, something about the way they did it just didn’t go smoothly. I believe it was because of the tempo of the song. The tempo was slowed down a bit during some of the compositions. However I really enjoyed my time at the musical with my mom. She seemed to really enjoy it as well. She had the same insights as I did about the musical.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Theft Study
Research Design For the purpose of explaining why individuals participate in employee theft crimes, the researcher conducted a cross-sectional study over a period of four months. To select the target population the researcher requested a list of adult offenders convicted of larceny crimes in the Waterford County Courts as the target population. These offenders were sentenced to the Waterford County Office of Probation. Chief Probation Officer Joseph Wells provided the researcher with a list of 4,000 adult offenders convicted of misdemeanor larceny crimes within the past four years in Waterford County. They were sentenced to a period of supervised probation. For the purpose of this research study, employee theft, also known as internal theft is defined as, the unauthorized taking of money, merchandise or services from one’s employer. The term employee includes those working part-time, full-time and regular employees and managerial staff. As previously mentioned in the theoretical model, the researcher presented four independent variables that seek to explain why individuals are involved in employee theft crimes. Variable one, known as the lack of conventional values, summarized in the Social Bond theory by Travis Hirschi. Conventional values are recognized as the normal or acceptable behaviors recognized by law-abiding citizens. The absence or lack of these values makes and individual susceptible to committing criminal acts. Variable two is known as the negative influence of peers and summarized in principle three of Edwin Sutherland’s Differential Association theory. For this research study, the negative influence of peer s is recognized as pressure or compelling factors from one’s peers including co-workers to participate in employee theft crimes despite the possibility of apprehension and punishment. The lack of management supervision, variable three, is recognized as the absence of adequate internal controls in the form ... Free Essays on Theft Study Free Essays on Theft Study Research Design For the purpose of explaining why individuals participate in employee theft crimes, the researcher conducted a cross-sectional study over a period of four months. To select the target population the researcher requested a list of adult offenders convicted of larceny crimes in the Waterford County Courts as the target population. These offenders were sentenced to the Waterford County Office of Probation. Chief Probation Officer Joseph Wells provided the researcher with a list of 4,000 adult offenders convicted of misdemeanor larceny crimes within the past four years in Waterford County. They were sentenced to a period of supervised probation. For the purpose of this research study, employee theft, also known as internal theft is defined as, the unauthorized taking of money, merchandise or services from one’s employer. The term employee includes those working part-time, full-time and regular employees and managerial staff. As previously mentioned in the theoretical model, the researcher presented four independent variables that seek to explain why individuals are involved in employee theft crimes. Variable one, known as the lack of conventional values, summarized in the Social Bond theory by Travis Hirschi. Conventional values are recognized as the normal or acceptable behaviors recognized by law-abiding citizens. The absence or lack of these values makes and individual susceptible to committing criminal acts. Variable two is known as the negative influence of peers and summarized in principle three of Edwin Sutherland’s Differential Association theory. For this research study, the negative influence of peer s is recognized as pressure or compelling factors from one’s peers including co-workers to participate in employee theft crimes despite the possibility of apprehension and punishment. The lack of management supervision, variable three, is recognized as the absence of adequate internal controls in the form ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The women empowerment campaign in India
The women empowerment campaign in India Introduction There are different types or forms of marketing strategies that organizations may adopt, for instance, campaigns among others. The campaign is one of the most common marketing strategies adopted by service provider organizations around the globe. Reaching the target group within a short time is easy through campaigns. Campaigns enable organizations and companies to easily reach the target groups within a short time, and using reasonable resources. This is a campaign audit on the women empowerment in India.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The women empowerment campaign in India specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Situational analysis Campaign audit Auditing of campaigns is one of the elements of effective management. It is the duty of the management team to audit campaigns. Campaigns are audited to ensure that the goals and objectives of the given campaign were achieved within the stated deadline during ini tiation and planning process. Different campaigns have different goals and objectives and time frame expected for their completion. This campaign was on women empowerment in India. India is one of the fastest developing countries around the globe. In most developing countries, such as India, women and girls are not given equal opportunities to realize their potential. Management is considered to be the highest rank or level in most organizations. The human resource team should provide fair ground for gender competition during recruitment and selection process (Snyder, 2002). It has clearly illustrated that woman empowerment cannot only be achieved in the job market, but through implementation of innovative ideas that can assist the company in achieving its goals and objectives too. Moreover, it has clearly indicated and illustrated that women can develop new business ideas that can contribute to increased economic activities. Additionally, the campaign was aimed at promoting gender equality by encouraging gender