Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of The Poems My Heart - 1400 Words
Du 1 Mingxuan Du Marc Paltrineri Forms of Lit: Poetry 9/8/2016 The Poems in My Heart William Black divided his poems into three parts: Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience and The Book of Thel. Songs of Innocence was published in 1789 and Songs of Experience was published in 1794. From Songs of Innocence to Songs of Experience, William Black’s arduous journey of thought and writing which grew from a naive child state to an adult level. The Book of Thel is a good introduction to his more difficult prophetic books. I think these poems are belong to Free Verse because all of these poems are different from each other. Some are very long and others are short and many of them do not rhyme at all. Small parts of these poems belong to Sonnet, Quatrain and Sestina, etc. This poet falls in Neoclassicism. I think he does not work the same tendency. Because his poems are belong to Romanticism. He works like many other poets such as William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Lord Byron. I think the importance of this book is growt h, because the style of Songs of Innocence is very different from Songs of Experience, In Songs of Innocence, he showed us a vivacious, fresh and naivety childhood. In Songs of Experience, he showed us the gross social inequality. My final points are in both the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. WilliamShow MoreRelatedPoetry Analysis - I Carry Your Heart937 Words  | 4 PagesPoetry analysis I have chosen a poem by E. E. Cummings that’s called â€Å"I Carry Your Heart†. The reason why I have chosen this particular poem is because the first time I read it, I was completely absorbed by it. It described just how I feel about a special person. I love the way E. E. Cummings writes. 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