balance in all organizations and at all levels of management. The campaign encourages the human resource team to develop strategies that create fair recruitment and selection process. This is important for encouraging gender equality, which has also affected women empowerment in most developing countries (Melkote, 2002). Aims and objectives of strategy This campaign had as an objective women empowerment and gender equality promotion. Women are not able to take top management jobs in the economy because they are not honored professionally. This has killed their professional honor in the job market. Furthermore, education provision is not available to many women around the globe.Advertising Looking for report on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The male child is given priority in education in most developing countries around the globe, which has led to the gender education imbalance. However, this campaign aims at eliminating education imbalance, and promoting equal education provision among male and female children in the society, especially in developing countries (Atkins Freimuth, 2001). The campaign has designed a strategy to prove that women are equal to men, and girls should be given equal opportunities to learn. Education is the differentiating factor between men and women in the job market. The job market has a higher percentage of men in top management. Furthermore, a larger percentage of the working population is men. This can be controlled or addressed through the provision of education to women. Employers and organizations consider academic qualification during employment, which enables most men to land top management positions. This campaign will minimize women honor killing and encourage education provision among women to increase their chances of landing high profile jobs (Melkote, 2002). The population of men and women are not equal i n India. This is due to the increased abortion cases. Generally, most of the aborted fetuses are girls. Girls are aborted by most women in India due to the discrimination that women and girls are facing. This has led to unwillingness to give birth to a girl child, as a girl is considered to be a financial burden to the family. A female child should be given equal opportunity to live like a male child. The large number of men in India has also intensified the women discrimination in the country. However, this campaign promotes gender equality and women empowerment. This will enhances the status of female children in the country. Moreover, this will encourage women to give birth to girls due to equality and fairness between men and women. Additionally, this will discourage abortion of girl fetuses and will lead to increased girl child birth (, 2009). Lessons from previous and current activities implemented in terms of identity There are several avenues that campaigns can use e ffectively, for instance, social media and networking. Social media and network have led to successful implementation and completion of several organizational strategies. The target groups are easily reached within a short time at reasonable costs using social networking and media such as Facebook and Twitter among others.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The women empowerment campaign in India specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This strategy is easily implemented as people spend most of their free time on social sites. The campaign on social network and media was successfully launched and implemented. Social network and media have also enabled other companies and organizations to market their goods and services to the target groups using network and Internet services. Moreover, it is easy to receive direct and reliable feedback from customers and target groups through social networks and media because it allows marke ters to deal with customers, clients and target individuals at an individual level. It also enables effective and appropriate response to individual inquiry, which leads to improved operations and implementation of strategies. Social network and media have also enabled several organizations to achieve their goals and objectives within the stated deadline. Additionally, the campaign also benefited from social networking and media, which leads us to a conclusion that social network and media should be used to attract attention of people to the issues of women rights and equality in the developing countries, due to the number of people using social networking, and media for marketing, and searching information about different goods and services (Atkins Freimuth, 2001). Target audience The decision of an audience depends on the nature of marketing and intended purpose of a campaign. This campaign intends to encourage women empowerment around the globe. There are certain age groups that may not take keen interest in women empowerment because they do not understand the reasons for such a concern. This campaign should target mature women and men. This age group is appropriate because men and women above the age of 16 are well informed on the disadvantages of gender inequality. Moreover, it is at the age of 16 that individuals become exposed to global issues such as gender inequality because they become involved in the real world situation. In India, 16 years and above is considered a mature and adult age. This is an age range that individuals seek employment, and face the challenges such as gender inequality and unfair recruitment and selection processes. This issue must be addressed by mature men and women in the population because it spread and cultivated by mature men and women in the society. Therefore, the most appropriate age range that was targeted by the campaign is mature men and women. From the age of 16, most women and men experience the challenges of gen der inequality and the need for women empowerment. The highest population in India that seeks employment is at the age of 16 (Melkote, 2002). This is a challenge facing mature men and women, and should be addressed to reduce the increased number of girl fetuses’ abortions and discrimination of women in the work places and the society at large. The target group should therefore encourage fairness to enable realization of the goals and objectives of the campaign.Advertising Looking for report on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More What the target group should think and feel Women should be able to defend their right for education. In the recent past, education has been considered a basic need around the globe. This is due to the increased need for education and literacy level experienced around the globe. Furthermore, educated individuals have the right to earn employment positions that they qualify despite of their gender. However, gender balance is not considered in most developing countries during the selection and recruitment process. There are certain employment positions, especially top management that are considered male positions hence women cannot be considered for them. Generally, women are not considered for such positions due to the number of highly qualified male employees in the job market. However, the campaign has an objective of ensuring that women feel equal and has the right to employment and education. This can be achieved by ensuring that women are educated and attain the required educati on experience and qualification for different management positions in the job market. Therefore, the campaign aims at ensuring that women have the right to work and education. Right to work can be exploited if the right to education is granted. Furthermore, right to education can be enjoyed by women if gender equality is considered around the globe, especially among developing states because this is one of the major challenges facing these countries (Snyder, 2002). Gender inequality is a serious challenge in some developing states, for instance, India. In countries such as India, women face discrimination to an extent that they face death threats due to their gender. This has also led to unwillingness to give birth to a girl child in such states and increased girl fetus abortion. Unequal treatment among women is a serious challenge among developing states that must be addressed to ensure fairness and equality. Developed countries promote fairness and gender balance in the working en vironment and socially. This has led to the increased economic activities and developments among such states. On the other hand, gender inequality and discrimination among women have contributed to underdevelopment and low quality of life or poor living standards because the potential of individuals is not fully exploited towards the development of the respective state or country. Women may be having the potential to make several changes in the economic policies and development, but not contribute as expected due to discrimination and gender inequality among developing countries. There are several significant contributions of women globally that have been realized in developing countries. However, developing countries are not able to realize the potential of women due to discrimination and gender inequality. Therefore, the target group should consider the global contributions of women in developed countries, and encourage gender equality to ensure they achieve their full potential (, 2009). Key messages Campaigns have themes that dominate the entire process. Organizations and individuals expect to achieve the main goal and objective of a campaign. Generally, a campaign is considered successful if the goals and objectives of the respective campaign are achieved within the stated deadline or time frame. This is a campaign for women empowerment. However, there are several goals and objectives that were intended to be achieved within a specific time to ensure women are empowered in developing states or countries. According to the strategy of the company, women are empowered if the following goals and objectives are achieved; Honor killing among women is eradicated or minimized. Women are given equal educational opportunities like en to gain required academic qualifications required in the job market. Girl fetus abortion is eradicated or reduced to give girls an equal opportunity to live like a boy child. Women are given equal opportunities to seek higher employment positions in the job market based on their academic qualification and work experience. Equality among men and women is encouraged and applied in the distribution of resources and mutual living in the society (Atkins Freimuth, 2001). If the above conditions are achieved and realized in the society of a developing state or country, then women empowerment can be realized. Although certain persons argue that there is no reason to empower women, especially in developing countries, there is a great need to ensure that women and men are equal in the society because they both have the potential to contribute to the development of states through improved policies and innovative thinking and implementation. Therefore, the main communication or message of the campaign is to empower women and promote gender equality. However, this can be achieved by ensuring that women honor killing is eradicated or minimized, girl fetus abortion is decreased or eradicated to give girls equal oppor tunity to live just like boys, women are given the opportunity to learn and enhance their academic qualification, and women are given equal opportunities during recruitment and selection process. This will ensure equality between women and men in the society (, 2009). Theory, design identity Needs of the target audience Equality and women empowerment is a serious challenge in most developing states or countries. This has led to poor living standards and inability to realize the full potential of the population of a state. This campaign targets individuals from 16 years and above. There are several reasons why mature persons are the target group of the campaign. However, the factor that must be considered is the maturity of the target group. Women empowerment and gender equality is a global concern and a matter of great importance. Therefore, target group must mature to adequately understand the problem of gender inequality in the society, and especially among developing stat es. The following factors must be considered among the target group to ensure that the goals and objectives of the campaign are achieved within the stated deadline. Moreover, the campaign should be able to change the perception of the target group and advocate for women empowerment and gender equality (Coffman, 2002). The teenage society needs to understand that they need to get educated so they can have jobs. Education is a determinant factor in the job market because education level and qualification is considered during the recruitment and selection process. Human resource departments design jobs based on academic qualifications and working experience among others. Employees are hired considering their qualifications and organizational needs of the respective company. Women education meets opposition by the elders in most communities in developing countries. Elders in developing states should be enlightened on the importance of equality between boy and girl children to promote wo men empowerment and gender equality in the respective countries. The world is a part of the global ecosystem. Therefore, it should be balanced to ensure comfortable living. States or countries that have a higher population of men or women tend to face several challenges that hinder their ability to achieve their goals and objectives. Gender equity should be encouraged to enable population balance. There are certain countries with imbalanced population because the number of men is higher than that of women, for example, China. China boasts of high labor turnover currently due to the high GDP the country, and the percentage of the working population, which has a reduced dependency ratio. China expects low labor turnover in the near future due to the high number of men compared to women (Melkote, 2002). The main reason why girls are not allowed to attain education is because of the fear and perception of elders in the community that if a girl is going to work, she will not listen to he r family’s word which in turn can lead to honor killing to cleanse the family’s name. Hence, those particular societies need to be educated more. Respect is a virtue that is acquired individually and not based on gender. Furthermore, the people in Australia need to help with either having charities to raise money, or help set up an education system. Alternatively, they may help or assist by donating money (Gumucio-Dagron Tufte, 2006). What the target audience should be doing The target audience is expected to embrace women empowerment and encourage gender equality. There are several duties that the target audience, for instance, India and China are expected to do to ensure that the goals and objectives of the campaign are achieved within the stated deadline. The Indian community can see the awareness that is being created and they might change their perspective about women in general and in educational sector. Australians, however can go to India and help set up a sch ool to educate or try to find a way to raise awareness. Also, help by raising money or giving as little as $1 to help set up an educational system there (Atkins Freimuth, 2001). The benefits that the target audience will gain by changing their current behavior The target group or audience is expected to benefit from the campaign if they encourage women empowerment and gender equality. There are several advantages or benefits that the target audience will gain, for instance, end the imbalance in the population, end poverty because if women get an education they can get a job and provide for their homes which in turn will boost the country’s economy. Women can also start feeling safe (, 2009). The current beliefs and attitudes, and the barriers that must be overcome Women are not equal to men; hence they can’t work or get an education. Women that usually refuse arranged marriages are killed in the name of honor. Pregnant women get rid of female fetus because the y want a boy instead because in Indian tradition, the family of the bride usually pays for the wedding and her dowry, so they are seen as expensive to maintain. Nonetheless, there will be barriers that need to be overcome, as it is hard to change a society’s mind when they are so based on tradition because change is not always welcomed. Secondly, language barriers can create a problem in communicating and getting a point across. Lastly, cultural norms might clash with the way the problem is being approached (Gumucio-Dagron Tufte, 2006). Designing identity usage audit Communication channels to be used in the campaign The campaign targets a large audience that is distributed globally. The audience is large because there are several developing states around the globe. This will require an effective channel to reach the target audience and achieve the goals and objectives of the campaign. The communication channels that will be used for the campaign to ensure the target audience is reached are personal communication, television and internet sources such as Twitter, YouTube and Facebook (Gumucio-Dagron Tufte, 2006). Where the identity will be applied When designing a communication message, using of identity is important to ensure that the target audience is reached. A target audience is reached easily if they can identify with the message of the campaign. The target audience is India, therefore the identity will be applied in the name, and for example, India is known for its gold. This will enable the target audience to easily identify with the campaign and assist in the achievement of the goals and objectives of the campaign in the state (Gumucio-Dagron Tufte, 2006). Other brands that the campaign will identify to work under or with The channels that have been decided to be used in the campaign require brand to work with or under to ensure that the goals and objectives of the campaign are achieved within the stated deadline. Considering the chosen channe ls for the implementation of the campaign, the most appropriate channel to enhance the achievements of the goals and objectives of the campaign is social networking. Generally, social networking can be used effectively with the internet services such as Twitter, YouTube and Facebook to ensure that the goals and objectives of the campaign are achieved (Gumucio-Dagron Tufte, 2006). Message audit Key messages communicated by the campaign The main message of the campaign is promoting women empowerment and gender equality. There are several objectives that are designed to assist in effective communication of the main message of the campaign. The objectives that have been designed to aid in the communication of the main message are decreasing girl fetus abortion, providing equal education opportunities for girl children, providing equality in the recruitment and selection process and encouraging gender balance and equity. These assist in the communication for the need of empowering women and promoting gender equality, which is the main message of the campaign. Therefore, the main message that suits the entire campaign is education to promote equality (Atkins Freimuth, 2001). Logo creation Creation of a logo for the campaign will be important to ensure the target group easily access and identify the campaign online. There are several campaigns that have been launched globally to advocate for women empowerment and gender equality. These organizations work towards the achievement of the same goal but addresses different regions and audience around the globe. We intend to use channels such as internet, television and personal communication. This will require a logo to improve visibility and establish an identity in the global community. Creation of a logo is important to be easily identified because there may be other organizations with a similar name as our organization. The only way to differentiate our organization from others using the same name is a logo. After f urther consultations, we have decided to name our campaign Golden Justice. There are several reasons that led to the development of the name, Golden Justice (Snyder, 2002). Conclusion The main reason is consideration of the audience. Our main audience is India. India is globally known for its gold according to the message we have used to easily identify with the audience. Therefore, using the name Golden Justice implies or reflects gender equality or education for equality in India. The word golden is used to easily identify with the audience, while justice is used to identify with the theme of the campaign, educations for equality, and the goals and objectives of the campaign, which are encouraging gender equality and women empowerment among developing states. References Atkins, C., Freimuth, V. (2001). Formative Evaluation Research in Campaign Design. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Coffman, J. (2002). Public Communication Campaign Evaluation: An Environmental Scan of Challenge s, Criticisms, Practice and Opportunities. Cambridge: MA: Harvard Family Research Project. Gumucio-Dagron, A., Tufte, T. (2006). Communication for Social Change Anthology: Historical and Contemporary Readings. New Jersey: Communication for Social Change Consortium (CFSC). Melkote, S. R. (2002). Theories of Development Communication in Gudykunst. New Delhi: Sage Publications. Snyder, L. B. (2002). Development Communication Campaigns in Gudykunst. New Delhi: Sage Publications. (2009). About MDG: Basics, Goals, targets and Indicators. Web.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Mini Essay on how directors effectively use pathos to create a
Mini on how directors effectively use pathos to create a persuasive film - Essay Example The use pathos in the film is manifested across the film; the commentator interesting takes fast food literary while suggesting that fast food is not healthy. Certainly, this is a rhetorical twist that is compounded by sarcasm of the freedom to choose what to eat. The director of the film brings out the issues of failure to take personal initiative to control what they take. While option of exercising and dieting are open to the citizens, others rhetorically believe that the government should regulate fast food outlets. The use of overweight artists in the film that takes the fast foods throughout the film creates figurative creativity.The director uses visual stimuli to pass the message in total regard to the real acts of the participants of the film and eating habits. In addition, the message that obesity is one of the emerging public health concerns is overt. The fact that the commentator describes the physically fit persons in the film as skinny is an act of rhetoric and sarcasm to the fast food eaters. Rhetorically, a physically fit couple admits that they cannot do without fast foods. In an interview, with a parent a child is seen feeding on the fast food while the parents are not seen eating these foods. In addition, the use of pathos is evident in the film where one of the serving plates is written "mindless eating" certainly, this is the rhetorical presentation of this controversial topic. In addition, the author intention to present fast food eating as insensible eating is founded and compounded throughout the film sarcasm in images of obese persons. While eating fast, food appears unhealthy; the director presents craving of the food as the primary motivator to those who love this diet. Besides, the use of pathos better explains the irresponsible personal choices on the food while blaming food production firms. In addition, the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Employability and Personal Development Assignment - 1
Employability and Personal Development - Assignment Example The employee, if works efficiently under a concrete and esteemed employer, can expect promotions, pay increases and a decent pension to retire with. Traditionally, a career would comprise of similar jobs, like a cook, food caterer, and a hotel chef. An experience of jobs as diverse as a doctor, a designer, and a cook would not traditionally constitute of a career. The traditional theme also emphasizes on a career as a profession, which is perceived to belong to a higher socio-economic standard and gives greater independence. As such, lawyers and doctors fall as examples of traditional careers. The limitations of traditional careers, namely downscaling of the workforce by firms, declining mutual loyalty between the employers and the employed and rising job security evolved the nature of careers over the decades that help individuals adjust to the rising uncertainties of the working environment. Most common of this contemporary or modern perspective of careers is boundaryless careers. They operate beyond the hierarchical, social and industrial parameters, and are not linked to a central employment setting, and have a good degree of inter-organizational mobility. This is hence followed by people focusing on a global career. This is in contrast to a traditional career, which is highly immobile and where a single career path and organizational setting has to be adhered to. Also, a modern career requires individuals to be highly self-responsible in their career choices and determine career goals based o personal value, which is contrary to traditional careers where organization determines the career path to be followed. This evolutional in career opportunities mean that I have a wider range of choices available in modern careers with greater autonomy, despite employing the similar skills as could have been applied in a traditional career.
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